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Out of the MMO's I've played


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I've played many mmo's and this one is the only one that really connects me to my characters as well on faction games i stay to 1 side. this one makes me want to play both.


I've always loved Star Wars. I actually saw 4-6 the orignals in the theatre, Yes i grew up with Star Wars


I play on an RP server and i like to walk places instead of running always. i like to feel lie im really there.


oh and yes i know of the downsides of the game, but choose to enjoy it and see the fun I can have.


Thanks Bioware for the game and thanks to all the players free,prem and subs for playing alongside me sorta


Edited by Mounds
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Nice to see a fellow who appreciate Star Wars and this game :) I can't see myself going back to reading quests ever again (not that anyone did before lol) There is so much content, and I just joined last month so I got 2 years worth of content already ;)
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I have the habit of preferring to point out what is wrong than to say when anything is good, but I have to say this is maybe the best positive thread I might ever seen here on the forums, since it doesn't ignore that the game still has flaws, which normally those threads do. So, continue here... and I go now thinking about my live, guess that was way more positive that I usually like to be.
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Nice to see a fellow who appreciate Star Wars and this game :) I can't see myself going back to reading quests ever again (not that anyone did before lol) There is so much content, and I just joined last month so I got 2 years worth of content already ;)


WoW players did, and still do HAVE to read quests, it's one of the reasons I got pissed off with that game, they valued their story telling so little, they didn'te ven bother to audio or animate the quest taking.. but saying that they do put a lot of work into other parts of their game, i mean more work i reckon than any other game maker.


still story, like animation, character models and scenry are deal makers/breakers - b/c i know all the mmos will copy themselves and have decent gameplay - it's who looks best and tells a story best... wow looks good vfor it's cartoon style, but they scre w up their story trying to force feed the horde faction so players can keep picking it - rather than just give living humans to the horde and be done with it, they've screwed their story, have terrible looking models, i'm sorry, but wow's cartoony style doens't do well for models, that leaves them good on the scenery.. therir aniamtion isn't so bad, but star wars is sway cooler.


and I don't read quests. - you update so much but your players still have to read a text box to find out about a quest?

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I am a recent addition as well(~1,5 months is my Tor lifetime). I acknowledge the game's flaws which are apparent(too much orange items + unified comms killed crafting would be my biggest flaw). I love Tor beyond belief tho. The stories, the star wars(I am a Trekker... o.O SCOTTY! HOW ABOUT NOW? ;) ), the art etc. I can one up you OP:


This is the first MMO that I actually valued so much that I actually subbed. It never even occured to me in the past MMOs.


Ofc, when I finish all my stories(8 of them), I'll be through with Tor. From the look of things that could last well over 6 months.


Thank you Bioware for making this awesome game and for actually letting me play as anything non Jedi. Especially as a Vanguard/Powertech!

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This game immerses you like no other. It's a feeling you can't quite explain. Yes there might be bugs, glitches, things you don't agree with but at the end of the day you feel safe and secure inside the Star Wars Galaxy in this game. I agree!
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This game immerses you like no other. It's a feeling you can't quite explain. Yes there might be bugs, glitches, things you don't agree with but at the end of the day you feel safe and secure inside the Star Wars Galaxy in this game. I agree!


Yeah, I love coming home from a long day and play with my guildies and have fun or play some starfighter, I don't regret subbing, worth every penny for me atleast.

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The storyline is great for this MMO with voice acting and animation.


Also legacy bounded reputation is GREAT, less grinding on another character to have access to reputation items when another of your character is at the required reputation rank.


Legacy bounded items is also a great idea, which u can place out of date mods to be used for your alts or re-engineered for schematics and mats.

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I agree - it's the character based story, the voice acting and the legacy system that are the huge pros of this game. Also the "No-Cross-Server" thing is great. I like meeting people again after a few days.


Hopefully they'll re-focus on this and add more character-based lore. Instead of "same grind for everyone".

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