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Anyone else EXCITED about Player Housing?


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I like some of your ideas, but don't think it should be related in anyway to loot distribution.


Loot is dropped per boss, and you decide on loot right then. Either need/greed, or master looter, or whatever. It would add a lot of time having to go back to the guild ship or raid leader's house to distribute.

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I will have my subscription active during that time.


If it is interesting enough to play it, that is another story.


I want the player house to be the same for my legacy, no way I am building my houses for each character from scratch. It is either legay housing for me or I will not be housing at all.


There needs to be quicktravel, one that takes you to your house and one terminal that teleports you to your ship or some other planet. The loadingscreens between planets are not that fun to watch that it justifies playerhousing.


I hope they make it worth our while and not only go cartel coin bananas

Edited by Icestar
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I've just got to mention that if it's nothing like how we had housing in SWG, I don't want to be apart of it. The whole reason to have housing is for artistic expression that you can share with others in the game. If other players can't enter your house, then there really isn't any point to this.


I still don't think there is a point to this other than to "satisfy" the whiners. They just need to bring Star Wars Galaxies back and forget this game ever existed LOL

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Im VERY EXCITED for housing,

it made me resub actually

I had been here since closed beta and had just finally gotten fed up with no housing, no paazaak, no swoop racing and more.


This is a step in the right direction and even though Ill not be online for its launch (major shoulder surgery in april or may) I resub'd to make sure I have an account going for the bonus NS apartment.


Feel sorry for the UO/SWG fans though that have convinced themselves this will be UO/SWG style housing.


No chance in Alderaan of that happening


Actually just the bonus NS apartment tells us this in modural housing (IE: EQ2 style) and you will unlock additional rooms via cartel (im guessing cartel or GTN).


You will not be placing your house

The apartments will be located in the city portions of a planet (non combat non enemies areas...IE Tewmple in Tython, Senate area of Coruscant, Imp city on Dromman Kass, ect)


Love that there will be trophies (more from EQ2 and DAoC) and decorations


And also love guild flag ships


Just reactivated my old place holder guild for me and a buddy so we can eventually get the flag ship


Now we just need


more flashpoints

more planets

Paazaak and Swoop racing from KotOR1


oh and more classes cause I just cant bring myself to make a Cathar character as I already have all the classes done before its release.

need a new class and new storyline to make a cathar

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Coming from SWG, I've always loved player housing, but I have a feeling TOR player housing will be pointless and feel wasted unless EAWare is able to pull something crazily amazing out of their butts. The main reason I think this is just because of the game design at its core. This game isn't set up to promote useful player housing. There's no reason to have housing here. For example, in SWG, housing had 2 fundamental uses that made it unique and necessary:


1) Housing was used to publicly (or privately if you chose) show off your trophies, rewards, unique finds accumulated over years dedicated to the game, and maybe most importantly, your craftiness of creating "scenes" for lack of a better word (for example, I made a wrestling ring in my house out of weapon power-ups and tables with R2 and C3PO inside of it) and decorating ability. It was a roadmap of where you've been, what you've done, and how successful you've been.


2) It was also used (most of the time, in conjunction with #1) as a public player shop/store/mall loaded with vendors, obviously attracting players on the entire server based on what you were selling, and thus, bringing traffic to your house/store allowing people to see all those trophies and decorations from #1. The game was based upon a player-driven economy and player housing was the perfect implementation to supplement that economic system type in a fun and creative way rather than the traditional "auction house" like in every other MMO.


In TOR, the game is designed in the exact opposite way. Because this game is based on the gear grind, there really are no extremely unique/rare finds to stumble upon while out exploring, killing, or doing quests. Therefore, there are no trophies to show off other than possibly displaying the different armor sets you've bought in the CM, which definitely aren't trophies by any means. Also, there isn't a player-driven economy in TOR because there are no crafting classes (not professions) that are mandatory to make the world go around; hence, the gear grind system. Therefore, there isn't a heavy need for player-run stores, which means there isn't a way or good reason to attract traffic to your house. Everything I can think of based on the way the game is designed just points to player housing in TOR functioning exactly like your player ship, a stationary base that will be customizable to a degree and only allow people in that are grouped with you.


EDIT: For anyone who cares, or anyone who's interested and never saw SWG housing, here's my old house from the game. Literally everything in the house (even the small items on the tables) was either crafted, looted, found while exploring, or a reward of some kind. You could also rotate or turn items on any axis when placing them, which made even more possibilities (like those dozens of trees I turned upside down in the back room to use on the ceiling).


Nostalgy trip of the year... Thx for the pictures of your house mate. It looked awesome. I was a Mayor and Guild leader in a village we built from the ground in SWG... I'm quite certain that BW's solution of housing wont come even close to SWG housing, but they are more than welcome to try and copy SWG in that matter as much as they can! :rolleyes:

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Before building up expectations in an unreasonable manner, Iowuld like to see more detail on the one lliner features of the new upgrade.


For instance what is exactly Legacy Stronghold Storage?

Some of us are thinking its a mean to store bound items from one alt, and be able to transfer them to another alt, is that so? Or is it a dumb storage box where you can only deposit "legacy items" and all the good it is that it saves you the mail fee from sending the gear piece among alts. If it is the later, I would not be excited at all, and could totally care less for the feature.


Any of you have seen any direct "official" descriptions as to what really Legacy Stronghold Storage really is?



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All I've seen thus far regarding Legacy Stronghold Storage is the 1-line comment on the Info Page, that says:


____Legacy Stronghold Storage – Unlock access to a new type of storage that is shared across your entire Legacy!

____• More details to come!


And in Question #2 ("Q2") on the info page it states it's available at official launch which is August 2014. I'm going to guess that Bound items will not be placeable into the Legacy storage. But you are right it should be easier, I think all mods should be made Bound To Legacy (including armorings, barrels, hilts, mods, enhs, augments). Though Q2 also says:


______Stay tuned for more information on these features!



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I like some of your ideas, but don't think it should be related in anyway to loot distribution.


Loot is dropped per boss, and you decide on loot right then. Either need/greed, or master looter, or whatever. It would add a lot of time having to go back to the guild ship or raid leader's house to distribute.


Yah, maybe you're right, but what I really want is a formal "OK /ROLL ON THIS IF YOU NEED IT" tool that could be used any time.


There's got to be good reasons to congregate at group members' Strongholds . . . I just can't think of any additional possibilities at the moment.

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Here's an interesting idea I just thought up ...


One of the rooms in the Stronghold could function as a "Crafting Room". It would have a Supplies Vendor (perhaps an Unlockable vendor) that sells you the basic crafting elements just like on Fleet. But the special thing about this room is that the more crafters that are there while their companions are sent on crafting tasks, the bigger of a bonus to the Critical Chance to all crafting each player would receive. It wouldn't scale directly with the size of the crafting group, however it would be perhaps +5% with 5 people actively crafting, all the way up to around +25% at a large 16-person actively-crafting group. Of course I don't know what the % Crafting Critical is to start with, so my numbers might be off... but it should be a very significant boost that gets us somewhere in the 25% - 33% Crafting Critical range.


This should result in a boost to the crafting activity in the game, and it would no longer only be a solo activity. Maybe it would even cause the emergence of Crafting Guilds!

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Put a stim vendor, Operations Terminal, and Weekly Terminal in the Stronghold and it can function as a staging area just before a group runs an Op (there has to be a quick-congregation feature available to the group). Maybe we should also have a vendor that can sell our choice of items! So we can supply amazing quality stims or other items, for only guests to our home. Edited by anonnn
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Our Stronghold needs several sets of features that would give a purpose for an entire group to congregate in a group member's Stronghold. So far what I've thought of is:



  • a party in the Social Lounge.
    This would require a new type of room that has a variety of fun things to do, such as a dance floor whose tiles light up as you walk across it, a vendor that sells a variety of social-effect items such as glitters, fog generators, limited-duration vendor-unlocked dance emotes, a bar with animated sipping of any drink you order, etc.
  • a group can get organized just before an Ops run.
    This requires an Operations Terminal, a Priority Missions terminal, an Item Modification Station for players to complete the process of augmenting a piece of gear, a stim vendor, and perhaps even a custom vendor that the Stronghold owner could have sell any unbound item from their inventory such as Prototype stims, augments, augment kits, all of it only accessible to people invited to the Stronghold.
  • a group can party just AFTER an Ops run.
    This could involve a formal way of distributing the final Ops loots, and perhaps some way to review the Ops run itself, such as DPS/Heal stats or short Ops-run video clips that players saved during the Ops run.


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I think a Mission Center would be excellent, and to be useful to a group of people about to run an Operation, would need to have:

  • an Operations Terminal
  • a Priority Missions terminal
  • an Item Modification Station
  • a stims vendor
  • a Skill Mentor to let you respec

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Coming from SWG, I've always loved player housing, but I have a feeling TOR player housing will be pointless and feel wasted unless EAWare is able to pull something crazily amazing out of their butts. The main reason I think this is just because of the game design at its core. This game isn't set up to promote useful player housing. There's no reason to have housing here. For example, in SWG, housing had 2 fundamental uses that made it unique and necessary:


1) Housing was used to publicly (or privately if you chose) show off your trophies, rewards, unique finds accumulated over years dedicated to the game, and maybe most importantly, your craftiness of creating "scenes" for lack of a better word (for example, I made a wrestling ring in my house out of weapon power-ups and tables with R2 and C3PO inside of it) and decorating ability. It was a roadmap of where you've been, what you've done, and how successful you've been.


2) It was also used (most of the time, in conjunction with #1) as a public player shop/store/mall loaded with vendors, obviously attracting players on the entire server based on what you were selling, and thus, bringing traffic to your house/store allowing people to see all those trophies and decorations from #1. The game was based upon a player-driven economy and player housing was the perfect implementation to supplement that economic system type in a fun and creative way rather than the traditional "auction house" like in every other MMO.


In TOR, the game is designed in the exact opposite way. Because this game is based on the gear grind, there really are no extremely unique/rare finds to stumble upon while out exploring, killing, or doing quests. Therefore, there are no trophies to show off other than possibly displaying the different armor sets you've bought in the CM, which definitely aren't trophies by any means. Also, there isn't a player-driven economy in TOR because there are no crafting classes (not professions) that are mandatory to make the world go around; hence, the gear grind system. Therefore, there isn't a heavy need for player-run stores, which means there isn't a way or good reason to attract traffic to your house. Everything I can think of based on the way the game is designed just points to player housing in TOR functioning exactly like your player ship, a stationary base that will be customizable to a degree and only allow people in that are grouped with you.


EDIT: For anyone who cares, or anyone who's interested and never saw SWG housing, here's my old house from the game. Literally everything in the house (even the small items on the tables) was either crafted, looted, found while exploring, or a reward of some kind. You could also rotate or turn items on any axis when placing them, which made even more possibilities (like those dozens of trees I turned upside down in the back room to use on the ceiling).


i came from SWG too, my house had stuff like you, all holos and holo-pets, all armor sets (every time i say to myself upload the videos to youtube and always forgot or dont have enough time)

I sense the same as you. crap housing system. We will be not able to deco it with armor sets or weapons, or pets

the only good as i see it it will be the legacy bank for materials and companion gifts (i hope)

nothing more

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If there were a Stronghold Vendor that we could place inside our own Stronghold, and put any unbound items up for sale, this vendor would function as a faction-exclusive vendor! This way we could guarantee that we're only selling to our own faction and not equipping enemy forces with excellent crafted equipment or quality looted items.


There's just the question of how players can search for these additional items that are located on personal vendors in various Strongholds. I think it requires whatever storyline elements are needed to make it possible to simply list all of these items alongside everything else on the GTN. And when you purchase the item, instead of a mail message in your Inbox, you receive a Vendor Receipt in your Mission Items. This Vendor Receipt functions as a Quick-Travel ticket to jump to the person's Stronghold, and also an entry key to get inside the Stronghold to pick up the item you purchased. Also, if you have a Vendor Receipt still in your Mission Items, the mini-travel-terminal should get an additional entry (that perhaps glows with a bright GTN symbol) that transports you to the Stronghold where you can pick up the item. It's a little more trouble to pick up the item, but that's sort of the price for dealing with same-faction-only which is an awesome thing for anyone who likes to help their team-mates. There's also the issue of how would we easily post items to our personal vendors... because often you need to check the GTN for prices to know what price to post it at. Either there should be a GTN terminal possible in our Strongholds, or the GTN terminals should allow the selecting of one of our personal vendors as the vending location.


Perhaps all items sold on the Stronghold Vendor should become faction-bound. :cool:


It'd be nice to be able to rename our vendor to any name we wish.

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If there were a Stronghold Vendor that we could place inside our own Stronghold, and put any unbound items up for sale, this vendor would function as a faction-exclusive vendor! This way we could guarantee that we're only selling to our own faction and not equipping enemy forces with excellent crafted equipment or quality looted items.


There's just the question of how players can search for these additional items that are located on personal vendors in various Strongholds. I think it requires whatever storyline elements are needed to make it possible to simply list all of these items alongside everything else on the GTN. And when you purchase the item, instead of a mail message in your Inbox, you receive a Vendor Receipt in your Mission Items. This Vendor Receipt functions as a Quick-Travel ticket to jump to the person's Stronghold, and also an entry key to get inside the Stronghold to pick up the item you purchased. Also, if you have a Vendor Receipt still in your Mission Items, the mini-travel-terminal should get an additional entry (that perhaps glows with a bright GTN symbol) that transports you to the Stronghold where you can pick up the item. It's a little more trouble to pick up the item, but that's sort of the price for dealing with same-faction-only which is an awesome thing for anyone who likes to help their team-mates. There's also the issue of how would we easily post items to our personal vendors... because often you need to check the GTN for prices to know what price to post it at. Either there should be a GTN terminal possible in our Strongholds, or the GTN terminals should allow the selecting of one of our personal vendors as the vending location.


Perhaps all items sold on the Stronghold Vendor should become faction-bound. :cool:


It'd be nice to be able to rename our vendor to any name we wish.

I guess I'm confused as to what motivation they would have to add this. The GTN used to be faction specific but they made the explicit decision to make all GTN's faction neutral because there wasn't enough activity on the GTN when it was split up. Implementing this would create the same issue that they had a problem with in the first place.

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I guess I'm confused as to what motivation they would have to add this. The GTN used to be faction specific but they made the explicit decision to make all GTN's faction neutral because there wasn't enough activity on the GTN when it was split up. Implementing this would create the same issue that they had a problem with in the first place.


Giving players the option to sell only to their own faction (and perhaps Binding the items TO the faction once sold) is the motivation. This wouldn't recreate the problem as you're suggesting, it would offer a secondary choice of selling only to your own faction which some players might seriously prefer.


Also, having an awesome Stronghold Vendor would allow you to co-locate a bunch of supplies needed for Ops runs in the same place, which would make it a hub of Ops briefing.

Edited by anonnn
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Giving players the option to sell only to their own faction (and perhaps Binding the items TO the faction once sold) is the motivation. This wouldn't recreate the problem as you're suggesting, it would offer a secondary choice of selling only to your own faction which some players might seriously prefer.


Also, having an awesome Stronghold Vendor would allow you to co-locate a bunch of supplies needed for Ops runs in the same place, which would make it a hub of Ops briefing.


It kind of sounds like the "Stronghold Vendor" you mention is a guild bank.


Its no surprise to anyone that reads these forums that I don't care for the idea of housing and that I, personally, think its a waste of resources, but its obvious that ship has sailed. I'm not just trying to criticize idea for the sake of spiting housing. That being said I feel a strong aversion to this suggestion.


Firstly, it does recreate the problem of the original GTN because it splinters the sellers and buyers. You'll have some people who only want to sell to their faction for, I guess, RP reasons and then some people who just don't know any better. You'll also have buyers of both varieties as well. Instead of having one pot for all the things that are being sold, you've now split all that up into three pots. To re-introduce a faction specific GTN to sell items for the sake of RP seems like a pretty big endeavor with the reward being a splintered economy.


Regardless of preference, I believe this would hurt the economy as a whole. There would be less credits flowing in general. Right now people aren't refusing to sell things because it might go to the opposite faction (at least I seriously can't imagine that scenario. People shouting on the fleet are trying for a quicker sale...more "in your face" advertising, not because of some sense of faction exclusivity) so introducing a way for you to limit who you are selling to reduces the potential number of buyers for your items thus reducing the chance of it actually selling. Not to mention the havoc it would cause on servers with a significant faction imbalance.

Edited by Phyltr
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Firstly, it does recreate the problem of the original GTN because it splinters the sellers and buyers.


Regardless of preference, I believe this would hurt the economy as a whole.



You're using far too many words to describe the situation of "then Imperials can't get their hands on it."


Instead of vastly over-thinking it and pretending this is an economy issue, you have to step back for a minute, drop all your arguments, and see it from the seller's point of view. Not everything is just simple items such as Companion gifts that might as well go to any buyer.


The game is built on the fundamental concept of teams. And there's only 2 teams, Republic and Imperial. No one should be criticized for wanting to support their own team, that's the base premise of the entire game. Then take into account the crafter-seller who likes to produce weapons and armor and such, fill them with crafted mods, and sell them on the GTN for a profit. I think it's reasonable to want to only sell these items to players of the same faction, in order to not be facilitating the growth and competitive efforts of the other team. In fact not just reasonable, but also very normal and practically to be expected.


What's required along with a same-faction-only vendor is a mechanism that binds the item to the seller's faction once purchased. Because otherwise it just gets bought by a person and shipped to an alt of the opposite faction, against the wishes of the seller.


This idea is entirely within the spirit of the game, and in fact is a direct variation of exactly how the game was working to start with. It's fine if the opposite faction ends up with not as many items to purchase, that's exactly the desired effect, and likely only a small percentage of sellers would bother with only selling items on their Stronghold Vendor. It's really a way to give crafters a way to get into the faction-competition spirit of the game without PvP'ing, otherwise there will remain a real blockage of some people to craft-and-sell freely, because they genuinely don't like the idea of equipping the other team. Which is... and I can't repeat this often enough, ... perfectly normal.

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I've been cheering for this since day one early access and was sorely disappointed when my ship didn't serve this function with all of the customizable and interactive capabilities. I'm so glad they pulled it off and I can't wait!!


Go Bioware. You Rock! :D

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Instead of 8+ panels of materials-only Legacy storage, perhaps there could be a single materials-only cargo hold panel with a scrollbar to navigate the storage space. The amount of storage space in this panel could be increased gradually as needed via Unlocks, however it needs to be as cheap as possible in order to not be stifling the economics of being a crafter and trying to earn credits by crafting and selling items. If the full Unlock cost is extremely high, such as more than 1 million credits, then it becomes a very non-feasible consideration to earn back all those credits by crafting and selling items. Since the panel would store only crafting materials, this shouldn't be a problem to be a cheap Unlock.


Materials should actually stack to 9999 units rather than only 999 units. Collecting 999 units is not that difficult over time, and the idea here is to hopefully only ever need to store 1 stack of any particular material. A long-term supply of the most common materials would almost certainly be more than 999 units for any serious crafter, and the purpose is to not make this a storage burden for the serious crafters. I would think that stacking to 9999 units actually ends up relieving server load related to materials storage, which can only be a good thing in the long run.

Edited by anonnn
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I love the idea of player housing and would rather not see it like Ultima Online where individual shops are set up. Having the fleets or capitol worlds as central gathering places is fine for now, the population of the "galaxy" isn't big enough for everyone to have their own shop yet. And it would begin to separate everything a bit too much right now. You'd end up having the same access as we have now in the GTN for crafted goods.


I'm hoping for some ability to tailor the furniture a bit, also decorate with artwork, trophies, etc. which is something that most other big games are lacking. *cough* WoW *cough* Crafting and vendor avenues for a whole variety of things for the apartment will be nice to have access to. I love the ships in the game, but having the ability to personalize them would make them even better - hopefully housing fixes that.

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I love the idea of player housing and would rather not see it like Ultima Online where individual shops are set up.


I must admit that the indiuvidual shop keepers is the ONLY aspect of UO/SWG housing I miss


The GTN/Auction house of modern games make the whole shoping so empty, no personality to it.

Oh I know its fast and easy and thus the modern generation likes it.

No real effort or thought required

But for me, I miss going vendor to vendor finding what I like and need. I miss selling items at a fair price rather then being forced to always under cut other sellers simply because its all listed on the GTN.


I do believe a real social aspect of gaming was removed and eliminated with the addition of the GTN/Auction house system now used.


HOWEVER, that is the ONLY THING I miss about housing in those games.


The Urban Sprawl system where all landmass is ate up by housing completely and utterly destroyed those games for me and many others and speaking for myself. Ill never again play a MMORPG that utilizes the Urban Sprawl housing system.


Player cities in SWG were cool (at first when they were cities and you still had huge land mass to adventure and play in) but once planets basically became one huge city with no playable landmass the game stopped being fun or interesting in any way.

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