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Ok! If Vis Fatalis ok, we will do the same with ad victoriam, i will ask them and other guys from other guild(I know some guys). We will que if i find ppls from reps who wants to que together. Fight fire with fire.
Ad Vic did this in Pre Season Arenas. Ad Vic has done this with 8v8NWZ for a LONG time. What stopped you from trying to SyncQ in S1 and S2?:rolleyes: Please. I can think of countless matches in NWZ and many in PS/S1 where I saw 75% of the team being ad vic.

I can also remember when getting in 8v8 where you had.. 8 ad vic guys. Guess that was just a coincidence and you guys would never purposely do that.

Ad Vic has been less than honorable for a long time. So please HMW, go back to your little troll hole.

Edited by AnteJeebuz
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Ad Vic did this in Pre Season Arenas. Ad Vic has done this with 8v8NWZ for a LONG time. What stopped you from trying to SyncQ in S1 and S2?:rolleyes: Please. I can think of countless matches in NWZ and many in PS/S1 where I saw 75% of the team being ad vic.

I can also remember when getting in 8v8 where you had.. 8 ad vic guys. Guess that was just a coincidence and you guys would never purposely do that.

Ad Vic has been less than honorable for a long time. So please HMW, go back to your little troll hole.


Haha, this thread. And especially this reply. Its stealing my IQ. And yes, sometimes me and Deim tried to queue 8-man premade. And occasionally when we had 3 people online, sh*t got really real.


Also, I heard Vis Fatalis are sync queueing for Kuat Drive Yards, how f*cked up is that.

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Ok! If Vis Fatalis ok, we will do the same with ad victoriam, i will ask them and other guys from other guild(I know some guys). We will que if i find ppls from reps who wants to que together. Fight fire with fire.


few words from me


if you find reps from other guild , maybe you need just queue as group for group rankeds hehe

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SyncQ :eek: Last night I grouped up with 4 (!!!) other people. I played on my scroundrel, healing people. I mean that almost like cheating :confused: To top it off we Q'd with a tank as well, and as a result no one died. I was chocked! Is this allowed? The other 2 played normal derpsy derpsy. But that whole incident just made me feel a bit dirty :( I'm almost afraid to tell anyone else about this, since I don't want it to be an exploit. :o
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Yes the decision is taken BioWare, the majority of the Tomb Of Freedom Nadd EU-PVP English server players hereby agree to BAN all Vis Fatalis players from the game, and while you are on it do the same with Ad Victorian, and MVPs.



Oh No where is my PvP.... :eek:

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Yes the decision is taken BioWare, the majority of the Tomb Of Freedom Nadd EU-PVP English server players hereby agree to BAN all Vis Fatalis players from the game, and while you are on it do the same with Ad Victorian, and MVPs.



Oh No where is my PvP.... :eek:


Ohh well removing ad vic from the pvp scene would mean.... nothing. I haven't seen them for ages. Shame tho, was a nice bunch of ppl before disbanding and joining coral

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Ohh well removing ad vic from the pvp scene would mean.... nothing. I haven't seen them for ages. Shame tho, was a nice bunch of ppl before disbanding and joining coral


Yes AV part.1 was among best PvP Guild Republic side on this server I agree with that, and I mean for the community and the nice games, and the fun which existed in the guild.


Part.2 better not go into that.... ;)


For the now they have a few players going around each day, and they run a few premades I meet day in day out. But if you want to do a fast normal WZs daily you better avoid them like the plague cause you will get 70% chance of loss.

The opposite of what AV was in my times, but anyways times change and Giuld names nowadays do not have any meaning.

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I am happy that we have been able to keep this small camp fire burning for that long.


Well i am not. I feel the half of the stuff that has been said in this thread is true and half have made a lot of unnecessary commotions.


People don’t understand how this system is so weak and cant grasp that we have bigger advantage because we have ts and alot of our player base do SR.


People dont understand that we queue when we queue late night, morning, evening u name it.


People dont understand that its a higher chance to face 4 random vis fatlis player vs rep side then impside


People dont understand even if we have a guildie on the opposite side we do everything we can to win we care about our own rating as well on alt or main


What i think we all do understand is Vis Fatlis is breaking the system making it unbalance and unfair to so many with a lot of us in queue


solution? Why not make Strong PvP guild yourself find good player's u enjoy to play with and u will have the same advantage, there is no science. its simple. dont be shy and anti social.


What i think we all understand is that when we are not there and half of us gone and jumping to Wildstar its time for u nonfactors to shine so hurray get your rating now while u still can.


People dont understand we dont have anything better to do then playing competitive and SR is the closes we can get besides GR and GR doesn’t pop often anymore verry few dears to queue. or we have a bad schedule.


Thats hopfully one of my final words here. if there is someone that wants a proper and civil question/discussion to ask me do it here msg ingame what every il try to give a proper answers.

Behalf of my self and the guild apologies if we have ruin your chances of success by stacking up against u all un purpose. The lack of X-Server, Lack of team rank teams and lack of strong pvp guild queue for Yolo queue proves that casuals suffers greatly but i believe the future if it still stand u will not see much of us queue for SR if it still stand. Hopefully. So less QQ pls and look for your bright futhure.

Edited by KalElc
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What i think we all understand is that when we are not there and half of us gone and jumping to Wildstar its time for u nonfactors to shine so hurray get your rating now while u still can.



*munching pop corn* PVP hero time!

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This thread lacks some evidence, so let's bring it.


Nuff said. This is pathetic.

Sent to CS but they prolly won't do anything. I hope you won't get your rating rewards, still.


Hey sir. Let me remind of the topic


What about players who “sync queue” to specifically play each other, AKA match fixing?

This is an issue which is again due to the amount of players in the queue. If a group of 8 players wanted to fix the queue to play against each other, they may be able to do so at some weird “off time” for their server. However, we have systems in place to detect these types of actions and when Season 1 ends, those players will find themselves without any rewards at all.


I hope you guys get stuffed..!

*specifically play each other, AKA match fixing?* that wasent even close so





now i have lifted that out of my chest.

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"What i think we all understand is that when we are not there and half of us gone and jumping to Wildstar its time for u nonfactors to shine so hurray get your rating now while u still can.


People dont understand we dont have anything better to do then playing competitive and SR is the closes we can get besides GR and GR doesn’t pop often anymore verry few dears to queue. or we have a bad schedule."


Where is all this hate come from? I could care less about this whining of some people here claiming you syncQ, I don't care, it is part of the game. But let me say one thing: GR is popping often, at least from 8pm till 1am, we faced a lot of teams multiple times in the past months: Roudy;s, Osdo's, BOHICA, MVPs with 2 teams, Larc en ciel, Parasite, This game hates us, Sponsored by Karagga, Rebel Dream, etc etc etc. But we only faced you guys 3 times, last being like a week ago on orbital (2:1 to you I think).

There was a time when we sat in queue for 30 mins without pop yes, then guess what - I queue solo and face you, drez, and 1 other vis fatalis member there - I even asked in say Y NO GROUP? You answered not the right ppl or something like that. I understand that you have PVEers but I seriously doubt there wasnt a 4th player in VF who you could have grabbed and play GR so we nonfactors could have played there. My guild has around 4-8 online ppl during the nights and we are sitting in the group queue for hours even if our main players are not here, if I need to I can heal, someone else can tank in mostly DPS gear etc... yes we get facerolled by top teams this way but we are practicing and getting comms to get dps and tank gear, and having fun, learning new tactics etc. I see the same for MVPs, if they have enough they queue.


Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming you, its your money, you play whatever you want. But coming here and stating there are no pops and calling ppl nonfactors is funny and then same time competing in SQ. So yes, you have better to do, you just dont want to do it I think, cause in my opinion you want to queue with Silma, Naheer and Azid, an other compositon might be a risk to the rating.

As I said, its up to you, you time and money - but its not someone else's fault. Also I have to admit there is a slight chance that your rating is above the sky and ours (around 1200-1300) is way below that and you queue often we just dont get rolled together, but since we faced Roudy's team and MVPs more then I can count I think the chance for this is pretty low.


Please no hate, I didn't want to flame or blame you, just trying to argue and give you my point of view. I will hear out other's POV as well.

Edited by NightBOI
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@ NightBOI - I will come with full story. I can play GR most of the time to be more exact i prefer to, but on my marauder i prefer to use it on Main setup and players, i have tested players class setups in preseason as well and come to conclusion if im /we are serous about getting rating and be competitive i made a standard / basic stuff that time we don't go half attempts like taking players we dont know, not good enough for gr or class not viable unless they are exceptional something we dot have in our guild.


Im pretty sure that day our healer had to go we had no backup operative healer online, we probably had one sorc to heal us but that's like ..well. (We dont have exceptional healer for a unperformed class such as Nhilas With all respect to him for being the best Mando out there ).


In time to time we or i tried with another setup with alt for fun or trying stuff out so we haven't been sitting there. reason for we been inactive GR was lack if interest of key players. I cant do much about it can i. only me quin yesterday as we queued around 7-8 PM GMT time and it was like one pop out of 30 min and yeah again lack of interest of one or 2 player decide to stop and we had no backups online to try get some place again. like i said we might queue in bad days and time i think as its not often we are able to get our ***** together and play much as i wish we could and try to redo as we did in s1.


think u catch my drift. To clerefy it now the hate is not directed to you. its to players out there that has been vocal.

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Quote: Originally Posted by KalElc

when we are not there and half of us gone and jumping to Wildstar its time for u nonfactors to shine so hurray get your rating now while u still can.


I must admit I cringed a little that the nonfactor bomb was dropped. I never expected this form of elitism from fellow Vis Fatalis members.

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