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Why even bother playing empire (spoilers duuh)


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i love empire and i really love the storyline of my character BUT bioware screwed up here really much they did the same thing what they did in WoW wich is fine there by the way BUT here ? totaly wrong i wanted this game to be only about my character my choices and my empire side story line but bioware of course had to mess it up and merge both republic and empire stories together like lets say our beloved correlia we putted lots of effort in conquering the planet but what happens on republic side ? they conquer it back just like that like its nothing same whit classes were Lt.Pierce helps empire take the Bastion what happens? the trooper class takes it back so this is totally annoying tell me devs tell me LOTS OF GOOD REASONS why should i even bother playing empire if we know that lore wise we are going to loose? our choices dont even matter WE dont matter I thought this game would be of course lore accurate wich is ok BUT republic and empire stories should have been divided when you play republic you beat back empire you do your thing all is fine when you play empire you beat back republic and do our thing not this, WoW lore is great beacuse they know how to work whit it ingame, but here the fate of empire is already decided SO WHY ? even bother? when whatever we do whatever we choose nothing matters for us republic is gonna win either way
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I've already accepted the fact that eventually the Galactic Republic will emerge victorious one way or the other in this war to make way for Darth Desolous and Darth Ruin New Sith Empire. With the Sith infighting, it was also a matter of time before the Empire collapse on its own.


The only reason I play Empire is to look at the war from its point of view.

Edited by Dioxys
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Halo Reach is a good example, even though we knew what the fate of the Spartans were, we still enjoyed the journey and story. You can look at it like this....The Story of the Empire and your characters could be considered a tragedy.
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dude idk if you noticed but star wars is pretty dark. Republic narrowly pulls a win eventually... but sith always come back and dominate for easily twice as long (if not more) every time. Yea, light side will win but its fleeting at best. But if we are gonna be so negative None of what we are doing is impacting star wars lore anyway. It's all mapped out for entire millenias worth. So who cares How Bioware wrote it... As long as it's entertaining.
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It's not all the Republic winning.


Taris for example, as the Republic you help move the planet closer to recover but then as the Empire you undo almost all of the work the Republic did and virtually doom Taris to its fate.


Or Makeb, sure both sides get something out of Makeb, the Republic get a planets worth of refugees to find new homes for while the Empire get Isotope 5, so tell me who came out ahead in that one?

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It's not all the Republic winning.


Taris for example, as the Republic you help move the planet closer to recover but then as the Empire you undo almost all of the work the Republic did and virtually doom Taris to its fate.


Or Makeb, sure both sides get something out of Makeb, the Republic get a planets worth of refugees to find new homes for while the Empire get Isotope 5, so tell me who came out ahead in that one?


Kinda debatable really.


On one hand, the Empire managed to - supposedly - take control of Makeb, when it comes to harvesting Isotope-5 but truth be told, according to Under-Moff Bensen, the amounts they've been able to retrieve are pretty low and Darth Marr already has an idea on how to use them, namely to strengthen the Empire's defenses.


The Republic, even if they are to contend with millions of refugees, has the backing of the most significant members of the Hutt Cartel, not to mention they announced to the Galaxy that the Emperor is - also supposedly - dead. That's a huge rallying cry to say the least.


In my book, the Republic still comes ahead quite honestly.

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First off, given the allusions to the original trilogy throughout the Sith Empire, it's not unreasonable to assume significant portions of the empire will survive in some shape or form after being absorbed by the Republic (After all, Coruscont during the films era has the Imperial accent, and the Republic insignia leading up to the Clone Wars looks an awful lot like the Imperial Seal...)


Second, internal logic. Look, while the end of your class story is personally triumphant, look at the big picture. Every republic storyline involves kicking Empire Butt (Trooper brings the assault on Correlia to a halt, Knight kills the Emperor's Voice, Smuggler unites much of the criminal underworld under a Pro-Republic banner, and the Consular foils a plot to infiltrate the republic). Meanwhile, what did your Imperial characters do? The Warrior and the Inquisitor both dealt with infighting on the dark council, pulling other individuals and important personnel and materiel into the conflicts that did not involve hurting the Republic. The Agent spent their time running around fighting a shadow organization that encouraged the tactically disadvantageous assault on Correlia. The Hunter is the only character who spent their time fighting the Republic, and if you found Darth Tormen annoying enough, they might have hit both factions in the process. And then, Malgus declares his new empire, taking even more imperial resources away. And then, just to top it off, the Dread Masters take their own legion and start wreaking havoc. It's no wonder the Empire suffered losses during the post-Correlia months.


That being said, between getting Makeb under control (remember, we're in perpetual stasis at the moment, but in a few weeks in game, Makeb will be uninhabitable due to toxic gas venting into the atmosphere), Marr's campaign, and the major distraction of the Dread Masters being removed... I wouldn't be surprised if it's time for the Empire to... Strike Back, if you will. :D

Edited by KorinHyvek
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dude idk if you noticed but star wars is pretty dark. Republic narrowly pulls a win eventually... but sith always come back and dominate for easily twice as long (if not more) every time.

Uh, no they don't.


Heck, one of the biggest recurring problems the Republic keeps having is going so long without an actual enemy it becomes weak, or so bloated and unwieldy it collapses on itself.

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