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Petition for another double XP weekend,very soon


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Well alot of our plans for this weekends power leveling have gone down the tube due to biowares failure yet again to launch something without errors...

This double xp weekend is a disaster.

KDY and reportedly several other instances are NOT giving double exp.

Also some normal FPs are not giving ANY exp for mob kills.(This is not because people are overleveled,I tested and its completely random)

Almost everybody I know that was planning on powerleveling this weekend all had a similar plan,farm KDY till they drop or hit 55.

Not gonna come out with the "Because of this disaster so many people are unsubbing",because I dont believe it will happen,although many people are angry and have lost any little faith they had in BW:(.

So,I know this probably wont be noticed by the devs I felt I needed to see how many people agree with me,that because of this big letdown,we need another double xp weekend,soon to make up for it,and I really mean soon :cool:

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No, No, and again NO! No more double xp until they have an opt out.


I'm sick of paying for a period of time I effectively cannot use. And before the sheep start going on about "play a 55" or some-such, I want to play my leveling toons, and these double xp's ruin the ability to play them without either skipping (and missing out on comms etc) or over leveling.






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I'm curious, how long does it take to go all the way to 55 running only KDY during a double-xp weekend?


Are we talking like 2-3 hours or something?


For me, a single KDY run means a full level is earned in experience. So how fast depends on how quickly you can run through it 55 times. Had a guy level up twice in a single KDY earlier.

Edited by SaberBladeUK
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For me, a single KDY run means a full level is earned in experience. So how fast depends on how quickly you can run through it 55 times. Had a guy level up twice in a single KDY earlier.

So theoretically, 25-30 runs of KDY, if the mobs granted the correct amount during double-xp would get you to 55?

Edited by Khevar
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So theoretically, 25-30 runs of KDY, if the mobs granted the correct amount during double-xp would get you to 55?


I doubt it would be that easy. While the experience you earn from killing mobs may be intended to go higher as you level, I can't see the bonuses and completion rewards experience getting much higher. Right now at the lower levels I have been playing, it's those bonuses and completions that make all the difference but I expect once I start hitting around level 35, perhaps even earlier (30 right now, stopped KDY at 28) that the higher double experience from rewards won't be enough to compensate for the lower trash mobs.


Looking forward to KDY next double exp, but right now I would definitely say it's not worth relying completely on it once you start hitting mid bracket pvp levels. I will still be using it though, but using planet quests too because the whole level 47 to 55 daily chain is just too fantastic to pass up for experience and the credits.

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No, No, and again NO! No more double xp until they have an opt out.


I'm sick of paying for a period of time I effectively cannot use. And before the sheep start going on about "play a 55" or some-such, I want to play my leveling toons, and these double xp's ruin the ability to play them without either skipping (and missing out on comms etc) or over leveling.







And yet the sheer number of people online at 4am on my server is testament to just how popular double xp is. Many of us are just sick of the normal slow levelling process....


While I support your notion of an opt out for double xp (because everyone should be able to opt out of something they dont enjoy) in the absence of that you're just going to have to deal with it, rather than seek to deny others their fun. It only happens once in awhile, and this double xp is clearly borked with KDY not working right...

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And yet the sheer number of people online at 4am on my server is testament to just how popular double xp is. Many of us are just sick of the normal slow levelling process....


While I support your notion of an opt out for double xp (because everyone should be able to opt out of something they dont enjoy) in the absence of that you're just going to have to deal with it, rather than seek to deny others their fun. It only happens once in awhile, and this double xp is clearly borked with KDY not working right...


You are right, I have to deal with it. But I sure a eggs don't have to continue subsidising other people with my sub while these events are running.






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So theoretically, 25-30 runs of KDY, if the mobs granted the correct amount during double-xp would get you to 55?


I would say that's unlikely tbh.


Once you hit about level 28 you'll only get around 90% of a level.

At level 32 were getting around 70% of a level that's including the 30% legacy flashpoint XP bonus, 10% guild bonus, and popping major XP boosters (another 25%).

And ofc the double XP from the event. (Though its only seemingly giving XP for the FP complete at the end)



The mobs arnt giving double XP and some bonus missions within KDY arnt giving the double XP either, but even if it were fixed I think it would only give a level per run until you hit around level 35 and then the diminishing returns come into play.


At earlier levels (22) we were getting around 160% of a level and around 26 we were getting just over a level per run.


Were now thinking of running planetary missions once we hit around 35 as were guessing it should be quicker levelling to 50 or so after 35 than continuing KDY.


At a rough guess if the double xp was working correctly and you have all the other boosters working then your looking at 50-60 runs of KDY to get 0-55 due to the diminishing returns.

Around 16-20 hours (a run every 20-25 mins) with a good group or 25 hours with randoms (a run every 30 mins).


IMHO though its worth doing KDY until around level 30ish and we've managed to get there in a few short hours. Ofc it takes its toll on your sanity ;)


On the plus side they have certainly made their money from our guild this past week as we all bought CC's for XP boosters, legacy FP levels and just now the class and exploration legacy unlocks for our chars.


So its either a bad bug or a fantastic money making ploy from the Devs.......anyone know what was in the last little hotfix? :D

Edited by DarthCelcius
spellings and bad maths guesstimates
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at above - your experience with KDY reflects running them during regular leveling speed - having ran it when it just came out, I was getting around a level per run on a character in mid 40ties. with rested xp, yes, but bear in mind that quest turn ins weren't doubled then.

overall xp gain should have doubled to tripled during this weekend. it didn't. now, I personally wouldn't mind another double xp weekend - its not an unreasonable request IMO. the more alts - the merrier, I say. and yes, this bug is annoying. but.. /shrug. I'll survive either way.

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at above - your experience with KDY reflects running them during regular leveling speed - having ran it when it just came out, I was getting around a level per run on a character in mid 40ties. with rested xp, yes, but bear in mind that quest turn ins weren't doubled then.

overall xp gain should have doubled to tripled during this weekend. it didn't. now, I personally wouldn't mind another double xp weekend - its not an unreasonable request IMO. the more alts - the merrier, I say. and yes, this bug is annoying. but.. /shrug. I'll survive either way.


If you currently only get 70% of a level at lvl 32 during a double XP weekend with maximised XP boosters (10% guild, 25% MXPB and 30% legacy flashpoint booster (disregarding the broken trash mobs bug) how were you getting a full level at lvl 45? Under normal non double XP play?.


Even with rested XP and Max boosts under non double XP play it takes 2 runs at mid level 40 to gain a level due to diminishing returns, even with double XP it won't actually give you a full level because it doesn't double rested XP as that's disabled during the event.

So trash mobs and bosses basically give the same XP as when playing it in rested state which we usually do anyways.


Only the bonus missions and completion rewards will double which diminish as you level.


As many have said, its good for levelling to around level 30, maybe slightly more once the bug is fixed.

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If you currently only get 70% of a level at lvl 32 during a double XP weekend with maximised XP boosters (10% guild, 25% MXPB and 30% legacy flashpoint booster (disregarding the broken trash mobs bug) how were you getting a full level at lvl 45? Under normal non double XP play?.


Even with rested XP and Max boosts under non double XP play it takes 2 runs at mid level 40 to gain a level due to diminishing returns, even with double XP it won't actually give you a full level because it doesn't double rested XP as that's disabled during the event.

So trash mobs and bosses basically give the same XP as when playing it in rested state which we usually do anyways.


Only the bonus missions and completion rewards will double which diminish as you level.


As many have said, its good for levelling to around level 30, maybe slightly more once the bug is fixed.


Most likely because rested xp is disabled during double xp weekend.

So he (well, all of us) are getting the bog standard xp for NPC kills instead of the double we would get on a normal day using rested xp.

That is the main problem.

Basically we are getting less for doing KDY now than we would on a normal day (since the bulk of the xp comes from NPC kills apparantly)

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No, No, and again NO! No more double xp until they have an opt out.


I'm sick of paying for a period of time I effectively cannot use. And before the sheep start going on about "play a 55" or some-such, I want to play my leveling toons, and these double xp's ruin the ability to play them without either skipping (and missing out on comms etc) or over leveling.






This, so much this.

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This, so much this.


Yep. I agree.


If people actually care and / or like playing the game for what it is, they should have no need for a double XP weekend. For Pete's sake, people have character perks that enable XP boosts, rested XP, XP boosts for Flashpoints, class missions, side missions and the like.

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No, No, and again NO! No more double xp until they have an opt out.


I'm sick of paying for a period of time I effectively cannot use. And before the sheep start going on about "play a 55" or some-such, I want to play my leveling toons, and these double xp's ruin the ability to play them without either skipping (and missing out on comms etc) or over leveling.







Clearly you are skipping content while leveling because even without doing any pvp, gsf, or even fp you WILL be overleveled shortly after reaching Taris/Balmora and will stay that way for most of the game, double xp or no.

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I think its people that aren't leveling that dont understand how huge these bugs are,

KDY-You would actually get more or less the same exp as you would in double exp with rested exp from mob kills....

Normal flashpoints aren't giving exp for MOBS,this is huge again,slowing down your leveling process...

This double exp weekend seems to be designed to slow down players from using the fastest way to powerlevel.....

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