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Everything posted by thedevilone

  1. The storyline is great for this MMO with voice acting and animation. Also legacy bounded reputation is GREAT, less grinding on another character to have access to reputation items when another of your character is at the required reputation rank. Legacy bounded items is also a great idea, which u can place out of date mods to be used for your alts or re-engineered for schematics and mats.
  2. The event needs to last another week or so instead of 1 week as planned at least other players with work /life commitments could come on and play.
  3. Dears devs, Would u kindly increase the duration of the rakghoul event to 2 weeks instead of the planned 1 week, as not everyone could play due to work or other life commitments.
  4. Cipher Stealthbits reporting in! https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mAmom1OVkpM/Ur8sgVWYoVI/AAAAAAAABjE/a30RIu6AF3U/w1536-h864-no/Screenshot_2013-12-29_03_44_37_099754.jpg
  5. Hi all, returning player here seeking to join a friendly / causal pve guild with some pvp inbetween on the empire side.
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