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The point of the FAQ?


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I know you were being sarcastic, but PvP is the easiest freaking thing to incentivize in an MMO...players are 99% of the freaking content. ONE day of reading these forums and they'd be able to come up with 20 different easy to implement ideas that would encourage PvP.


You need a brain in your head for that. I seriously wanna meet the people who make the game at this point. I'd like to hear their reasoning on...just about anything. i'd like to see what they look like and figure out how they got their jobs. Im serious. I dont understand how people SO INCREDIBLY apathetic to the wants of their players are still working there. Is this game on autopilot where EA threw the bottom of the barrel people in here to just keep it running or are the devs being hamstrung by people higher up who dont read or care what we want.


Im honestly very curious.


Then to voluntarily put out a faq like that...I DO NOT UNDERSTAND your logic....

If you guys want new jobs or for the game to be over just pull the plug this weird slow milk everything death is awful and insulting to your customer base.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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You need a brain in your head for that. I seriously wanna meet the people who make the game at this point. I'd like to hear their reasoning on...just about anything. i'd like to see what they look like and figure out how they got their jobs. Im serious. I dont understand how people SO INCREDIBLY apathetic to the wants of their players are still working there. Is this game on autopilot where EA threw the bottom of the barrel people in here to just keep it running or are the devs being hamstrung by people higher up who dont read or care what we want.


Im honestly very curious.


Then to voluntarily put out a faq like that...I DO NOT UNDERSTAND your logic....

If you guys want new jobs or for the game to be over just pull the plug this weird slow milk everything death is awful and insulting to your customer base.


Simple answer - money and shareholders. They found a way to make this game profitable after it started to tank after with the cc market. This game had a significant amount of investment and the shareholders will expect a significant return in the short-term which I am guessing the cartel market is doing. First and foremost this game is a business that needs to be profitable. It is not just a case of giving us what we want, it is a case of doing what is profitable.


Fact of the matter is and as much as i am disappointed this game does not really have a large, hardcore competitive pvp player-base anymore, its arguable that it ever did. Some of the decisions that the devs have made have driven players away from pvp, and if you want to be honest (although there are some excellent players in this game) most of the people that are top of this game have to face the fact there is little competition anyway. It is a small amount of people on each server and lots of average and newbie players that just are not that interested in being competitive or learning to be that way. This is why we have things such as the bolster farce, this is why forums are filled with complaining about grouping, hacking, cheating etc. The game has gotten more casual over time, and instead of taking the gamble and investing in the potential of pvp they would rather add easy cc stuff and go with the whole dress up barbie, housing etc that they know a large portion of star wars fans will like and they can make a steady safe income from.


This faq does nothing but confirm what I already suspected, at least now they are not going to bs and dangle this in the near future we may bring 8v8 ranked back stuff anymore. What they are basically saying is, this game is not going to be designed around a handful of loyal pvp players (in the grand scheme of things) that played it as it was intended, its not worth the investment and instead they will just make cc stuff that will keep the bejamins rolling in. Shareholders, come first unfortunately. It is a real shame, but kind of inevitable I guess.


I spent a lot of money on this game, and I do enjoy it (the pvp), I do feel it is wasted potential but I can totally understand why they are doing what they are doing because this is how business works unfortunately. But i can also understand loyal, and dedicated pvpers reaction to the faq, and i dont blame people if they are pissed off either.


That is what I read into it anyway.

Edited by PloGreen
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I get that^


But I cant help feeling like they would make way more money with just a little bit of effort, not just into PVP but in general also. Most likely they do not have the approval to do anything good and just have to keep making recolors as they are told. Sucks. I guess I have been harsh then but the anger is simply misdirected.

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The vast majority of the developer's efforts were dedicated to creating class missions. Admittedly the vast majority are wonderful but unless you want to create numerous alts they add no replay value. Sure you can run ops and flashpoints but nothing beats the thrill of good PvP. Someone said that Bioware's road map for PvP is a blank sheet of paper. I have to concur. Why has Bioware not provided details of said road map?


I appreciate the honesty is telling subscribers that their best hopes for PvP will not be implemented - folks can just unsub. However to then spend your time in creating content no-one asked for in its place, well that just really takes the biscuit!

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I dont understand how people SO INCREDIBLY apathetic to the wants of their players are still working there. Is this game on autopilot where EA threw the bottom of the barrel people in here to just keep it running or are the devs being hamstrung by people higher up who dont read or care what we want.


I disagree that BW was apathetic in regard to the PvP community. The fact of the matter is that BW tried to do PvP right. They just bungled the implementation at every turn:


BW tried to do OPvP with Ilum...but failed miserably.

They tried to do Ranked PvP...but failed miserably.

They tried to eliminate the gear gap...but failed miserably.

They tried to do Arenas...but failed miserably.


BW is still churning out new content for PvP and still has a dedicated staff for it. However, it is clear that they are just giving up on the competitive endgame component. It truly is Casual PvP from here on out.


So BW did try to do PvP right. That much I give them credit for and is why I have continued to pay a sub since launch. However, in a do or do not world, trying doesn't amount to much in the end.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Thing is...the FAQ didn't really say anything most of the PvP community didn't already know. I'm surprised if there is any rage tbh. All the truly hardcore PvPers have long since left this game already. The only people still sticking around are the Star Wars fans.


I mean, really, does anyone PvPing in this game do so because the PvP is unbelievable? lol


Exactly, the only people mad are the ones in denial. It's final closure for the people who spent all their time in here complaining and threatening to leave.


It's like when you go o a few dates with a girl then after months of silence you see her holding hands with another guy. You can wallow in self denial and keep begging her to see you or man up and learn to live with it.


The FAQ was the girl saying "Listen, it's over. Quit calling me and threatening to kill yourself if I don't spend time with you. It creepy, annoying, and it makes me want to be with you less."


Now those of us who can deal with it can make a rapport with the Devs suggesting game improvements that consist of something more than just "Cross Server queues! Get rid of bolster! Add new content but don't add new armor or new maps! Do it now or I'll delete myself!"

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Now those of us who can deal with it can make a rapport with the Devs suggesting game improvements that consist of something more than just "Cross Server queues! Get rid of bolster! Add new content but don't add new armor or new maps! Do it now or I'll delete myself!"


Go on then. Start the ball rolling. What are your suggestions?

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For what it's worth, I wouldn't invest yourself in Wildstar too much. NCSoft has a tendency to burn its bridges suddenly with games. After Tabula Rasa and then City of Heroes, I'm just not willing to trust them with another game. It's a shame, too, since I was a little excited about Wildstar before they dropped City of Heroes out of the blue.


I do really wish the devs would rethink cross-server queues, though. There's a lot of benefit to doing it. But... whatever. Moving on.

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This is really depressing, because I absolutely love(d) Swtor PvP, especially all the friends I made. Huttball League and cross-server could have been made into an E-Sport and Biowares saving grace. But alas, it was never meant to be. Hope to see all of you in Wildstar :D


I would shick brits if they ever created a hb league before addressing far more pertinent issue in pvp such as various forms of better matchmaking for all formats and x-server queues. add to that class balancing as well because the classes that are down seem to stay down for ages, and the classes that dominate (mara/sent, vg/pt) seem to dominate for years...years! I mean...really? and the op healer has been the dominant healer since 1.2. that's more than 2 years! ffs! so seeing a hb league before all of that junk is fixed...wow. rrrrrage.

Edited by foxmob
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