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Looked in on 2.7, saw no character customization :(


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Do you guys have no plans on adding any more of these? should I just give up and move on?


I always look for this every patch, and every cartel market update, but I keep failing to see additional customization for my character, can someone tell me if this will ever be or I should not bother to expect upgrades and extra features to my toon?



1. new faces - incl some of the NPC ones e.g. Caffeck on Tython training jedi fight in the first cave of Flesh Eaters, Lieutenant Thorne on Balmorra Imp side who gives a very evil mission.

- male adam's apple too - nice feature detail that currently only appears on NPC male Voss and Twi'lek's but strangely absent as a choice on player models. suggest a slider on that or just have it present on some face options or a toggle on off.

2. More facial hair options - notice how some of the NPCs have very thin facial hair options players can't get?

3. Extra details - e.g. Body hair toggle - esp with all these bare-chested items - surely a thing like body hair that isn't animated would be really easy to add, - trust the detail is noticed and appreciated. - chest, arms and legs

4. More hairstyles - esp more affro hairstyles, affro hair is sooooo cool and doesn't require any animation,

5. New body types: - this might be more work, but it would be really appreciated, I have long since wanted to roll a

a) Tall but slimmer male - size 3 height, but size 2 thickness

b) A fat chick - Size 5 female or a female the same width of a size 4 male

c) A taller size 1 male.


[i really like that level of detail - saw the new dwarf model on WoW and the ESO male models have body hair - would love a toggle on an off option]


It's just that little extra has been added in terms of character customization. We did get the hair style/hair colour/ eye colour additions, but nothing since then.. and would wonder if there is an update for eg. Eye colour and hair colour could have a rainbow spectrum you can choose from. We always hear of adding more gear items - but no hood toggle, more cartel stuff, but nothing for your actual characters appearance :(

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Honestly, they only have ever done one "big" customization update and that was 2.1 if I recall. I'd suggest looking at the SHHP update (housing, don't know when this will come) or 3.0/3.1 instead of every update for character customizations.
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Honestly, they only have ever done one "big" customization update and that was 2.1 if I recall. I'd suggest looking at the SHHP update (housing, don't know when this will come) or 3.0/3.1 instead of every update for character customizations.


they do, but i'd like them to tell us if they are actually planning on adding more customization to our characters, tbh that's more important than any other cartel market addition, but is so few and far between, is there a reason it takes so long to do?


is it hard to add something like an Adam's apple or body hair to a toon? or hair thickness slider for facial hair? I don't know, you tell me, but are we going to expect anything like this?

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We could use more character creation options. The current ones are quite poor compared to ESO customisation.


yep, and the funny thing is, that this game uses the character detail far more than ESO does, even wow is adding more character detail, they added body hair the male dwarf new model. I wouldn't say TOR needs new models, but certainly adding extra detail like that should be possible

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tbh.. i don't think any of this is hard cos most of it is in the game.


1. New size toons i.e.

a) Male: size 3 height with size 2 thinness - already in game with the Voss - just use their body type.

b) female: size 5 - that looks as fat as the size 4 male... use the size 4 male model and adapt it for girls.


2. Thin facial hair options - already available in various style on npcs, just add that to the players' options


3. Adam's apples - already available on Twi'lek characters, and Voss characters - it can be added to all size 1 & 2 males as an option.


4. Body hair - this isn't in game that i've seen so far, but is really the easiest thing to add - if you can add facial hair, you can add body and chest hair and the hair doens't animate, so it's easy


and bingo a lot more detail and customization

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tbh.. i don't think any of this is hard cos most of it is in the game.


1. New size toons i.e.

a) Male: size 3 height with size 2 thinness - already in game with the Voss - just use their body type.

b) female: size 5 - that looks as fat as the size 4 male... use the size 4 male model and adapt it for girls.


2. Thin facial hair options - already available in various style on npcs, just add that to the players' options


3. Adam's apples - already available on Twi'lek characters, and Voss characters - it can be added to all size 1 & 2 males as an option.


4. Body hair - this isn't in game that i've seen so far, but is really the easiest thing to add - if you can add facial hair, you can add body and chest hair and the hair doens't animate, so it's easy


and bingo a lot more detail and customization


they have stated before however that just because you see it in the game does not mean its easy to put on a character, they have explained before when they have been asked why togruta for example is not a species option if there are npc togrutas and even a companion one.

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they have stated before however that just because you see it in the game does not mean its easy to put on a character, they have explained before when they have been asked why togruta for example is not a species option if there are npc togrutas and even a companion one.


I can understand about Torguta, the facial animations alone for expression and speech are incredibly complex, which is why all faces follow a fixed animation, it's amazing they did what they did, but i can understand that.


there are some finer details involved in the doing a tall thin male , more so than a fat chick, cos there is a player model for the fat chick but only an NPC model for the tall thinner male in the Voss, so there are some gear adjustment issues.


However: An adam's apple, body hair, more facial hair options like the thin beards, not really difficult at all, and the extra customization would be really welcome

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This is a disappointment for me too. I was so hopeful that the addition of the customization kiosk and all the new CM customization options was a sign that we'd be getting small, regular CM customization updates like we do for CM gear and stuff. But nope. :(


Some of you guys have such neat ideas about body customization and such! But I have been wishing for more basic things. IMHO, anything that changes the character's "shape" is unlikely as clipping seems to be a huge issue for them. Just looking at the lack of variation in Cyborg faces -- and the fact that they are their own species, rather than letting all species have cybernetics -- I'd imagine that even something like sticking metal bits on the face is a time consuming task due to animations. Well, that's my guess, anyway. :o


I'd be happy with things like new hairstyles, hair colors, eye colors, makeup, complexions, skin colors, and expanded tattoo options. And not just for humans! Surely some new colors, at least, shouldn't be too much to ask for? *crosses fingers*

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Don't ever expect much in the way of new customizations for characters. The original dev team gave us suchg a crappy creation system and left no room for any majr improvements. The current team is probably not capable enough to work in new feature without taking six months to a year to do it. When it comes to character creation/customization I would look elsewhere. This game is pathetic in that department and I have been very critical of the devs since early access for their lack of options.
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Don't ever expect much in the way of new customizations for characters. The original dev team gave us suchg a crappy creation system and left no room for any majr improvements. The current team is probably not capable enough to work in new feature without taking six months to a year to do it. When it comes to character creation/customization I would look elsewhere. This game is pathetic in that department and I have been very critical of the devs since early access for their lack of options.


um no offense, but while we do not have as many options as maybe some other games I wouldn't consider the amount of species, color, eye, and facial and complexion and other customization options to be a "lack" either. And also, considering all the good stuff we got last year and 2.8 coming soon that is said to be the largest update to date, I wouldn't say that the current development team is that bad either.

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Yeah it's hard to do because they can't just take body hair off another model and recolor it.


I'm not so sure, body hair can essentially be applied like gear or art work added in, depending on which is easier for the coder, but i can't imagine it as that hard.

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Don't ever expect much in the way of new customizations for characters. The original dev team gave us suchg a crappy creation system and left no room for any majr improvements. The current team is probably not capable enough to work in new feature without taking six months to a year to do it. When it comes to character creation/customization I would look elsewhere. This game is pathetic in that department and I have been very critical of the devs since early access for their lack of options.


I hope you're wrong, altho the long delay for new character cusotmization options is indicating otherwise, still i have always been interested in why they do things the way they do, developing more detailed character cusotmization has been possible for longer than some of us have lived, we're talking as way back as some of the old rpg titles in the 90s. Yet why do it the way they did?


I suspect it was an intentional design choice. Notice the character creation has some details but isn't overly complex, which can just cause new players to give up. I remember a blizzard developer once stating they intentionally made wow's character creation that simple for two reasons, easy and quick customization for new players, but also because in that gme, they did a lot more work, they provide 8 different unique models, with 2 genders making it 16, each models race/gender animated differently, many features were locked into an individual models look as it was specifically designed to target the feel and character of the race it was representing.


This was important because that franchise had no precedence before, so, they made many appearance design decisions for you, but left a few things you could alter. In ESO, if you've tried that amazing character creation immediately see somke shortcomings that do not exist in this game or WoW, you onlyhave largely 1 face for all the human looking races - i.e. all 3 elven races, all 3 human races, and the orcs, that's 7 out 9 . Sure you can do tons of stuff to that one face, the elven versions give it long ears, the orcish version give it sharp teeth and a wider face, witht he individual human or elf races having slight minor racial adjustments to reflect their ethnicity.. but for all the amzing detail it's only one face


I come back to SWTOR an d find out that i'm happy i have actually different faces to choos e from even though i can't alter aspects of them. But this then leads me to wonder how much can be added to what's already there for Swtor CC.


SwTOR really loses a distinctiveness in race seleection for several reasons, you ur adventure is class driven rather than race driven, so you don't start on your race's homeworld, the complex facital animations have limited what can be done or used as a player race. Each race does not have combat racials, tso the selection is purely aethetic.. but Star wars has alot of already existing definition and looks of races, wow had to create thier own largely . there is no one standard for what orcs look like except they're green, nor what trolls should look like, or tauren or dranei or worgen. Elves are humans with long ears but notice how they added their flare with eyebrows and glowy eyes, dwarves are short people, but no one says they have to look one way, typically they're stout so this is reflected and hairy..but you get where i'm going.


Star wars already defines its races. Then it next goes to gear and clipping issues which is what affects things like girth and height sliders, i'd be thrilled if they could add.


  • height slider
  • weight slider
  • chest width slider
  • arm slider
  • musculature slider

in addition to the.

  • body hair slider
  • facial hair thickness slider
  • adam's apple slider


however, the first 5 are in a different ball park to do than the bottom 3, which is why i only suggested the bottom 3, because of gearing. i innstead went the root of adding a new hieght weight combo for each gender, and intentionally went for one that already exists in the game. A tall slim male exists in the voss, a fat female exists in teh male size 4 model which can be re-touched for a female verson.


body hair is easy to add, you just paint the hair on, and you can paint varying degrees of it, you only need to it for the existing size variations, and on human - altho it can extend to every male race. it's easier than the fur of the Cathar. i suggested just one type of body hair you can either have on or off, but you can add a slider, it's just more work.


same with adjusting facial hair, you can have a few thin beard and thicker stubble options or you can do a slider that has alll the current facial hair options have anything from 1-5 degrees of hair thickness of facial hair, this doesn't affect animation at all, it's just the how much hair is done, but for each degree of thickness you add, you have to do htee same for each hair type, so if there are 32 facial hair options, adding one thickeess variation would have to have you add 32 new beards which altho not a new deisng are thesame beards with less thickness, - this can be easy or time conusming based on how you designed it and what tools you used.


Adam's apple - tbh requires only a toggle on or off, it's unavoidable in the size 1 twi'lek male, but the fact the detail is there is impressive. Nearly ALL men have adam's apple, Just look at any guy when you go out on campus tomorrow, apart from the chubby ones, it is visible on most guys, to varying degrees, you can have just one either toggled on or off, again it needs no aniamtion or put it compulsory on all size 1 and 2 males, or the caveat is have a slider that you can vary the degree of protusion, which tbh may be more owrk than it's worth but will have people marvel at the level of detail, just add it as a toggle or could be added to some face types. again depending on how they've designed it. But Adam's apple are neck thing and aren't animated in game. it's purely a developers choice whether to add or not to male necks.

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btw.. I reckon it is easier to add a slider to vary the thickness of facial hair than it is to add a new facial hair option.


I figure that to add a new facial hair option, you would have to do it for each face it's available, however to vary thickness you just have to create the number of versions of the beard from very thin to very bushy and just have the face replace the current version with it's less hairy or more hairy version.


Another thing I'd like to see is some light facial hair options for Twi'lek males, no more than a stubble at best, styles similar to that of those NPCs with thin beards.

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They added three Cartel Market extensions when they added the re-customization kiosk. I think they were human hair styles, human hair colors, and human eye colors.


I expect that if those would have sold well, they'd offer more. I see a lot of one of the custom hair styles on characters, so maybe there's hope?

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They added three Cartel Market extensions when they added the re-customization kiosk. I think they were human hair styles, human hair colors, and human eye colors.


I expect that if those would have sold well, they'd offer more. I see a lot of one of the custom hair styles on characters, so maybe there's hope?


None of the cartel hair styles appealed to me.


I've considered unlocking one of the hair colors for a new alt that I might want to RP as a rebellious teen in the Jedi Order, but I haven't gotten around to such an alt yet.


As for eye color, pure whites are ugly as hell and IIRC the other options aren't as noticeable. I would go for Color Customization: Dark Side Yellow so we could get that Darth Vader (before the immolation) look without displaying full dark side corruption though. I don't think that's one of the unlockable options, need to check.


Body type with height of 3, build of 2? (or something similar) Yeah I'd spend 2-3k CC to unlock that in a heart beat, and not just the CCs I get from my sub, as I'd have to change a bunch of my existing characters as well.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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None of the cartel hair styles appealed to me.


I've considered unlocking one of the hair colors for a new alt that I might want to RP as a rebellious teen in the Jedi Order, but I haven't gotten around to such an alt yet.


As for eye color, pure whites are ugly as hell and IIRC the other options aren't as noticeable. I would go for Color Customization: Dark Side Yellow so we could get that Darth Vader (before the immolation) look without displaying full dark side corruption though. I don't think that's one of the unlockable options, need to check.


Body type with height of 3, build of 2? (or something similar) Yeah I'd spend 2-3k CC to unlock that in a heart beat, and not just the CCs I get from my sub, as I'd have to change a bunch of my existing characters as well.


it's one of the reasons I feel htey should keep giving more.


  • I would love for Twi'leks to get a facial hair option - unless the lore says they don't grow, i would imagine it would be light.
  • Certainly the different height thing, seeing that we get the Voss NPCs are size 3 height at least, but not bulky, thatoption should be possible.
  • Same with the size 5 female
  • Body hair for males a toggle on/off or a slider - given the amount of chest bear gear we have out there.
  • and why do only Twi'lek size 1 males have adam's apples? - should be a feature of all size 1 and size 2 males of all the races, or a tleast able to toggle on off or added to 3/4s of the heads. - but then tha'ts a neck thing, not a head thing, -
  • the female model needs to remove the crotch bulge, some seem to have it, while retaining it on the male.
  • I don't know how hard it is to add an adam's apple, but being a stationary un-animated feature shouldn't be.

More detail is always appreciated and desired

More customization is always desired

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There's apparently only one way this stuff is going to happen. People are going to have to start getting loud on the forums. The "there's nothing to do at end-game" and the PVP crowd have their forum rants down to a science and so there's always going to have to be end-game stuff and PVP added. The player housing crowd whined long enough on the forums and finally got their wish. I guess the people who want more species and more character customization options are going to have to start flooding the forums with very loud calls for this stuff and it's never going to happen.
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There's apparently only one way this stuff is going to happen. People are going to have to start getting loud on the forums. The "there's nothing to do at end-game" and the PVP crowd have their forum rants down to a science and so there's always going to have to be end-game stuff and PVP added. The player housing crowd whined long enough on the forums and finally got their wish. I guess the people who want more species and more character customization options are going to have to start flooding the forums with very loud calls for this stuff and it's never going to happen.


I think you're missing the real cause-effect going on here.


PvP and PvE content was always going to come. That's the nature of MMO's.


Housing came because stuff for it will sell well on the Cartel Market. Yes, people saying they wanted housing contributed to that decision, but only because it reinforced the developers' belief that players would use the feature and buy stuff on the CM to enjoy it more.


We've already shown, hopefully, that we'll buy new species and appearance customizations. I doubt any forum-flooding needs to happen, but posts designed to get answers from the Community Team might help. Money has already had the opportunity to speak, and it's up to BioWare to listen to what it said.

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There's apparently only one way this stuff is going to happen. People are going to have to start getting loud on the forums. The "there's nothing to do at end-game" and the PVP crowd have their forum rants down to a science and so there's always going to have to be end-game stuff and PVP added. The player housing crowd whined long enough on the forums and finally got their wish. I guess the people who want more species and more character customization options are going to have to start flooding the forums with very loud calls for this stuff and it's never going to happen.


The community called for a fifth body type in between 2 and the extremes of 3 very loudly during the beta, back when such calls might have mattered. But if the devs couldn't put in the work then when the game was still in development, they're certainly not going to go back and redo all the body type animations, with all the different armor types etc., in the cutscenes now.


Too difficult and technically challenging. Sad, really.

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There's apparently only one way this stuff is going to happen. People are going to have to start getting loud on the forums. The "there's nothing to do at end-game" and the PVP crowd have their forum rants down to a science and so there's always going to have to be end-game stuff and PVP added. The player housing crowd whined long enough on the forums and finally got their wish. I guess the people who want more species and more character customization options are going to have to start flooding the forums with very loud calls for this stuff and it's never going to happen.


such a shame too, without interesting new things people get bored and quit playing, when my character has cool new features or more detail, i tend to want to play him more, just out of the sheer fact i like the look and love the moves.


whiles new content is always needed, i don't think these guys realize how important freshening up and increasing customization especially on the character is, more choices, some new features like body hair, navel rings, adam's apples- new animations especially with new abilities.


man, what if they changed teh way you walked when going up hill or down hill? or your character changed the way it ran based on the surfaces, or you could slide as well as jump, crouch too


certainly new body height/weight combos would also really spike up interest espcially after you've seen teh same thing for 2years and your new competitors have taken the next leap.

Edited by Macetheace
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also this is the sort of thing every one really wants, but won't necessarily say much about it, they'd reckon well, we've got it pretty good anyway with the available stuff, it's not really broken, not much point whining about, but it would be really nice.


you get people post htis stuff on the forums, and the posts don't catch on much, bbecause EVERYONE agrees with them and there really isn't much more to say than, we want more customisation, and more detail, - and that's it


but you can tell based on how many topics are created over it, and any conersation you have with someone they'd be able to tell you one feature or the other they'd like to have more off, or they fele they shoudl add for more detail.


LEt me just say aving nice attractive choices endears me further, always.

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