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Player Housing will be underwhelming


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-At most will most likely be 1 place on each planet..AT MOST (maybe different layouts for each planet?)

-Unlock items that have a set position in the home, and will look exactly the same as everyone elses "home" when they too get all the unlocks. Unlikely you will get to choose the location of these items. Unlock with credits or cartel coins.

-Companions will be placed in the home too

-Cartel Packs with banners or lampshades to put inside the home.

-Very limited customization


Basically this is just your starship but in a flat or something. In my opinion, I don't really care for player housing, but if it makes other people happy then thats great. I'm already underwhelmed thinking about it (because of the game engine etc). Who knows, maybe it'll turn out really awesome and you do get to fully customize your house like in SWG (99% sure it won't be like that), but for now, meh, nothing special.

Edited by Uelle
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-At most will most likely be 1 place on each planet..AT MOST (maybe different layouts for each planet?)

-Unlock items that have a set position in the home, and will look exactly the same as everyone elses "home" when they too get all the unlocks. Unlikely you will get to choose the location of these items. Unlock with credits or cartel coins.

-Companions will be placed in the home too

-Cartel Packs with banners or lampshades to put inside the home.


Basically this is just your starship but in a flat or something. In my opinion, I don't really care for player housing, but if it makes other people happy then thats great. I'm already underwhelmed thinking about it (because of the game engine etc). Who knows, maybe it'll turn out really awesome and you do get to fully customize your house like in SWG (99% sure it won't be like that), but for now, meh, nothing special.


The future, you can see, hmm? Would you mind sharing the lotto numbers for this week?

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I think they're going to deliver with it!! Picking your location, customizing the house, picking the planet. With Galaxies in mind I feel like they'll do it right. I am very excited =]


Very optimistic. I wouldn't be surprised if the OP is correct. It'll probably be a terminal that changes the design or material of an item that is stationary in your home with CM unlocks. When that happens, it'll actually be quite funny to see all that "Bioware broke Housing" threads.

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I think they're going to deliver with it!! Picking your location, customizing the house, picking the planet. With Galaxies in mind I feel like they'll do it right. I am very excited =]


I don't know if the OP will be correct but I do know that if you're expecting SWGs level of customization, you probably will be disappointed.

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I think they're going to deliver with it!! Picking your location, customizing the house, picking the planet. With Galaxies in mind I feel like they'll do it right. I am very excited =]


Nothing at all in this game is anything like swg. What makes you think player housing will be any different? If anything it will be like STO. generic room, with preplaced items you can either loot or buy using cartel points.

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Any person with common sense clearly knows i'm speculating.


Indeed. I can imagine a press event for it going something like this:


You lack imagination my friend. Can you imagine how cool it will be watching Musco streaming his operative sitting at his home?


Come on man, that is EPIC gameplay stuff there! That's what gets all the gaming news outlets up in a frenzy to report:


"Hey everyone ... you know that great big battle in Eve that cost players thousands of real life dollars? Well, in today's news, we got something that completely blows that out of the water! A Jedi Knight named XxFlukeHighwalker742xX just hung a fuzzy painting of what may look like a Rancor on the wall of his home in one of the high rises of Coruscant! This is what makes our great hobby of PC gaming so epically great! As a matter of fact, we're going to the 24/7 livestream now - and will be in continuing coverage since we don't want to miss the possibility of XxFlukeHighwalker742xX placing a trophy he bought in the Cartel Market next to his sofa (which he still can't sit in)!"

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Well, I realize that I won't be able to recreate Lakeview Manor and have the 11 mods that made it just perfect, but I realize my weaknesses and accept that no matter what, I will be obsessively decorating this house as much as they will let me and buying as many as many as the game will allow. So basically, I don't care how much anyone else hates it, I'm going to play with my house anyway and have ridiculous amounts of fun while doing so. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play with some Legos.
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-At most will most likely be 1 place on each planet..AT MOST (maybe different layouts for each planet?)

-Unlock items that have a set position in the home, and will look exactly the same as everyone elses "home" when they too get all the unlocks. Unlikely you will get to choose the location of these items. Unlock with credits or cartel coins.

-Companions will be placed in the home too

-Cartel Packs with banners or lampshades to put inside the home.

-Very limited customization


Basically this is just your starship but in a flat or something. In my opinion, I don't really care for player housing, but if it makes other people happy then thats great. I'm already underwhelmed thinking about it (because of the game engine etc). Who knows, maybe it'll turn out really awesome and you do get to fully customize your house like in SWG (99% sure it won't be like that), but for now, meh, nothing special.



How incredible it is that something has not yet been introduced and there already complaints, I do not get it.


Secondly how many "homes" you would expect to have? Perhaps in real life you have 3 or 4, good for you, but most of people don't. Significant number of them have NONE.


Nevertheless, I am the last one who would ever want a feature like that. I have my ship and I'm fine with that.

As learned on SWTOR class stories, " the homes" are not places where our characters would spend lots of time, cooking or watching Huttball games. Basically we're all the time in action, thus no time for cleaning and five'o'clocks.


- some more apple pie, my dear lord Wrath?? Don't you find it tasty? my colleague, Agent 9 has brought the best spices from Darvannis to help making it such a delicacy.


Oh, please, do not hesitate, there is plenty of it, my dear Darth ..ermm..forgot the name had to leave urgently - you know Dark Council matters, eeeh politics, always interrupting nice sunday afternoons.

Sure, I gladly show you my collection of bounty trophies.. just follow me, if you please...


and so on...

Is THAT what players expect?


besides, is it some SIMS game, to spent hours on home decorating??

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If you implement housing as a semi customizable feature. I guarantee it will fail.


We are leeching for customization in our homes.


Its about choices right? So please let us choose... and not only the floorcolor...

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If you're already underwhelmed with something that doesn't exist yet, you're only underwhelmed by your own imagination.


But with that said, I'm just meh about it too since I'm not really into the RP or story aspect of this game.

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All I want form housing is convenience. I want a PvP terminal, a mail box, GTN and a crafting table. I should get more rested there as well. Not a ton more but more. That is all. I don't care if it's a grey cube as long as it's functional first, if it's just a room you can go decorate I and players like me won't have a use for it.
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-At most will most likely be 1 place on each planet..AT MOST (maybe different layouts for each planet?)

-Unlock items that have a set position in the home, and will look exactly the same as everyone elses "home" when they too get all the unlocks. Unlikely you will get to choose the location of these items. Unlock with credits or cartel coins.

-Companions will be placed in the home too

-Cartel Packs with banners or lampshades to put inside the home.

-Very limited customization


Basically this is just your starship but in a flat or something. In my opinion, I don't really care for player housing, but if it makes other people happy then thats great. I'm already underwhelmed thinking about it (because of the game engine etc). Who knows, maybe it'll turn out really awesome and you do get to fully customize your house like in SWG (99% sure it won't be like that), but for now, meh, nothing special.


I agree with a lot of this, actually. :t_eek: But don't forget packs with wall paint colors.


Even if this is how it is, I do like the idea and hope that it eventually leads to guild halls.

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-At most will most likely be 1 place on each planet..AT MOST (maybe different layouts for each planet?)

-Unlock items that have a set position in the home, and will look exactly the same as everyone elses "home" when they too get all the unlocks. Unlikely you will get to choose the location of these items. Unlock with credits or cartel coins.

-Companions will be placed in the home too

-Cartel Packs with banners or lampshades to put inside the home.

-Very limited customization


Basically this is just your starship but in a flat or something. In my opinion, I don't really care for player housing, but if it makes other people happy then thats great. I'm already underwhelmed thinking about it (because of the game engine etc). Who knows, maybe it'll turn out really awesome and you do get to fully customize your house like in SWG (99% sure it won't be like that), but for now, meh, nothing special.


This right here is the face of the SWTOR community and why it is consistently voted as being the worst today by other sites/publications.


A feature that is been long sought after by the playerbase is finally being implemented, and instead of gratitude, you see posts like the OP. I mean, nevermind this feature hasn't even been implemented yet and nevermind that it will most likely be tweaked in future patches to add more customization options, etc. Let's just laser focus on the negative. Forget about the positive aspect of there even being player housing, which is something WoW still doesn't have after 10 years.


The SWTOR Community, making good people look bad since 2008.

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This right here is the face of the SWTOR community and why it is consistently voted as being the worst today by other sites/publications.


A feature that is been long sought after by the playerbase is finally being implemented, and instead of gratitude, you see posts like the OP. I mean, nevermind this feature hasn't even been implemented yet and nevermind that it will most likely be tweaked in future patches to add more customization options, etc. Let's just laser focus on the negative. Forget about the positive aspect of there even being player housing, which is something WoW still doesn't have after 10 years.


The SWTOR Community, making good people look bad since 2008.


He is posting his opinion based on Biowares history with this game. You and others post your opinion based on wishful thinking.

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This right here is the face of the SWTOR community and why it is consistently voted as being the worst today by other sites/publications.


A feature that is been long sought after by the playerbase is finally being implemented, and instead of gratitude, you see posts like the OP. I mean, nevermind this feature hasn't even been implemented yet and nevermind that it will most likely be tweaked in future patches to add more customization options, etc. Let's just laser focus on the negative. Forget about the positive aspect of there even being player housing, which is something WoW still doesn't have after 10 years.


The SWTOR Community, making good people look bad since 2008.


I could care less either way on this issue as I don't RP.. But WoW started with an instanced cookie cutter farm this last xpac and are expanding to an instanced garrison in the next. You will be able to choose the building types etc. While it isn't player housing in the FFX style of housing, it is there.


Also to the OP, regardless if I think you'd be such a joy to have at one of my get togethers, you are complaining about something where only a modicum of information has been released. It is nice however to be able to classify you appropriately now that I have seen this post.

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If you're already underwhelmed with something that doesn't exist yet, you're only underwhelmed by your own imagination.


But with that said, I'm just meh about it too since I'm not really into the RP or story aspect of this game.


I let my imagination get carried away when I heard about Ilum open world PVP, which BW epic failed on and then abandoned.



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