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@Devs- we need these numbers


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On live, there's a lot we can't poke into. Maybe the data miners have figured it out, because maybe it's leaked in some XML. But without it being on the paper doll... well...



> The effect of F1 on weapon regeneration rate.

> The effect of F2 on shield regeneration rate and maximum shield strength (blue).

> The effect of F3 on engine regeneration rate and maximum speed.


> The effect of F2 or F3 on weapon regeneration rate.

> The effect of F1 or F3 on shield regeneration rate and maximum shield strength (yellow)

> The effect of F1 or F2 on engine regeneration rate and maximum speed.


> The "weapon power recently consumed" regeneration rate.

> If whatever happens near the bottom of a weapon pool is ok or glitchy (it seems you can get more shots that you deserve).

> How does the falloff in accuracy work? If I'm at 600m, do my heavy lasers use the medium range accuracy, or a number very close to the short range accuracy? Is that smooth, or abrupt?

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I have often wondered about the final point myself. Should be easy enough to test if you have a willing participant in an opposing match. VERY tough to set up obviously, but doable.


Edit: I misread, thought it was about the dmg variables at different ranges.

Edited by MystbladeWA
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On live, there's a lot we can't poke into. Maybe the data miners have figured it out, because maybe it's leaked in some XML. But without it being on the paper doll... well...



> The effect of F1 on weapon regeneration rate.

> The effect of F2 on shield regeneration rate and maximum shield strength (blue).

> The effect of F3 on engine regeneration rate and maximum speed.


> The effect of F2 or F3 on weapon regeneration rate.

> The effect of F1 or F3 on shield regeneration rate and maximum shield strength (yellow)

> The effect of F1 or F2 on engine regeneration rate and maximum speed.


When you take a look at Dulfy's GSF build calculator, than you see some values called Power Modifiers in the stat overview.

e.g. "Shield Power Modifiers (Hi/Default/Low) - 120%/100%/90%)"


I think those are the values you are looking for and i assume they transist to all stats tied to that component (weapon strength and regen rate, shield capacity and regen rate, engine speed and regen raten).



- with full power to shields, your shield capacity and regen rate is increased to 120%

- with full power to any other component, your shield capacity and regen rate is lowered to 90%


However, this is just my assumption and we can't be sure if those values are true until we get some verification, but it would match some ingame observations.


> The "weapon power recently consumed" regeneration rate.


This is the regen rate of your weapon power pool, while you are firing your lasers.


> If whatever happens near the bottom of a weapon pool is ok or glitchy (it seems you can get more shots that you deserve).


Could you explain this further? I don't really know what you mean.

Edited by Sindariel
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Weapon effects are also lacking.


Ionic weapons have an effect on ennemy energy pools that is only mentioned in upgrades that improve them further. Thermite Torpedo is supposed to have DoT that debuffs the target according to the flavour text, upgrades allow to improve that DoT, but how much it deals, what debuff it implies, duration, we don't know about that. Same for Plasma Rail, it has a DoT, but we don't know the amount of damage, duration, or possible further effects.

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Same for Plasma Rail, it has a DoT, but we don't know the amount of damage, duration, or possible further effects.


We DO know this.

50% of the railguns damage is done directly, the other 50% is done over 6 seconds. We also know that the crit chance applies to the dot ticks, too.

Edited by Sindariel
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Weapon effects are also lacking.


This kind of stuff we can largely figure out by observing damage numbers. The stuff Verain is asking about is stuff we pretty much can't confirm without datamining (which is usually but not always reliable) or an official dev response.

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We DO know this.

50% of the railguns damage is done directly, the other 50% is done over 6 seconds. We also know that the crit chance applies to the dot ticks, too.

Still badly informed. Nobody should have to test (and buy the component) to figure what it does.

It's like if DoTs like Corrosive Dart, Affliction or Mind Crush were not notified as DoTs in the ground game.


This kind of stuff we can largely figure out by observing damage numbers. The stuff Verain is asking about is stuff we pretty much can't confirm without datamining (which is usually but not always reliable) or an official dev response.

How about Thermite Torpedo's bleedthrough debuff (according to the description above upgrades)... We can't figure that with observation, can we ?

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How about Thermite Torpedo's bleedthrough debuff (according to the description above upgrades)... We can't figure that with observation, can we ?


In a sufficiently controlled environment and with high enough screen resolution on the attacker's monitor, it should be possible.

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In a sufficiently controlled environment and with high enough screen resolution on the attacker's monitor, it should be possible.


So is nearly anything OP wants, then. In controlled environment, power variation, regen rates... Anything can be estimated.

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Still badly informed. Nobody should have to test (and buy the component) to figure what it does.


I'm fine with that though. See, you're changing it from "we need these numbers" to "it would be sweet if you changed the UI to offer more info".


That's not why I made the thread. I know how much a plasma railgun does. The dot baseline is 900 at max charge. Now you know too! Plus you actually SEE those numbers tick, so you can just like, add.


How about Thermite Torpedo's bleedthrough debuff (according to the description above upgrades)... We can't figure that with observation, can we ?


I'm not sure. Can you put it up on the enemy, go to freelook, and mouse over it? If I ever used those I would have tried that.


So is nearly anything OP wants, then. In controlled environment, power variation, regen rates... Anything can be estimated.


No, it cannot be. It would take two people a long time shooting each other in a corner, and there's no way to do that without disrupting a live game. It cannot ever be done solo at all.

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No, it cannot be. It would take two people a long time shooting each other in a corner, and there's no way to do that without disrupting a live game. It cannot ever be done solo at all.


That's actually what I've been suggested. Controlled environment means "not participating to regular chaos"


Regen can be estimated solo.

Example : You know you ammo pool, you know your weapon energy consumption.

Fire, from full to empty pool. The time needed will give you your effective consumption (amount over time)

Compare it to you theoretical consumption, you have your "recently used regen".

Do it for each power allocation, you'll have their effect on regen.

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  • Dev Post

> The effect of F1 on weapon regeneration rate.

> The effect of F2 on shield regeneration rate and maximum shield strength (blue).

> The effect of F3 on engine regeneration rate and maximum speed.

> The effect of F2 or F3 on weapon regeneration rate.

> The effect of F1 or F3 on shield regeneration rate and maximum shield strength (yellow)

> The effect of F1 or F2 on engine regeneration rate and maximum speed.


Increasing power to a pool boosts its regeneration rate by 50%, and reduces the regeneration rate of the other two pools by 25%.


Increasing weapon power boosts damage by 10%, while increasing shield or engine power reduces weapon damage by 5%

Increasing shield power boosts max shield capacity by 20%, while increasing weapon or engine power reduces shield capacity by 10%

Increasing engine power boosts max speed by 20%, while increasing weapon or shield power reduces max speed by 10%


> The "weapon power recently consumed" regeneration rate.

> If whatever happens near the bottom of a weapon pool is ok or glitchy (it seems you can get more shots that you deserve).


All of the power pools have a "normal" regeneration rate and a slower "recently consumed" regeneration rate. Anything that consumes energy (taking a shield hit, using your engine boosters, getting hit by an ion railgun, etc) will cause the affected pool to switch to its "recently consumed" rate for several seconds (determined by the "delay" stat for each pool).


The default numbers for each are:

Weapons: Pool capacity 100, regen 10/s, recently consumed 4/s, delay 1.5s

Engines: Pool capacity 100, regen 5/s, recently consumed 2/s, delay 3s

Shields: Pool capacity varies, regen 5%/s, recently consumed 0/s, delay 6s


I haven't seen any bugs cross my plate about energy behaving strangely near the bottom of the pool, but if you have steps to reliably reproduce the glitch let us know.


The ideal thing to do at the bottom of the pool should be to stop firing, wait at least 1.5 seconds for the regeneration rate to kick into high gear, then open fire when you think you have enough energy built up to finish your opponent (although it may make sense to fire a bit early if you get a shot lined up and need to prevent the shield from regenerating).


> How does the falloff in accuracy work? If I'm at 600m, do my heavy lasers use the medium range accuracy, or a number very close to the short range accuracy? Is that smooth, or abrupt?


Primary weapon accuracy and damage are linearly interpolated between the short, medium, and long distances (so it's smooth, not abrupt). Everything closer than short distance uses the short values.

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The default numbers for each are:

Weapons: Pool capacity 100, regen 10/s, recently consumed 4/s, delay 1.5s

Engines: Pool capacity 100, regen 5/s, recently consumed 2/s, delay 3s

Shields: Pool capacity varies, regen 5%/s, recently consumed 0/s, delay 6s


Should I take it as it's unintended for Bombers to have a 90-points Weapon and Engine pool ?

Edited by Altheran
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I haven't seen any bugs cross my plate about energy behaving strangely near the bottom of the pool, but if you have steps to reliably reproduce the glitch let us know.


The ideal thing to do at the bottom of the pool should be to stop firing, wait at least 1.5 seconds for the regeneration rate to kick into high gear, then open fire when you think you have enough energy built up to finish your opponent (although it may make sense to fire a bit early if you get a shot lined up and need to prevent the shield from regenerating).


A few weeks ago, people found that by hopping into the tutorial and holding down the blaster button, their rate of fire increased when the pool was fully drained.


Thanks bunches for the information.

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Jason, thank you very much for the information.


It's very nice to have clear information about how fundamental game mechanics work for stuff where a really clear explanation doesn't make it into the tooltips or hanger ship character sheet.

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  • Dev Post
Should I take it as it's unintended for Bombers to have a 90-points Weapon and Engine pool ?


The 90 point weapon pool on Bombers is intended. That was one of the balance changes we made to them as a result of our beta testing, to weaken their primary weapons relative to the other ship types.


Their engine pool should be 100 points, and the data I'm looking at shows it set properly, so if it's only 90 points on the live servers that would be a bug.

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All of the power pools have a "normal" regeneration rate and a slower "recently consumed" regeneration rate. Anything that consumes energy (taking a shield hit, using your engine boosters, getting hit by an ion railgun, etc) will cause the affected pool to switch to its "recently consumed" rate for several seconds (determined by the "delay" stat for each pool).


The default numbers for each are:

Weapons: Pool capacity 100, regen 10/s, recently consumed 4/s, delay 1.5s

Engines: Pool capacity 100, regen 5/s, recently consumed 2/s, delay 3s

Shields: Pool capacity varies, regen 5%/s, recently consumed 0/s, delay 6s


For everyone's information, I just tested to see if the shield regen was as a % of base shields or a % of talented shields, and confirmed it is a % of base. Gunship shield regen was 85 ( = 5% of 1700 base) when I had dfield/large (= 1870 talented) and still 85 when I had dfield/turbo (=1530 talented).

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For everyone's information, I just tested to see if the shield regen was as a % of base shields or a % of talented shields, and confirmed it is a % of base. Gunship shield regen was 85 ( = 5% of 1700 base) when I had dfield/large (= 1870 talented) and still 85 when I had dfield/turbo (=1530 talented).


Hmm.. good to know. Along with the rest of the information in this thread.

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Nice info to have, thanks! I'd still like the UI to show more of the details that are missing, though. Even if players can retest them, I'd rather they were there in the game, rather than relying on other players to test them and seeing what they are on some thread in the forums.
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Jason, thanks so much for the reply! This is an amazing resource.


Increasing power to a pool boosts its regeneration rate by 50%, and reduces the regeneration rate of the other two pools by 25%.


This alone is amazing news. I have long wondered if, with very low shield and engine, but the fight over, I should press F4 and regenerate them evenly, or F3 for a bit, F2 for a bit. This means that the second option will fill up both pools faster, and that if ALL THREE pools need to be filled, F4 ties the rest. Game changing from the start!



Increasing weapon power boosts damage by 10%, while increasing shield or engine power reduces weapon damage by 5%

Increasing shield power boosts max shield capacity by 20%, while increasing weapon or engine power reduces shield capacity by 10%

Increasing engine power boosts max speed by 20%, while increasing weapon or shield power reduces max speed by 10%


Excellent! While patch notes told us the first one, the second was rumored, and I think the third is new.


Many pilots seem to run around in F1 or F3 while chasing or dodging. This means that in F1 mode, the 0.9x speed reduction will also reduce your turning radius, and the somewhat rarely used F2 mode also offers this.


The F2 mode boosting the regeneration by 50% (double the base regeneration of F1 or F3) also means that the quick charge shield option to "always be regenerating" stacks pretty nicely with it.


Here's the values of regeneration granted by these things, and these values would be invariant of reactors and talent choices that shrink or enlarge your shields, in shield power per second:


Scout: F2 +32.5, F1/F3 -16.25

Strike fighter: F2 +45, F1/F3 -22.5

Gunship: F2 +42.5, F1/F3 -21.25

Bomber: I'll fill this in when sure.


All of the power pools have a "normal" regeneration rate and a slower "recently consumed" regeneration rate. Anything that consumes energy (taking a shield hit, using your engine boosters, getting hit by an ion railgun, etc) will cause the affected pool to switch to its "recently consumed" rate for several seconds (determined by the "delay" stat for each pool).


The default numbers for each are:

Weapons: Pool capacity 100, regen 10/s, recently consumed 4/s, delay 1.5s

Engines: Pool capacity 100, regen 5/s, recently consumed 2/s, delay 3s

Shields: Pool capacity varies, regen 5%/s, recently consumed 0/s, delay 6s


I'm pretty surprised that the weapon recently consumed rate is so low- when I've conducted experiments using the following technique:


1)- Press F1.

2)- Shoot burst laser cannon until oom, counting the number of shots.

3)- Allow to regen to full.

4)- Repeat 2 and 3 to a predetermined number of empties, E. The number of shots counted is N. The time is T1.

5)- Shoot burst laser cannon until oom, counting the number of shots.

6)- Keep button held down until N shots occur. The time is T2.


T2 is very very close to T1.


Problems with this method: It is totally possible to shoot and there be no animation. There are several "partial shots" at the bottom, which don't fully animate, but I believe they do full damage. If you see this and it is funky for you, I dunno- maybe it handles negative power possible values odd, or lets some shots go off that shouldn't? The rate of fire decreases, and maybe it is fine. But it sure looks buggy with the invisible shots and partial shots.


Note that we can't test this without doing it on a live game, which is generally undesirable ("Alright we have a good pilot! Oh, he's shooting burst laser cannon in a corner with a stopwatch...")


Primary weapon accuracy and damage are linearly interpolated between the short, medium, and long distances (so it's smooth, not abrupt). Everything closer than short distance uses the short values.



Also huge news. Thanks a ton!

Edited by Verain
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