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Bioware forgot to include the first M in MMO...Massive


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I play on one of the most populated servers around, one that is consistently full (Lord Adraas), and no matter where I go I do not see that many people. While questing I'll see the odd one or two people, and when I go to major city hubs I'll see a dozen tops (more likely six or so). The only time I see a "lot" of people is when I'm at the starbases, and even then it's only like twenty or thirty people.


this has been my experience aswell. I am on Bloodworthy EU PVP server, it's always full and has a queue, but I barely see any other players unless i'm at a social hub like the fleet, where is everyone???????? are the queues fake? i'm starting to think they are.

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I play on one of the most populated servers around, one that is consistently full (Lord Adraas), and no matter where I go I do not see that many people. While questing I'll see the odd one or two people, and when I go to major city hubs I'll see a dozen tops (more likely six or so). The only time I see a "lot" of people is when I'm at the starbases, and even then it's only like twenty or thirty people.


20-30 isn't enough? What is then? Personally that is the max I would ever want to be around. I remember back in WoW and avoiding Ironforge like the plague. It was like bring crammed into a tiny and noisy elevator.

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First off all, this thread is about leaving feedback, but biodrone like you are telling us to be silent. Next what is your point about WoW being old? If is could handle 8 yrs ago, then surely this game can do what an older system did then. Your just on the defensive. Also I never said you can dump unlimited people, but when my wife logs into Wow at night and enters Stormwind, I can actually SEE a lot of people running around and guess what, no lag.


This game is new, and it should utilize all the current tech that comes with. If older systems can handle the request we have, that mean newer ones should too. And please do taunt me with "go back to Wow." I want this game to succeed, not fail. Those of you trying to silence those that want a better gaming experience are the ones that are going to be your undoing.


Or maybe your perception that there is a problem is incorrect. There is not a problem but an hurdle that can and will be over come. Maybe even everything is working at intended?


Frankly your acting like everyone at bioware is out for coffee all the time.

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20-30 isn't enough? What is then? Personally that is the max I would ever want to be around. I remember back in WoW and avoiding Ironforge like the plague. It was like bring crammed into a tiny and noisy elevator.


I'm playing an MMO, so no, 20-30 people is not enough. I could get more people then that playing a round of BF3. I'm playing a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online Roleplaying Game so that I can see a lot of people and interact freely. I want the world to seem alive and buzzing with activity. Having everywhere but the fleet starbase be a ghost town, and even the starbase feeling dreadfully empty, is in no way fun.

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I don't know how many people they have on each server but it clearly isn't enough because areas do feel empty. I was on Taris last night and we had a massive 21 people , that is not going to sustain this game if this continues. The chances of getting players for a heroic quest are near impossible with this type of player per server planning.


To those saying servers cannot handle it or it isn't affordable. Figure this, they just announced 1 million players, that is $15 million per month income. For that kind of cash you can rent a whole datacenter and still make plenty in profits.

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Stop thinking your opinion is the same as everyone elses.


lol what?


I assume that was sarcasm?


How is "Finally I can agree with someone" the same as "STOP THINKING YOUR OPINION IS THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSES?"

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Eve online comes to mind since it uses one single server that has 50 thousand people online at any given time, with big fleet battles involving thousands of people. So it very clearly can be done.


Clearly you've never played EvE seriously then.


When planning your war with another alliance in EvE, one of the steps to plan out is what to do when you crash the server. Because you will crash the node in which you are fighting. In fact, CCP recommends that you tell them where you want to fight your epic battle the day before, so they can move that solar system to it's own node. And you can still crash it easily.


It turns out marketing materials aren't a substitute for knowing what you're talking about.

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I'm playing an MMO, so no, 20-30 people is not enough. I could get more people then that playing a round of BF3. I'm playing a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online Roleplaying Game so that I can see a lot of people and interact freely. I want the world to seem alive and buzzing with activity. Having everywhere but the fleet starbase be a ghost town, and even the starbase feeling dreadfully empty, is in no way fun.


I find it fun myself. And having too many people kills the roleplaying aspect for me as well as making the world seem tiny instead of massive.


But again, how many people do you need to have fun?

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Clearly you've never played EvE seriously then.


When planning your war with another alliance in EvE, one of the steps to plan out is what to do when you crash the server. Because you will crash the node in which you are fighting. In fact, CCP recommends that you tell them where you want to fight your epic battle the day before, so they can move that solar system to it's own node. And you can still crash it easily.


It turns out marketing materials aren't a substitute for knowing what you're talking about.


I am fully aware of that. But your post just proves my post. It takes literally thousands of people in space ships duking it out to crash it. Fact is, the game can support 50k people at the same time and can support well over a thousand people in the same area fighting each other. I'd expect any other MMO to be able to do the same. Unlike Eve, though, TOR does not have to worry about two thousand people gathering in coruscant to start fighting. So my point remains the same.

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Feels like a solo player game completely. Maybe that's how "its different from every other MMO" I've played??


There is no reason to interact with another living person. You do not have to run a flashpoint if you don't want to, or do the heroic quests to level. The cities are empty... some of them are just shells of cities. Like in Nar Shaddaa, i was trying to explore all the shops but ...you know, you can't even go inside what looks like a shop...its just a false front :( rather sad for an explorer like myself.


General chat seems to be only to used for LFG or if you can't find a quest item.


So while im having fun with the solo part of this game....if things do not change, i can't see myself getting sucked in for a long time past max level like i have with other games i have played.

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I find it fun myself. And having too many people kills the roleplaying aspect for me as well as making the world seem tiny instead of massive.


But again, how many people do you need to have fun?


Excellent point, it just placates on the idea that people are just complaining to complain.

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I find it fun myself. And having too many people kills the roleplaying aspect for me as well as making the world seem tiny instead of massive.


But again, how many people do you need to have fun?


I understand and even sympathize that you don't like crowds. Tbh, although my posts may be giving off a different vibe, I too do not like sardine packed cities. I want enough players to make the world seem alive. The cities to have people, the worlds to have people. And like it or not, this is an MMO, if all you want is a small community to rp with then there are other avenues to attain this. Making an mmo feel like an mmo should take priority over everything else, and as is TOR feels like a singleplayer game with co-op. That wont hold people subs.

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Or maybe your perception that there is a problem is incorrect. There is not a problem but an hurdle that can and will be over come. Maybe even everything is working at intended?


Frankly your acting like everyone at bioware is out for coffee all the time.


Or maybe only seeing 20-30 people in a game that is suppose to have hundreds in it, is a problem. Oh wait that is what we are talking about. Frankly, I do believe bioware is out to coffee while the thread fills up with this issue. I'll be satisfied when they officially announce something one way or the other.


I'm playing an MMO, so no, 20-30 people is not enough. I could get more people then that playing a round of BF3. I'm playing a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online Roleplaying Game so that I can see a lot of people and interact freely. I want the world to seem alive and buzzing with activity. Having everywhere but the fleet starbase be a ghost town, and even the starbase feeling dreadfully empty, is in no way fun.


Look at this guy, he thinks he is playing an MMO, I think I'm playing an MMO. So where the hell is everyone? Again, stop shoveling that crude down my throat and telling me to like it. I want a respond from Bioware on this issue, not a sympathizer.

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Feels like a solo player game completely. Maybe that's how "its different from every other MMO" I've played??


There is no reason to interact with another living person. You do not have to run a flashpoint if you don't want to, or do the heroic quests to level. The cities are empty... some of them are just shells of cities. Like in Nar Shaddaa, i was trying to explore all the shops but ...you know, you can't even go inside what looks like a shop...its just a false front :( rather sad for an explorer like myself.


General chat seems to be only to used for LFG or if you can't find a quest item.


So while im having fun with the solo part of this game....if things do not change, i can't see myself getting sucked in for a long time past max level like i have with other games i have played.



I could say the same thing with just about any game.


Of course if you CHOOSE to not partake in the MULTIPLAYER aspects of a game, it will feel like a single player.


Why must people spout incoherent nonsense.


As for exploration, there is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to explore; So that makes no sense.


Are you talking about low population or Restrictive areas?


The server I am on has people everywhere I go, and quite frequently I'm waiting for mobs or spawn points.

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First off all, this thread is about leaving feedback, but biodrone's like you are telling us to be silent. Next what is your point about WoW being old? If it could handle it 8 yrs ago, then surely this game can do what an older system did then. Your just on the defensive. Also I never said you can dump unlimited people on a server, but when my wife logs into Wow at night and enters Stormwind, I can actually SEE a lot of people running around and guess what, no lag.


This game is new, and it should utilize all the current tech that comes with it. If older systems can handle the request we have, that mean newer ones should too. And please don't taunt me with "go back to Wow." I want this game to succeed, not fail. Those of you trying to silence those that want a better gaming experience, are the ones that are going to be your undoing.


Your arguement is not valid because they are two different games. Your logic says if an old game can do it then a new game can do it. You ignore the fact when WoW launched most people couldnt login at all. They have had years to upgrade and optimize the code they are using. You cannot expect this game to start off like that game is now. It sure seems pretty popular so I doubt anyone happy with the game like it is will be its "undoing".


If you want a polished game with optimized servers etc try this one again in 5 years or so when they have had the same amount of time to do it.

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...But they are the first to remember what the R, P, and G stand for. Which no mmorpg to date has been able to accomplish.


Oh, and they didn't forget the first M either.


Actually, this is entirely opinion, but I do not feel TOR handles the 'RPG' side of things any better then any other MMO. Even the story driven aspect really is nothing more then a facade when you realize it may as well be a movie given how much control you actually have over it. There is no real roleplaying in TOR, gameplay wise. Any roleplay is simply between community members, which every MMO has. So tbh the only thing TOR has going for it is online multiplayer. Since no MMO has the RPG part, and TOR is severely lacking the first M part.

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Or maybe only seeing 20-30 people in a game that is suppose to have hundreds in it, is a problem. Oh wait that is what we are talking about. Frankly, I do believe bioware is out to coffe while the thread fill up with this issue. I'll be satisfied when the officially announce something one way or the other.



This this guy, he thinks he is playing an MMO, I think I'm playing an MMO. So where the hell is everyone? Again, stop shoveling that crude down my throat and telling me to like it. I want a responds from Bioware on this issue.


Have you seen what happens when you get invited tinto a group when someone is in another 'phase'?


You magically teleport into said phase with the group.


wheres the problem?

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There are a lot of threads along the same lines. Correct. But maybe a couple things are happening here that warrant a look? Maybe just a little?


1. Threads don't stay on page 1 for long - depends on overall daily traffic or post numbers

2. No search feature (at least that I'm aware of)

3. More people are playing now and probably thinking the same thing


Could be any one of those or something totally different than that. I'll tell you what I pretty much thought the same thing. Hey Bioware - where the hell is the MULTIPLAYER part, over. I mean. I see the MASSIVE part in the maps. They are huge. I maybe see one ore two people in the area if that. PvP zones on a PvP server - forget it. I've seen maybe one person. No - I did see one person. I killed him/her, in turn they came back and repaid the favor. No problem.


Sharded. Personal quest instances. Whatever. You just don't see people out in the world. Now the question I have which I probably know the answer is was this by design? As many said to reduce mob camping, etc. I'm thinking it is. Well, it worked great. Probably too great because to many long time MMO players that is the norm. Good bad or indifferent that is what we are accustomed to. Yet in this game we just don't have people around at all. I'm ignoring the counter in the upper left too. Just take a step back and look at it this way...


You land on planet X. Fire up your speeder bike. Make your way to your quest point and along the way you sort of stop in your tracks. Look up at the sky and see the surrounding moons and clear sky. You look left and see sand as far as your eyes can see. You look right and see the same but with large windmills gently turning in the days breeze. You scan the horizon for any sign of life and all you see sand, sand, and more sand.


Back to reality. It is a great game. It is a lot of fun. They just do things different I guess for whatever reason. The game to me seems like a single player game on most planets. Fleets are a bit different. Just from a boot on the ground point of view, to me anyway, it plays as a single user game. And that is what I think people hare struggling with.


Flashpoints, warzones, whatever are different. It is the rest of the stuff needed to get to 50. And I honestly have to say it isn't fun in that regard.


Peace out. And have a great Christmas all and a safe New Year.

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Your arguement is not valid because they are two different games. Your logic says if an old game can do it then a new game can do it. You ignore the fact when WoW launched most people couldnt login at all. They have had years to upgrade and optimize the code they are using. You cannot expect this game to start off like that game is now. It sure seems pretty popular so I doubt anyone happy with the game like it is will be its "undoing".


If you want a polished game with optimized servers etc try this one again in 5 years or so when they have had the same amount of time to do it.


Y'know, this argument really holds no weight and should never be made. "Oh but WoW is old and had plenty of time to polish!", something TOR can springboard itself off of. The very fact that WoW has had time to perfect everything makes TOR's inadequencies even worse. It's like somebody went and invented the wheel (before anyone starts, I know WoW did not invent mmos), and then a decade later someone comes in trying to figure out how to make their wagon move smoothly while going "But I just started so it's to be expected."


Like it or not, WoW paved the way so TOR should have no problem with this sort of thing since they can just look back at WoW's launch, figure out what went wrong, and make sure they do not repeat such mistakes.

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I understand and even sympathize that you don't like crowds. Tbh, although my posts may be giving off a different vibe, I too do not like sardine packed cities. I want enough players to make the world seem alive. The cities to have people, the worlds to have people. And like it or not, this is an MMO, if all you want is a small community to rp with then there are other avenues to attain this. Making an mmo feel like an mmo should take priority over everything else, and as is TOR feels like a singleplayer game with co-op. That wont hold people subs.


You can't say for for sure it won't hold subs. It very well could if there was enough people who don't like being shoulder to shoulder with 50 people like myself.

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Your arguement is not valid because they are two different games. Your logic says if an old game can do it then a new game can do it. You ignore the fact when WoW launched most people couldnt login at all. They have had years to upgrade and optimize the code they are using. You cannot expect this game to start off like that game is now. It sure seems pretty popular so I doubt anyone happy with the game like it is will be its "undoing".


If you want a polished game with optimized servers etc try this one again in 5 years or so when they have had the same amount of time to do it.


You make it sound like you understand logic, but you do not. Years to optimize their system, means that bioware had the same years to learn the same. I don't give a crap that WoW launched with x number of problems in 2004. What I care about is they SOLVED them, and bioware should know how to as well. I absolutely expect this game to launch with the same precision. When I played beta Rift into early game and then launch, I saw hundreds of people. A game should release with NEW tech, not old then claim it needs TIME to be as good as modern MMO's.

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Have you seen what happens when you get invited tinto a group when someone is in another 'phase'?


You magically teleport into said phase with the group.


wheres the problem?


The problem is your too blind by your own loyalty to a game with issues to see the problem. You should re-read the OP's thread to gain a better grasp as the issue at hand.

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