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Companion & wrong primary stat during levelling?

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Hello, I recently re-subbed after almost 2 years and am enjoying the game a lot. Unfortunately one thing I managed to forget while I was away was that the companion doesn't necessarily have the same primary stat as "me". As a level 26 Sniper on Tattoine I've generously passed on to Kaliyo some discarded gear that I've upgraded. I didn't think much about this until she started dying a lot faster on me. I've replaced a couple of items, but at least one fairly crucial piece of armor is still Cunning-heavy with zero Aim, and as everything is 54+ it's not that easy to find and afford. As it is, Endurance is by far her strongest stat, followed by Aim, and then a semi-high rating on Cunning.


How big a deal is this? Are there other and more important reasons for her lowered survivability towards the end of Tattoine? Should I drop everything and fix an upgrade on the inaccurate stat gear (think it was chest plate)?

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It may be a pain, but I would get an AIM chest piece back in there. Later on after you get to Alderaan you can start picking up more Tank AIM pieces for her if you stick with Vector. I found Scorpio to be a better Tank in the later stages of the Story.



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Having cunning instead of aim will just make that companion do low damage on many of her attacks, but it will not affect survivability in any way.


At level 26 you do not yet have other secondary stats that would affect survivability in significant amounts.


What does affect the survivability is that all non modifiable cunning gear is MEDIUM ARMOR and you have a companion who should use HEAVY armor.


but why don't you just go buy some proper gear for it from GTN? The junk useable at that level is cheap.

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