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TDM... Done Better


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During a discussion with the group I was running GSF with last night, Alex recommended a cool idea - instead of TDM being a race for kills, why don't they have a survivor mode? Every player is allocated X number of deaths (i.e. 5 deaths allowed). This means that, in a 12v12, you have 60 total lives. If there is a bad player on your team, instead of feeding the opposition, once they exhaust their stock of lives, they'll be forced to spectate until the match is over. That way, they don't cost good players who had a sh**** team mate the match, and the rest of the players can still fight. Last team with lives, wins. Thoughts? Edited by SammyGStatus
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During a discussion with the group I was running GSF with last night, Alex recommended a cool idea - instead of TDM being a race for kills, why don't they have a survivor mode? Every player is allocated X number of deaths (i.e. 5 deaths allowed). This means that, in a 12v12, you have 60 total lives. If there is a bad player on your team, instead of feeding the opposition, once they exhaust their stock of lives, they'll be forced to spectate until the match is over. That way, they don't cost good players who had a sh**** team mate the match, and the rest of the players can still fight. Last team with lives, wins. Thoughts?


While this would definitely be good for aces, it ends up being an extremely crappy experience for new pilots. Their X lives are taken by veteran pilots, and then they are forced to sit and watch (or bail out) while the aces fight it out. And they'd likely never queue again.

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While this would definitely be good for aces, it ends up being an extremely crappy experience for new pilots. Their X lives are taken by veteran pilots, and then they are forced to sit and watch (or bail out) while the aces fight it out. And they'd likely never queue again.


Not to mention it would be really sucky for the dogfighter classes that have really short life expectancy to begin with.

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This idea would work very well for a 4 v 4 TDM mode. You get each ship in your hangar once and must have 5 ships in there to be eligible for this mode. (kinda like arenas?)


If they implement this, it needs to be for when you queue as a 4 player group ONLY (vs another 4 player group)

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This idea would work very well for a 4 v 4 TDM mode. You get each ship in your hangar once and must have 5 ships in there to be eligible for this mode. (kinda like arenas?)


If they implement this, it needs to be for when you queue as a 4 player group ONLY (vs another 4 player group)


Pokemon GSF!!

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During a discussion with the group I was running GSF with last night, Alex recommended a cool idea - instead of TDM being a race for kills, why don't they have a survivor mode? Every player is allocated X number of deaths (i.e. 5 deaths allowed). This means that, in a 12v12, you have 60 total lives. If there is a bad player on your team, instead of feeding the opposition, once they exhaust their stock of lives, they'll be forced to spectate until the match is over. That way, they don't cost good players who had a sh**** team mate the match, and the rest of the players can still fight. Last team with lives, wins. Thoughts?


Classic ironman setup, mainly used for serious competitions.


If implemented in GSF, a total match time of 15:00 would probably net each novice a few minutes of play time at best before they are forced to sit there and observe waiting for the match to end so they can cash in and leave.


This would be sweet in a ranked queue, but no novice will keep playing when they are personally wiped in 3 minutes and then asked to wait out the remaining 12.


Another issue is that this is a premade team match mode.

If your PUG had 2 aces and 5 noobs, and the other team had 1 ace and 5 noobs, that match will soon become your entire team vs one solo ace.


Does not make for very good PUG match play at all.


Give GSF a ranked queue, and ironman style matches can work, but applying it to PUGs is asking for the queue to come to a screeching hault.

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I dunno, I find my Pike rather cute and cuddly... I'd love a plushie version. :)


DUDE. I want a plush Quarrel.


I could throw it at people from fifteen klicks off, and it'd make this cute "Whappy-daffy!" noise when it hits.


And then that person explodes. And the cry of "OP GUNSHIP!" rises again. And all is as it should be.

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Classic ironman setup, mainly used for serious competitions.


If implemented in GSF, a total match time of 15:00 would probably net each novice a few minutes of play time at best before they are forced to sit there and observe waiting for the match to end so they can cash in and leave.


This would be sweet in a ranked queue, but no novice will keep playing when they are personally wiped in 3 minutes and then asked to wait out the remaining 12.


Another issue is that this is a premade team match mode.

If your PUG had 2 aces and 5 noobs, and the other team had 1 ace and 5 noobs, that match will soon become your entire team vs one solo ace.


Does not make for very good PUG match play at all.


Give GSF a ranked queue, and ironman style matches can work, but applying it to PUGs is asking for the queue to come to a screeching hault.


That's just not true. Matches simply don't go to time in the majority of cases.

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That's just not true. Matches simply don't go to time in the majority of cases.


Has nothing to do with how ironman matches work.


If you come from a FPS background that had a heavy modding community such as Unreal, you would have seen ironman TDM in action first hand.


Sometimes just because it sounds good in your head doesn't mean it is going to translate that way to the general populace playing the match.


What I said above absolutely has, does, and will happen again in any ironman matchup.


The larger the teams, the more fuel on the fire.


Again, does not work favorably outside of tournament play, and never has.


People can hardly handle games with a long respawn timer, so you have to start thinking like the majority and not like an elitist.


We are talking about having this FUNCTION in GSF as-is.


Ironmans are fun, but they will not work in the GSF that we have right now.


Our problem is not finding ways to entertain elite players, it's keeping the novices in the game.

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Has nothing to do with how ironman matches work.


No, see, your claim was that noobs would be farmed and would then have to wait for time to expire. The problem with that is that matches just don't go to time. Sure, anyone who loses all their lives would have to wait -- with a longer wait if there's more people or more lives -- but I'd be very surprised if the matches went to time. GSF is just too dangerous for that.

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No, see, your claim was that noobs would be farmed and would then have to wait for time to expire. The problem with that is that matches just don't go to time. Sure, anyone who loses all their lives would have to wait -- with a longer wait if there's more people or more lives -- but I'd be very surprised if the matches went to time. GSF is just too dangerous for that.


Going to time might be stretching it, but even two-three minutes while you wait for an evasive player to finally lose all their lives could get frustrating fast.

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I actually first saw the idea somewhere else on the forums. And while I didn't bring it up yesterday, I did anticipate the problem of players having to sit out. (This is a classic error in board game design - allowing players to be eliminated - which is part of why Monopoly and Risk are so awful.) Thus an arena-style match with only 4 players per team would be best.
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