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Anyone else EXCITED about Player Housing?


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I am hopeful....but GS taught me not to be excited.


This dev team, though head and shoulders above the prior team, is still capable of reaching for the mundane. IMO GS was the very definition of lost potential, and it is my hope that the housing here does not turn out the same way.

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No. Not at all. It's garbage.


I don't want to Play Barbie Dress Up House. I do that quite well on my Barbie Dress Up House game.


I want to play group content woth my characters. I don't want to dress them up, I don't want to decorate their house. I just want enough decent content that me and my friends can play. This does not include the worst thing to ever come to an MMO, tacticals. Can whatever comes next please not be brainless tacticals?


If you're getting excited about player housing, you're probably a carebear.


...and to be fair, if you hold an opinion similar to this one you are likely a part of the minority playerbase, and represent the very kind of player that almost sunk this game to start with IMO.


Folks like this may not like casual players, but those casual players keep the lights on IMO.

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Lots of great ideas


I want to add a few more about practically outside of the vanity aspect:



Besides the Operations Terminals, Priority Missions terminals and legacy storage, I have these ideas:


-Default chat channel is fleet


-A cooldown ability that gives anyone in your group a prompt to transport to your current location (even inside an op if possible?), but they have to go through your home first and use the terminal to get there. This would encourage people to check out other people's homes, even in passing, for a practical reason


-A legacy box where you can put in any item and if you leave it there for some time (4-10 days) it becomes permanently bound to legacy.


-One of the legacy storage panels is for bound armorings/mods/enhancements since they can be moved with legacy gear anyways. Makes it easier to see what you have free across all characters if stored here


You could mix any credit/CC sinks in these ideas too


Please add these to your wishlists in original post

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...and to be fair, if you hold an opinion similar to this one you are likely a part of the minority playerbase, and represent the very kind of player that almost sunk this game to start with IMO.


Folks like this may not like casual players, but those casual players keep the lights on IMO.


I disagree entirely. It's the raiders who are keeping the lights on. We're the ones subbing so we can perform all the raids we want without resrictions.



If you want dressing up, go get a dress up game. Want to decorate houses? Go get a house decorating game. This is a COMBAT game. I can't find the 'paint your house' or 'dress like an inter-galactic lady of the night' ability in my abilities pane. All I see are combat skills.


This game is ruined by the casuals you're talking about. They've made this game one big in-app purchase. Rediculous.

Edited by Maldorans
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I disagree entirely. It's the raiders who are keeping the lights on. We're the ones subbing so we can perform all the raids we want without resrictions.



If you want dressing up, go get a dress up game. Want to decorate houses? Go get a house decorating game. This is a COMBAT game. I can't find the 'paint your house' or 'dress like an inter-galactic lady of the night' ability in my abilities pane. All I see are combat skills.


This game is ruined by the casuals you're talking about. They've made this game one big in-app purchase. Rediculous.


And this is why we all dread jr high and high schools closing for the summer holidays.


Aug/sept cant come soon enough

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I disagree entirely. It's the raiders who are keeping the lights on. We're the ones subbing so we can perform all the raids we want without resrictions.



If you want dressing up, go get a dress up game. Want to decorate houses? Go get a house decorating game. This is a COMBAT game. I can't find the 'paint your house' or 'dress like an inter-galactic lady of the night' ability in my abilities pane. All I see are combat skills.


This game is ruined by the casuals you're talking about. They've made this game one big in-app purchase. Rediculous.



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And this is why we all dread jr high and high schools closing for the summer holidays.


Aug/sept cant come soon enough


1. Thankfully I'm not American and the rest of the Western World don't have a junior high, or your low education standards.


2. By branding me a child, you are trying to appear more mature and intelligent. You did that by resorting to calling me a child. Good one on the maturity and intelligence there. Good one.


3. You make no significant counter argument, so your entire statement was a meaningless task, with a meaningless point.

Edited by Maldorans
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I disagree entirely. It's the raiders who are keeping the lights on. We're the ones subbing so we can perform all the raids we want without resrictions.



If you want dressing up, go get a dress up game. Want to decorate houses? Go get a house decorating game. This is a COMBAT game. I can't find the 'paint your house' or 'dress like an inter-galactic lady of the night' ability in my abilities pane. All I see are combat skills.


This game is ruined by the casuals you're talking about. They've made this game one big in-app purchase. Rediculous.


Nope it's the casuals. The raiders are just a minority, the CM is a huge success thanks to us Roleplayers.

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A cooldown ability that gives anyone in your group a prompt to transport to your current location (even inside an op if possible?), but they have to go through your home first and use the terminal to get there. This would encourage people to check out other people's homes, even in passing, for a practical reason



This is one of my favorite ideas for strongholds ... there has to be plenty of reason for people to visit the strongholds owned by other players, so this is a really good idea. This idea and a request for a way to automatically connect to fleet chat are now in "New Wish List".

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I am hopeful....but GS taught me not to be excited.


This dev team, though head and shoulders above the prior team, is still capable of reaching for the mundane. IMO GS was the very definition of lost potential, and it is my hope that the housing here does not turn out the same way.


The same way the lack of multi-player gunships is IMO a complete loss of the potential of Galactic Starfighter, the Strongholds need to have a party room that can be used to throw moderately interesting social gatherings. This will require things like pressure-sensitive dance-floor tiles, a glitter-and-flourishes vendor, and some other new and exciting social features, perhaps even multi-player game terminals (sabacc, dejarik, Hutt Invaders, etc). If not, once you visit a person's stronghold once to see what deco they've added... unless they announce later that they've added some new interesting deco and invite you there, you won't likely ever want to visit their stronghold again.


Perhaps if there's a Party Room in the stronghold, the owner could make it publicly accessible, then anyone could visit it any time they feel like having a decent party. Word could get around about who's designed the best Party Room, and spontaneous parties could break out at the most popular Party Rooms around the galaxy. The social vendors and game terminals could even earn the owner some credits ! . Maybe when a larger crowd has formed in a party room, more sophisticated party features could activate. :cool:

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Yes and no, ok No to the housing but a big yes to the legacy bank within the housing. So only a little part of the housing in general, but cannot overstate how much I wanted the legacy bank.


Yes, with the Legacy Bank I might actually take up crafting again!

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Personally I think it is a waste of dev time just to have a place to show off your pets. ( I know theres more to it than that) Honestly if they were to make them into instanced private (or public for a cost) social areas I would find them much cooler. As others have suggested make it a place where people can meet up.. have interactive dance floors, jukeboxes where the profits are returned to the owner of said space, mini games that can be played for credits ( swtor really needs some gambling besides cartel packs :D ) , and my personal favorite idea of an area that is for "fight clubbing". It would be an area where you could designate teams of 1-8 to fight each other, and allow spectators to place bets! Perhaps even add in player controlled traps that the people watching could operate. Give the owner of said space a good amount of customization to the layout. It would be a great place for pvp'ers to gather/practice and actually build a community in a sense. Instead them of speeding around the fleet trolling general chat as it currently stands.


Just my 2cents

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So you like to dress up like a girl?




I know I do. I also like to dress up like a guy. And, I'm looking forward to my house. I'll dress it up too. Don't under estimate the therapeutic values of playing barbie and dress up. Live a little.:)

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Made a thread about this in general, but basically Im really excited about everything.


Everything you said on Player Housing is a must, but as for Guild Ships:

1.Crew Quarters: a mini version of player housing where everyone in the guild gets a small room as their own. The quality of these would improve with rank. (Note: I know this would be hard to implement, but I would LOVE this.)

2. Bridge: Missions could be shown here (Conquest Events and such)

3. Hangar: An instanced hangar for guild members would be GREAT. Perhaps you could come here from your personal quarters?

4. Guild Capital Ship Space PvP: I know this has been discussed before, but being able to launch from your ship and fight with your guildies would be AWESOME.

These are all the crazy ideas I can think of right now...

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nope not excited at all


You will be excited once you see it. Hopefully, over time BW improves on the housing idea to what pso2 is capable like adding terminals and changing the setting of your house to like a beach house or other various settings.

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1. Thankfully I'm not American and the rest of the Western World don't have a junior high, or your low education standards.


2. By branding me a child, you are trying to appear more mature and intelligent. You did that by resorting to calling me a child. Good one on the maturity and intelligence there. Good one.


3. You make no significant counter argument, so your entire statement was a meaningless task, with a meaningless point.


I don't think you get to talk about maturity when you keep tossing out your own insults, like carebear, to describe the primary audience of this game.


If raiders were providing the majority of the income as you state, then the game wouldn't have gone F2P to attract casuals to pay the bills, because raiders would have been paying the bills. Additionally, if raiders were a significant part of the income, they would probably have a bigger raid team churning out more raids more often. Figuring this out is pretty elementary, even for us Americans.


Additionally, this isn't a just a combat game, and never was. This is a Role Playing Game (that is what the RPG part of MMORPG stands for), of which combat is one aspect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game for more information on what a RPG is. Additionally, BioWare is a studio known for its dedication to story, in line with the major goals of a Role Playing Game. If you aren't interested in Role Playing at all, and are going to get mad at the Role Players the game was designed for getting excited over the introduction of more Role Playing tools, you are going to be mad as heck an awful lot.

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  • 3 weeks later...


. . . . . New video reveal (July 2, 2014): . .





Small observations:



  • customization cycling through choices of bed style !
  • a new video snapshot display on the wall (includes a rank marker in the lower left)
  • an interior shuttle docking bay
  • some kind of changeable relic decoration
  • a gigantic floating polyhedron decoration
  • a cantina with a JUKEBOX and DEJARIK table ! . . hmm
  • an outdoor ship landing pad



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the Strongholds need to have a party room that can be used to throw moderately interesting social gatherings. This will require things like pressure-sensitive dance-floor tiles, a glitter-and-flourishes vendor, and some other new and exciting social features, perhaps even multi-player game terminals (sabacc, dejarik, Hutt Invaders, etc). If not, once you visit a person's stronghold once to see what deco they've added... unless they announce later that they've added some new interesting deco and invite you there, you won't likely ever want to visit their stronghold again.




Maybe it is just me, but if I want a moderately interesting social gathering, I'll invite a friend or two over to my house.


My real house, that actually exists, in the real world... and we'll play cards, or have a few drinks and watch the game on TV... and be social...


SWTOR is a game about playing a Jedi or a Sith or Boba Fett or Han Solo... that largely revolves around blowing things up and shooting other people... none of which will be done in your house...


If this were a game set in the Star Wars Universe, but was meant to be more the "The Sims", then fine, this makes sense.


The number of times I've actually met up with someone in the game, grouped, and stood next to them for any purpose other than killing something or trading items? Zero.


The number of times this is likely to happen after Aug 19th? Zero.


Legacy Bank storage will be nice, guild ships have a small chance of being useful, if done right. Otherwise I fail to see why I care about any of this.


If you like it, more power to you, enjoy the heck out of it... I suspect it will be another GSF, something that they thought had to be added as a "feature checkbox", but didn't actually have the budget to do properly. The "hooks" to place items, the lack of free form placement, is a perfect example of this. Either do it right or don't do it at all.


GSF was not done right and clearly based on feedback from the devs, no future developments should be expected because it isn't popular and they are moving on from it. Kinda like the StarFox on rails space game that it launched with that has hardly been touched since. Had GSF been Jump to Lightspeed Mark II, it could have turned this game around. As it stands, it is crap, complete and utter crap.


Don't be shocked if Strongholds isn't really touched again, other than to sell vanity items in cartel packs. It'll just became another checkbox while they work on the next checkbox item.


What do I really want? A version of the "Revan Holostatue" that provides anywhere access to my ship storage, another version that provides anywhere access to the GTN, another version that provides a set of mission terminals (PvP, FP, OPS) and the mission complete versions of said terminals.


What else? How about a ship storage bank that actually was large enough to be useful. Give me 20 or 30 tabs, instead of 5. Give me the ability to stack 9,999 items in 1 spot instead of 99. Give me the ability to stack any item that I have multiple copies of, not just mats and consumables (if I craft 50 copies of a lvl 50 barrel, why can't I just stack them together?)

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Added information to the main post from the Player Communication on April 23, 2014 !

  • Early Access is now August 19, 2014 and will include all features
  • the Guild Flagship will provide a buff to guild members on the planet where it's docked
  • Planetary Conquest weekly guild competition
  • Stronghold invite-your-friends feature!


1: Guild Flagship bonus = Pointless, since only the guild leader will likely control it, which means only they or their best mates will benefit from it and only those that are lucky enough to be on the same planet is just that, lucky.


2: Planetary Conquest = Just another pointless pvp crap, but in a guild enviroment, if it has a pve side, cool, if not, its a waste of resources.


3: Stronghold = A Waste of resources, why invite your friends to your stronghold to just......sit around........if you just want to talk, there is a thing called skype.....another useless feature.


So, far the only possible useful feature is the legacy bank and that is only useful if you can put any items in it, bound or not that can be sent to other characters, if its bound to legacy only, it just a useless feature too since you can just mail those.

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2: Planetary Conquest = Just another pointless pvp crap, but in a guild enviroment, if it has a pve side, cool, if not, its a waste of resources.


When they first told us about it, this was described as a PVE feature, not PVP. Have they changed that? (I've been away from the game for a few weeks)

Edited by PLynkes
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