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AAAHH Its soo sensitive!


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Wait, are you saying that GSF fighters now actually roll like fighters instead of like badly overloaded 747s?


I need to get in a match tonight, this could be worthy of a WOO HOO!


Now if we can just get a patch that lets us map that to a continuous control axis like a mouse or a stick. . . .


Eh, it'll probably be changed, but this sounds like something with to potential to make me cackle with glee.


I'm going to be disappointed if this was just latency or hardware setup on Crin's end.


Sound odd though, because I'm pretty sure that roll was a binary state keypress that either gave you 0% roll input or 100% roll input, something like mouse sensitivity in theory wouldn't change that. You sure you're talking about roll and not yaw Crin?


BAH! false alarm. See patch notes.

Edited by Ramalina
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what the crap is everybody talking about? I don't see any changes in any of the matches I've played today...


Probably this, from the 2.6.2 patch notes:


Galactic Starfighter ship roll rates are no longer slowed at low frame rates. High-end PCs will be unaffected, but players on lower-spec PCs should see a significant increase in roll speed.
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It used to take me two seconds to roll my ship on its back, now I can do it in half a second.


Now I know what was going on when I would get outmanuevred by some strike or gunship, I used to figure it was lag... Cuz before this day I would turn sideways rather than pitching up or down because it took too long to roll for the turn...


much roll, very turn, wow

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Ok... the frame rate fix must be it... I tested this with a guildie today and we turned at roughly the same rate. I didn't test it before, but as we turned the same today I would say I've been hampered all this time and didn't even know it. Ah well, we'll see how things balance out now that it's fixed. Should be interesting!
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This is a huge bug that apparently no one knew about, because we didn't even assume it was possible.



I imagine a large number of players got ninja buffed up to where they should always have been, overnight.

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