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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW slaps the PVP community in the face, again...

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So we agree!!!


Now can we end this stupidly useless thread???


No, we don't agree, because your post on the previous page basically in a nutshell said that so long as you're the one getting exclusive special snowflake stuff, it's acceptable, but when someone ELSE wants that same thing, and is then upset when it is taken from them, it's not acceptable. Basically, you're having a double standard and being a hypocrite.

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Oh, okay, so it's perfectly alright for you to be a special snowflake but the second someone else wants to be one it's not allowed?


Do YOU have any idea the frustration, time, and effort that goes into getting a 1,500 rating in solo ranked and dealing with the PvE'ers who queue without proper gear and don't know how to PvP? No you don't. You're not special, stop acting like it.


I am currently 1400 rating and I know how painful it is. But I don't see a point in you're rant.

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I have done all NiM ops before the expansion came out so I know how hard it is. I am currently doing high end PVP and I know it is just as challenging. I don't want to take your rewards but why does BioWare want to are ours? If PVEers get exclusive mounts so should PVPers.


And PvPers are getting Sparkle Pony is that not exclusive enough?

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But they do have 2 exclusive mounts which makes them special. So your comment is already dead.


Now you're complaining just to complain.



Oh but you've made it clear that you think of yourself as more special than PvP'ers just because you have to pay credits for dying in NiM ops.


I'm sorry you don't lose credits when you die in a warzone. :( I'm sorry you don't have to repair your armor after you finish a warzone or arena. :( Really guys, I don't think you realize just how good you've got it. But you're welcome to try some NiM ops. I hear we've got 2 more coming in 2.7 and I hear they're going to be doozies. ;)

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Now you're complaining just to complain.





I'm sorry you don't lose credits when you die in a warzone. :( I'm sorry you don't have to repair your armor after you finish a warzone or arena. :( Really guys, I don't think you realize just how good you've got it. But you're welcome to try some NiM ops. I hear we've got 2 more coming in 2.7 and I hear they're going to be doozies. ;)


Comment like that show that you've never done an ounce of high end PVP. Please do not criticize an important part of the game that you know nothing about.

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Now you're complaining just to complain.





I'm sorry you don't lose credits when you die in a warzone. :( I'm sorry you don't have to repair your armor after you finish a warzone or arena. :( Really guys, I don't think you realize just how good you've got it. But you're welcome to try some NiM ops. I hear we've got 2 more coming in 2.7 and I hear they're going to be doozies. ;)


And PvE'ers whine and whine and whine the moment ANY PvP is forced on them *cough macro missions in the den cough* but it's okay for PvP'ers to have to do PvE (dailies).

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And PvE'ers whine and whine and whine the moment ANY PvP is forced on them *cough macro missions in the den cough* but it's okay for PvP'ers to have to do PvE (dailies).


You don't have to do dailies. You can just as easily grind out credits with PvP, right?

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No the argument is that they are showing favouritism to PVErs. Go read the post again.


When I don't have to deal with changes to my PVE rotation all over again because of your precious PVP "balance", I'll respect your desire for a pretty new toy that my PVE characters should somehow be denied.

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You don't have to do dailies. You can just as easily grind out credits with PvP, right?


lmfao that comment just goes to show that you have NO knowledge of PvP whatsoever. You get around 5-6k credits for a WZ, which usually takes about 15 or so minutes to complete. You get 10k credits for turning in the daililes, of which there are two. So, doing the two dailies will net you a total of roughly 38k credits (if you win all matches) or 56k credits (if you lose all matches), whereas doing all of your PvE dailies will net you around 300k or so credits. Yup, you can TOTALLY easily grind out credits with just PvP. Shows what you know.

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When I don't have to deal with changes to my PVE rotation all over again because of your precious PVP "balance", I'll respect your desire for a pretty new toy that my PVE characters should somehow be denied.


You have to change your rotation so that a whole team doesn't loose because of an imbalanced spec. It might not sound fair to you but try to look at the bigger picture like this post is doing.

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Actually the topic is this week because of the developer post confirming the reskin.


The majority of the community accepted it once it was announced. We haven't seen threads based solely on PVP rewards vs PVE rewards in a few days. Just give it a rest. :rolleyes:

Edited by Slicka
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lmfao that comment just goes to show that you have NO knowledge of PvP whatsoever. You get around 5-6k credits for a WZ, which usually takes about 15 or so minutes to complete. You get 10k credits for turning in the daililes, of which there are two. So, doing the two dailies will net you a total of roughly 38k credits (if you win all matches) or 56k credits (if you lose all matches), whereas doing all of your PvE dailies will net you around 300k or so credits. Yup, you can TOTALLY easily grind out credits with just PvP. Shows what you know.


Hang on now, let's do some math. So that's 56k credits in about an hour right? So playing for 4 hours nets you 225k roughly. Not a bad haul for the night. Indeed not quite the 300k for all of my dailies (but close) but then again, I'll wind up spending near the same amount of time doing the dailies that you'll spend in warzones (factor in travel to/from quest site, travel to planets, actually doing the quests, some of which can be upwards of 15 minutes when you solo them). There's lots of downtime when doing dailies. So all in all, it pretty much pans out.

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