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Costume Tabs Please.


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The tabs he is refering to is purly cosmetic. Games like DCUO have it. You have gear that have stats on it but the "look" never changes. Its almost like how this game is just no credit sinks. BW already stated they wanted it this way because it is a way to control credits but at the same time credits are easy to come by.


At the top you really do not need it. Most items are obtained by grind. Pve gear is grinded an limited due to lockouts and PvP is more of a grind the Pve. Imo only thing to really send creds on in this game is CM items that is a resale from players or consumables.

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That is sort of like asking for a bus stop on your block, when you have a brand new truck you drive to work.


I get a great deal of enjoyment putting my characters into costume. Currently my sentinel is doing a bang-up tinkerbell impression :)


I don't think you understand what costume tabs are. They are appearance tabs that let you display one set of armor while still gaining the stats of a different set. Blues, greens, grays, wouldn't matter - they can all be put in costume slots without changing your augmented Dread Forged gear. And if you have multiple tabs, changing looks is as simple as selecting a different costume from a popup menu.

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I don't think you understand what costume tabs are. They are appearance tabs that let you display one set of armor while still gaining the stats of a different set. Blues, greens, grays, wouldn't matter - they can all be put in costume slots without changing your augmented Dread Forged gear. And if you have multiple tabs, changing looks is as simple as selecting a different costume from a popup menu.


Perhaps. I see no difference in plopping my mods in a different shell.


Could just be the old man in me frowning at the twitter generation. I don't need a one-click to do something I have always been able to do.


I really don't think (nor personally hope for) that sort of functionality would be put in game. It would take away a huge time/credit/cartel coin sink. I really enjoy suiting my characters up - it gets me making up all sorts of crazy stories that make my wife laugh when I explain why my juggernaut is running around in his. jammies and taking a taxi everywhere.

Edited by TangledDruid
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*cough* WS *cough* 4 tabs *cough* at launch *cough*




that's great. WoW has their own version. EQ2 has for awhile. So do many other (most) MMO's.


that and they have nothing to do with this because it's not SWTOR.


And I'll worry about what WS has or doesn't have as soon as it looks like something other than garbage. Or somehow turns into SWTOR.


If you're thick, basically what I'm saying is...So what if WS has it? SWTOR doesn't. SWTOR should. I don't care if WS has it because I'm not interested in WS in the slightest. If all I wanted was some random MMO with an appearance/costume tab..there's a couple dozen out there already..some of which are much better games than SWTOR...however they lack Lightsabers. So they're irrelevant.

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If you're thick, basically what I'm saying is...So what if WS has it? SWTOR doesn't. SWTOR should.


Uh, not sure why you're attacking me. I completely agree with you (aside from that I AM interested in WS), and simply pointing out that the competition has this to support the idea that Bioware should strongly consider adding it.

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The differences are:


- It's free

- It supports "wearing" any class of armor you like, not just custom (orange) gear.


And therein is the problem. If limited to orange and CM gear, it would work out for EA/BW.


If all of a sudden you could viably use all the great green and blue gear in the game, there would be less of a need for CM armor as well as dyes.


I would really be for a few tab options, though, and I'm sure BW can figure out a way to introduce them without making CM armors less appealing. If anything, I would use them more if it weren't for the cost of augmenting and switching mods.


At the moment, I basically pick a look for a given character and stick with it, due to the augment and extraction costs. Some players go beyond this and don't even care what their character looks like with legacy gear.


In short, it would be in BW's interest to have appearance tabs, within certain limitations. I really doubt pulling mods at 55 for the purpose of different looks on the fly is a huge credit sink.


Maybe it taxes the engine too much to have everyone running around with multiple appearances?

Edited by arunav
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That is a good point arunav.


I myself would be ok if the appearance tab slots could only accept orange and/or CM gear, if that was what it took to make it financially viable for EA. It would still be better than having no tab at all, and most of the costume pieces I'd want to wear are CM anyway.


To the person above questioning why it is needed: yes, orange gear lets you choose your look. Your look, singular. I would love to be able to change different costumes, and actually *play* PVE and PVP in them, without the cost and time and nuisance hassle of pulling out all the mods.


Under the current system, yes I can choose my one look. But realistically it is only one look. It is too prohibitive to have multiple looks.


Which is really, really missing the financial boat for BW/EA. If we could have easily switched multiple costumes, we'd have much more reason to buy more CM gear. Right now they are losing revenue by restricting us to just one working look.

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It never ceases to amaze me how some folks take it upon themselves to disparage something that others want even if it would not effect them in any way. All I want is to be able to wear various sets I pick up along the way that look great but are only briefly useful while retaining the stats of armor sets I've worked long and hard to augment and build. Why is that hard to understand?


As far as effecting the game economy and all that... it would not only make the GTN more lively, but BW would make a pretty penny selling tabs and purely decorative sets.


I meant this post as a statement and not a suggestion. :D

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Why do you think you cant do that right now? I do.





This is pretty much the only reason I replied again. Self absorbed, spoiled children who cant be bothered to take 5 seconds and survey the world around them before stamping their feet and saying "I want"


The threads you should be starting are requests for adaptive versions of the cool looking lower level armors.


you wear green gear that dropped on nar shadaa once you hit level 55? really? that must make you a lot of fun to be with on raids. and do you really feel the need to call people names? we will see if moderation on the forums is fair and evenly applied.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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The threads you should be starting are requests for adaptive versions of the cool looking lower level armors.

you wear green gear that dropped on nar shadaa once you hit level 55? really? that must make you a lot of fun to be with on raids. and do you really feel the need to call people names? we will see if moderation on the forums is fair and evenly applied.

You quoted it, so you must have read it....


You win, I can't compete with this level of awareness. I have un subbed from the thread.


I really don't think we will be seeing costume tabs, as a method of dressing up is in the game now. I have given up trying to explain why I think this way, as it seems to be akin to herding cats.

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An easier and more profitable solution would be to sell an item on Cartel Market that allows you to turn any existing armor piece into orange gear. That way they're not having to create a bunch of new UI stuff, toggles, etc.


They could then add all the existing armor sets in the Collections tab and pay to unlock X armor set across your legacy/account just like any other cartel items. You would have to adapt an entire set of armor before it unlocks though.


Charge 100 CC for this item. Something that seems like a small amount for any one piece of armor, but the cost would really stack up once you're doing it for multiple sets of armor for you and your companions.

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Costume tabs (multiple) please. That is all.


Just beating a dead bantha asking. I have had threads and many others but you know BW if they cant make a buck they wont do it. As much as most of us hate having all these new armor pieces and having to re-mod, BW just don't care. How easy would it be to make a 1 piece outfit to just put over your armor? they can still sell it and add it into packs. I guess they just don't know how to code it, that seems to be a big reason we don't see a lot of stuff other games have.

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I'm much more interested in an armory where a set of equipment can be designated "PvE", a set designated "PvP", and a set could be designated "Fleet/Social" or whatever you wanted and then with the click of one button all your gear would swap instead of doing it piecemeal. FFXIV has this and it is brilliant.
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I'm not terribly motivated by the idea, but I'm not really opposed either. I just have a few concerns:


1) It erodes the nature of modable gear. Modable gear is designed to give you a choice of appearance. This would add another --potentially redundant-- level of customization. (Yes, I understand that's the idea, but hopefully the supporters can see the redundancy)


2) The cost of shifting mods is one of notable credit sinks in the game. Yes, players hate credit sinks, because they want to be rich and buy everything, but credit sinks against end game players helps regulate the economy and dampens some of the wealth gap for new players.


Still, I understand that people want this, and I'd rather try to find a good solution than to blindly say "Yes, do it just like that other game" or "No, never do this". So, how about this:


Instead of adding an Appearance Tab, add an Appearance Slot. Like Dye Slots, modable gear would have an appearance slot, where you could insert another item of the same type. When slotted, the gear takes on the appearance of the item in the slot. Gear can be removed from the slot without destroying it.. To offset the credit sink, make players pay a slot fee which scales with the rating of the mods in the item.


This gives people the ability to pick whatever appearance they want. It keeps modable gear as a worthwhile item and not just an empty shell that will be overridden. There is still a credit sink to skim credits off higher level characters, but lower level characters aren't overly taxed. It fits with the current UI. It provides a balance of customization and restriction, so that rules can be added or tweaked to adjust how it can be used.


... not that I expect Bioware to actually do this... or other players to like the idea, as they generally only favor ideas that give them everything they want with no restrictions, negatives, or cost. But I figured I'd share it anyway.

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I'm not terribly motivated by the idea, but I'm not really opposed either. I just have a few concerns:


1) It erodes the nature of modable gear. Modable gear is designed to give you a choice of appearance. This would add another --potentially redundant-- level of customization. (Yes, I understand that's the idea, but hopefully the supporters can see the redundancy)


2) The cost of shifting mods is one of notable credit sinks in the game. Yes, players hate credit sinks, because they want to be rich and buy everything, but credit sinks against end game players helps regulate the economy and dampens some of the wealth gap for new players.


Still, I understand that people want this, and I'd rather try to find a good solution than to blindly say "Yes, do it just like that other game" or "No, never do this". So, how about this:


Instead of adding an Appearance Tab, add an Appearance Slot. Like Dye Slots, modable gear would have an appearance slot, where you could insert another item of the same type. When slotted, the gear takes on the appearance of the item in the slot. Gear can be removed from the slot without destroying it.. To offset the credit sink, make players pay a slot fee which scales with the rating of the mods in the item.


This gives people the ability to pick whatever appearance they want. It keeps modable gear as a worthwhile item and not just an empty shell that will be overridden. There is still a credit sink to skim credits off higher level characters, but lower level characters aren't overly taxed. It fits with the current UI. It provides a balance of customization and restriction, so that rules can be added or tweaked to adjust how it can be used.


... not that I expect Bioware to actually do this... or other players to like the idea, as they generally only favor ideas that give them everything they want with no restrictions, negatives, or cost. But I figured I'd share it anyway.


1) no it doesn't. You still mod your gear specifically for your build. Tanks do this, healers do this, good DPS do this. The appearance tab system just allows you to wear other gear over what you use to customize for stats.


2) The appearance tab system can be created with a money sink in mind. How many people do you know that remod and reaugment all their gear because a new outfit just came out? How many people do you know that only do this once with Legacy Bound gear? The current system actually blocks people from using it due to the high cost per outfit change. If the a multiple smaller credit sinks were built into an appearance tab then that system would take out more money than the current system because everyone would use it from level 1 to end game.


A money sink which has costs so high that few people want to use it is not effective.

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that's great. WoW has their own version. EQ2 has for awhile. So do many other (most) MMO's.


that and they have nothing to do with this because it's not SWTOR.


And I'll worry about what WS has or doesn't have as soon as it looks like something other than garbage. Or somehow turns into SWTOR.


If you're thick, basically what I'm saying is...So what if WS has it? SWTOR doesn't. SWTOR should. I don't care if WS has it because I'm not interested in WS in the slightest. If all I wanted was some random MMO with an appearance/costume tab..there's a couple dozen out there already..some of which are much better games than SWTOR...however they lack Lightsabers. So they're irrelevant.


And if you represented 100% of the SWTOR population then there would be no reason for change. However, that is not the case. People buy products based on the features they like. For some, being able to change outfits without having to spend hundreds of thousands of credits may be a tipping point. If there is competition out there that has that feature and your product does not then you may lose customers because of it. Especially when it is something as standard as being able to change your look easily and at low cost.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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