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Anyone else EXCITED about Player Housing?


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for the rest ''wishlist'' not have a demand for those, i find them useless, meaningless


Well, in the ESSENTIALS list I think everything except for the entertainment room has been stated as part of the expansion. How are we supposed to throw parties without an entertainment room?? Without that, the enjoyability factor kind of goes down the tubes.


Other than the ESSENTIALS list, there HAS TO BE a few other features of some kind, that add an interesting twist to the Stronghold environment. Placing pets and vehicles isn't really what I would consider fantastically interesting, but I suppose placing pets might end up slightly fun. Placing ships would be interesting, if you could actually go aboard the ship.

Edited by anonnn
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I actually wasn't excited (and a little discouraged that the one feature I wanted, legacy storage, would be either much more expensive or much less extensive, than I had hoped) . . .


. . . until I saw the previews of each stronghold on Dulfy. Looks good!

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I am on the fence;


1. If they improve on it month after month or year after year, then my answer is leaning towards yes.


2. Since it is a huge credit sink, If they add features that helps your game such as you can grow a garden for Biochemist mats or use a replicator for other craft mats, then my answer leans towards yes.


3. If storage costs are reduced because of space your fortress has, then my answer leans towards yes.


4. If they would allow you to have your free home anywhere besides Nar Shaddaa, then my answer is yes.


If it is purely for bragging rights and cosmetic purposes, then my answer is no and prefer to have my fortress in the Tale of Two Wastelands, the mod that binds Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas into one world.

Edited by Lorica
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And I still don't care... even less now that I know how useless Legacy storage really will be...


Most Definitely! Another feature I would like to see. In addition, bond all equipment across the legacy and be able to share it. Trust me, this is not going to end raiding because you still have to win the pieces or grind the comms to share.

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I'd bet they're going to start a Cartel Flash sale this weekend. Just to drain our remaining Cartel Coins... sorry, I meant "to keep things exciting".


I'm glad there's nothing I want then, I think I've unlocked anything that I want yet til the Sateel set comes out (just want the boots but have to get the whole thing to unlock them)


I think I've unlocked 4 sets now just for the shoes.... :o

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I am *very* excited. It adds an extra dimension for the achievement oriented people that want extra things to collect and extra reasons to do rep, take the extra time to do the Shroud and the Dread Seeds, take the time to do HM and NM ops instead of just story, or do pvp gear.


Extra rewards are always a good thing in MMOs. So, a very smart move for BW. /golf clap


The best part---for me---is that in addition to creating to rewards/activities outside of the normal OPs/WZs/dailies and giving new reward, it sets the stage for the next logical step in the future of SWTOR.


Mini Games such as Dejarik/Sabaac. I have seen a myriad of posts "there is *nothing* to do in the houses"...........yet.


This is an MMO people, they are sequentially adding features to actively improve their game. I'd rather spend a year or so making a sick pad for me and my guild-mates and playing the upcoming story (which looks *sick*) until they add such games later on then have to wait another year to get *anything*. Tons of us asked for player housing, and they gave it to us, and it looks pretty dang good too so far.


But dang...the SWG-nostalgic crowd should go play a new game. Seriously. Since launch all I've heard is "Its not SWG...its not SWG....its not SWG..."! Its gone, RIP. And nostalgia is great. I miss the days when Nintendo made good games on the 64, but I don't go on Xbox or Wii forums saying "only 64 games were good."


But hey, I ain't deluded into thinking my post will create....idk...optimism? Considering this game went from dead and dying f2p to pleasantly awesome and is still actively improving.


At least try to say something new about SWG that hasn't been said literally every single patch and update that has come since 1.3.


Oh and: ToR story > SWG story. Hands down. Bring on 3.0!!!!


/drop mic

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Nope. If I want to waste time sitting around in a home for a video game, I'll go play the Sims. I would much rather see content that gives you actual STAR WARS things to do... more PVP warzone, more promotion and inscentives for open world pvp, more story and higher level caps. (Things to do that we actually chose to play the game for). Let's be honest, no one will ever say "hey, I want to start playing SWTOR or continue to play SWTOR because I can literally sit around in my stupid home and look at my stupid stuff that I collect all day. Real fun.......... Edited by bzotta
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New video (August 13, 2014):



Small observations:



  • Flashpoint snapshot decorations
  • throne decoration (with someone sitting on the throne)
  • fountain decorations
  • some kind of NPC decoration (looks like an imperial officer)
  • short clips of some kind of city battle which must be the planetary conquest missions



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I resubed at 14/7 part of the offer for a house in nar shadaa.. All my characters will get it? Even those that I will create in the feature?


Now if I am excited? Nope, but I always get the offers for extra things for my characters so I took advantage of that offer...I prefer to have it as a default feature, than gathering millions to get it for each individual character!...


I love to play RP games, but not acting to it... playing to it instead :) I hope in the feature they give us some content have to do with the housing, special quests, companion stuff.... Everybody asks new things for our companions, more story, special gears, missions...etc


As for the flagship... I also run a solo guild, for me only and I already gathered some... but up to 50!!! There is a long long road... Why so expensive!! I smell credit sellers all over the place...


I would preffer it to be like...


1) a series of quests to gather materials

2) to make a contract, be able to built our flag ship in a factory or something, galactic factory...

3) and pay some credits, but not 50m!!!

4) fill it with merceneries, making contracts...

5) flag ships to turn into warzones or mini fp\s

Edited by Oyranos
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I am so stoked about the new personal strongholds with one exception. Does anyone know if the devs are planning to implement additional gold keys to players who wish to have their IRL Husband/wife, BF/GF or RP Husband/wife, BF/GF attempt to contribute to decorating their stongholds. Realistically, gold keys can be handed out with guild stronholds as well as the guild flagships so how hard would it really be to implement adding at least 1 gold key to the personal stronghold. Personally I would pay a reasonable amount of CC to obtain a gold key to give out to my RP significant other to help decorate and keep the immersion going. Once the decorations are used they are bound to that person so if they are moved they should revert back to the person they are bound to which would basically nullify any so called "theft" of decorations that people would be afraid of. Over all, I think the strongholds are great, but I want to be able to share the experience with my RP significant in making a home rather than just being a visitor in my home or visa versa.


Just my 2 cents.



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