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Since the game is dying


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If you're counting GSF as one of the "signs of decrepitude", then I fear this game is definitely not for you, as you clearly want to see every addition as a negative. Perhaps you just need to accept this is not the game you expected and move on, instead of harping on about your illusory knowledge that it is "dying".


To everyone else, my apologies for feeding the troll. I never learn. :(

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If you're counting GSF as one of the "signs of decrepitude", then I fear this game is definitely not for you, as you clearly want to see every addition as a negative. Perhaps you just need to accept this is not the game you expected and move on, instead of harping on about your illusory knowledge that it is "dying".


To everyone else, my apologies for feeding the troll. I never learn. :(


I don't see its addition as negative..what i see as negative is it's incompleteness. Something that has plauged this game from day one and continues that trend. Why should I praise something when it is incomplete and adds so little to the overall game play?


It doesn't add to gear progression.


It doesn't add to the story line.


It doesn't add to the depth of the overall game in any meaningful way.



So what is it your opinion that we should praise about it?



Its a cute little side game but in the end there isn't much wow factor going on with it. Yes there will prob be some additions but in keeping with BW trend of things....it will be 6 months or more before we see any kind of true mechanic changes. But the bottom line still remains....it doesn't add anything meaningful to the game as a whole.


Granted pvp has always been more of an afterthought for the devs so I can't say I am surprised.

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I don't see its addition as negative..what i see as negative is it's incompleteness. Something that has plauged this game from day one and continues that trend. Why should I praise something when it is incomplete and adds so little to the overall game play?


It doesn't add to gear progression.


It doesn't add to the story line.


It doesn't add to the depth of the overall game in any meaningful way.



So what is it your opinion that we should praise about it?



Its a cute little side game but in the end there isn't much wow factor going on with it. Yes there will prob be some additions but in keeping with BW trend of things....it will be 6 months or more before we see any kind of true mechanic changes. But the bottom line still remains....it doesn't add anything meaningful to the game as a whole.


Granted pvp has always been more of an afterthought for the devs so I can't say I am surprised.


Ever heard of fun?

Not everything has to be related to story. I doubt you even know what fun is.

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Ever heard of fun?

Not everything has to be related to story. I doubt you even know what fun is.


Speaking from experience, continuous grind with no real point gets old quickly. Fun for a time...then monotonous. Adding depth to it takes away from the monotony as we then have a reason for doing what we are doing day in day out. It is why we did those story quests more then just once. The story...it kept us company on those long boring level grinds even though we had done the world quests numerous times before. If we had no story/depth we would just be grinding things out in a daze killing object A a million times to get to max level. That sound like fun? Maybe for a time...but not for long. At least in ground pvp you have more objectives and interaction with the environment instead of to crash or not to crash.

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Speaking from experience, continuous grind with no real point gets old quickly. Fun for a time...then monotonous. Adding depth to it takes away from the monotony as we then have a reason for doing what we are doing day in day out. It is why we did those story quests more then just once. The story...it kept us company on those long boring level grinds even though we had done the world quests numerous times before. If we had no story/depth we would just be grinding things out in a daze killing object A a million times to get to max level. That sound like fun? Maybe for a time...but not for long. At least in ground pvp you have more objectives and interaction with the environment instead of to crash or not to crash.


Guess what? Don't like it don't play it!

If you want to bash the game go ahead, you're not wanted here if you're just going to complain.

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Guess what? Don't like it don't play it!

If you want to bash the game go ahead, you're not wanted here if you're just going to complain.


LOL its called feedback...white knights are the worst kind of people to devs as they do not give honest feedback as they never see anything wrong with the game and can not give an honest opinion about it. They are complacent and don't want anything to change which causes stagnancy.


And when an opposing view is presented, they attack it with "then leave" or some other meaningless twaddle while not offering a productive counter argument.

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LOL its called feedback...white knights are the worst kind of people to devs as they do not give honest feedback as they never see anything wrong with the game and can not give an honest opinion about it. They are complacent and don't want anything to change which causes stagnancy.


And when an opposing view is presented, they attack it with "then leave" or some other meaningless twaddle while not offering a productive counter argument.

I'm no white knight. I dislike parts of the game too, but I don't attack those parts just I don't like it.

And I don't make posts saying the game is dying when it clearly isn't. You're simply being negative not giving feedback and nobody wants people like you in the community.

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I'm no white knight. I dislike parts of the game too, but I don't attack those parts just I don't like it.

And I don't make posts saying the game is dying when it clearly isn't. You're simply being negative not giving feedback and nobody wants people like you in the community.


But I have given feedback, it is just feedback you don't like so would rather attack me rather then find concrete evidence to counter my arugments.


- You state that the game is not dying yet we have had two server merges since launch.

- At launch we had over 1mil subs thereabout (according to press release).

- The game went f2p due to massive loss of accounts

- yes the game's health stabilized for a time after it went f2p

- yet we had a second server merge after the f2p option became available

- Staffing for the game has been reassigned and or let go (and that info is from a guildmate that works at EA) (we only have one person last time I checked 8 months ago that did balance changes)

- At peak times last night and on last friday when I logged in at 7pm central only one server registered as heavy while the others were standard


So from observation....no the game health is not great....it is rather poor specially when compared to other mmo style games that are available as the only thing separating this game from the masses is the the ability to use a glowstick as a weapon.


And to point out...on bastion we have 133 people on imp fleet at 1309 central time. That was the way it was a year ago before the second merge....so that tells me that yes the game has declined in population. That number should have increased exponentially with the merge.

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I'm really sorry. :)


To be fair...according to this http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats at least the European servers seem to be making a rebound a bit in population but seem to go up and down every six months. The US servers have had a trend going down in the past 12 months with small brief spikes prob in relation to updates but then quickly leave again.


And if you do a quick internet search of what the most popular mmorpg style games are currently I still have yet to find one that has swtor in the top 25....come to think of it I havent' seen any advertising for swtor in quite a while....


anywho....i still stand by my original point. Just wanted to add some evidence to back it up.


still say premades and solo que should be in different ques with cross server capability.

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LOL its called feedback...white knights are the worst kind of people to devs as they do not give honest feedback as they never see anything wrong with the game and can not give an honest opinion about it. They are complacent and don't want anything to change which causes stagnancy.


And when an opposing view is presented, they attack it with "then leave" or some other meaningless twaddle while not offering a productive counter argument.


"this game is dying, and the devs should feel bad" is not feedback that is useful to anyone, anywhere.


also LOL torstatus, that website gets its numbers by looking at the amount of time a server is listed as light/standard/heavy/etc. those values vary since they are calculated by the server's capacity which varies. Jung Ma is the lowest population server bar none with only one fleet instance active even during primetime. Yet last time I checked torstatus it had JM ahead of pot5 in population....

Using torstatus as a measure is not even remotely accurate.

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"Dying game" is meaningless unless defined. I played SWG down to the last day the servers were active and had a lot of fun.


But yes, this game does not have as many subscribers as it once did, it doesn't have as many employees working on it as it once did, you get less for your 15$ each month than you used to. (Remember when you didn't have to be sub'd to post?) and the support is less than promised (no "weekly patch" to fix bugs, exploits or make class balance changes.

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On the last part, incentives could be like:


-Lock boxes bought with excess ship req.

I have literally every single component maxed out on my favorite fighter. So being able to buy stuff like credit cases, or roll boxes with items would be great!


-Vanity Items

People like to collect these sorts of stuff. Wouldn't mind a pet Sabotage Probe, new flight suits, new paint jobs and colors, more shiny looking components for the fighters. Whatever.


-Character progression

It gives decent amount of XP and credits. Maybe it could also reward crafting schematics, leveling gear, legacy gear. Maybe legacy fighters to help your alts out with GSF.


I like these Ideas, they are very good suggestions.


I don't 100% agree with the rest of what you said, but these are great ideas.

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