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Who played the ESO beta this weekend?


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What all of you need to realize, and do so fast before you buy the game, is that the meat of the game is in the PvP. Everything else, and I do mean *everything* else is just fluff or dressing ontop of it. If you don't enjoy mass pvp then this game will disappoint you.
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What all of you need to realize, and do so fast before you buy the game, is that the meat of the game is in the PvP. Everything else, and I do mean *everything* else is just fluff or dressing ontop of it. If you don't enjoy mass pvp then this game will disappoint you.


heh... yet here I am, tempted severely by the game, purely on a basis of my experience with its pve...


I feel like people are not giving ESO's story enough credit sometimes. the game might be more massively pvp oriented, but its not exactly sparse in pve department either. on the contrary.


that said. I have no idea what pve end game is like in ESO. I haven't gotten anywhere near it. but they did put enough emphasis on exploration and questing to make it fun for at least some time. and I for one haven't found it disappointing, on the contrary - i found it surprisingly engaging. and its weird, becasue I was never really anywhere near hardcore Elder Scrolls fan, I prefer more bioware style rpg's usualy.

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For me the main problem of this otherwise rather fun and immersive game is that it doesn't feel that much like Skyrim, and also doesn't feel much like an MMO. I wrote this in my impressions on the previous page. It's as if the game is confused about what it wants to be. It does take the best of both worlds but in a somewhat undercooked way. As I said I don't find it sloppy or bland, but it lacks flair and distinctiveness - it could be any fantasy world, it just happens to be in Tamriel.


We did play a rather old build though I believe. Some of my gripes may have been addressed (e.g. they apparently added collision to PvE). The starter islands are now avoidable, and many people say that the game opens up and improves a great deal after the starter isles. So maybe my above complaint is only applicable for the specific content I played. I don't know how far you got, but if you did not leave the beginning areas either maybe you'll be happier later, I just don't know.


We'll eventually find out I guess :p


All I can say is if you get a chance to move beyond the starter islands, and even on those starter islands, do not leave any of the landmarks on the map nearest where you are, black. Lot of quests you have to explore to find and just following the main story and guild quests will lead you to being underleveled. You are meant to explore. Even in Cyrodiil, which kind of goes to the point of being at least open minded to the fact of PvP being a big part of the game.


Really PvE guys out there. PvP gets a bad name, but its just pixels you are still fighting and many enemies of different difficulty you'll run into; just supposedly smarter and less predictable, yet often times not.

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They REALLY listen to there community when it comes to legitimate complaints. They are quick to fix things in game, I think Zenimax has great customer service. That what I really like about it.


The Beta was very fun. I actually had an amazing experience the how helpful the community was; even with "simple" questions. I'm not a TES fan really, I have never finished any TES games. This might be the first one I see through.


I haven't pre-ordered yet, and I only want to do one sub at a time. I tried the two sub thing for awhile and I realized that it was just not efficient. So I might be officially unsubbing here in a few days.

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It's decent enough with it being new and all, but I have to say that I wasn't overly impressed.


The past few MMORPG's I've played with small loadouts have all failed to keep my attention for very long. The Secret World, GW2, and Neverwinter all have small loadouts and very much feel severely limited instead of "customized" in terms of what abilities you actually run.


I should also mention that the graphics in ESO is downright embarrassing. Washed out colors do not look more "Realistic". It just looks bad, at least in my opinion. Skyrim got away with bad graphics and combat, because in a Bethesda game you tend to look for a big world and have fun messing with the enormity of it. An MMORPG needs a little more than what their traditional design affords.

Edited by Proksham
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From the ammount of complains they are getting they better hear. Sub based with a ton of complains before its even released. I will be surprised if it stays sub based for more than 5 months.


And have you actually took the time to read and consider the complaints? No, of course not, that would be ridiculous. Just parrot something someone else said without even an hint of original thought.


The main complaints are:


1) It's not Skyrim with multiplayer!

Yeah, what a shocker. TOR isn't Kotor with multiplayer either.


2) I played it for 30 minutes and it was boring. Yeah, tutorials are boring and ESO has an extended one where you can safely wander around and try out stuff. They are making the starter island skippable though, so that complaint is already addressed.


3) Combat is clunky and boring.

Yeah, they are addressing that as well in addition to adding collision detection to PvE.


4) The PvE feels lackluster!

It's a PvP game, if you don't care about open world PvP in large numbers, it simply isn't the game for you. However, having that as your complaint is like complaining that you fly around in ships in EVE.


The game isn't for everyone, no game is, but the majority of the comlaints are, simply put, asinine and pointless.

Edited by Jandi
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