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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW slaps the PVP community in the face, again...

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That's their fault for limiting themselves to portions of the game as a whole. It is an artificial separation created by players.


There is a huge difference. PvE is you vs game AI, PvP is you vs other players. I have yet to run into game AI that devolves into a frothing psychopath who's mouths spew enough vitrol and hatred to make the devil and the k.k.k. proud when given the option to electronically kill other players. While there might be -some- mature pvpers out there, the vast majority I have encountered, and had the misfortune to see what they spew into chat aren't.


To myself, and many others who don't enjoy pvp, all we see is people getting a pixelated kill other "real people" jones fix. Its not a "challenge" to me, especially regarding those who make it their goal to go out of their ways to use it for innapropriate means, such as a group of 10 55s going to the lowest planet they can and spending hours stalking/camping people 30 levels lower then them.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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It is, I graduated with a doctorate's from Stanford


Which is only evidence of the fact that Stanford's standards of admission and graduation have taken a decidedly downward trend. It is not evidence of the opinion that PvP players outnumber PvE players in the MMORPG genre. There is no evidence because the actual studies done say otherwise (and no, I am not going to do the homework for you Mr. Stanford Grad - you first).

Edited by TravelersWay
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No the argument is that they are showing favouritism to PVErs. Go read the post again.


No the argument that you want to be a special snow flake because no one else should be allowed to get what you have with out putting in the work in pvp. It shows that your only reason for this passion on weather or not a re skin version should be on a cc market is based in i want's . There is no favoritism to pve because the cc market is not pve oriented it a cartel market and a store. Your constant whining on the fact that this should only be for pvpers because we don't get much content as pve is stupid. Why because a mount is not pvp content it not a map it not a warzone it nothing other then a mount.

Edited by Neoforcer
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Lets see, PvP'ers are the first to have the Rancor mount with an -EXLUSIVE- skin only available for the end of season 1. Will never be seen again after that, earning those who aquire it -EXLUSIVE- bragging rights over those who don't have and never will.


Raiders will eventually get their shot at a different version of the Rancor in a NiM OP that will remain in game, therefore making it -NON EXCLUSIVE- in regards to the PvP Rancor which, as said, will never be seen again. It will however, be an -EXCLUSIVE- skin for that specific OP. Now, not only do they have to rely on actually succeeding in downing the boss, but they then have a very small percentage of a chance that it will drop (so I believe), and even in the event that it does drop, they then have a 1 in whatever number of others are there (minus those who do not want / those with a heart of gold) chance of actually aquiring it before having to try again a week later. This isn't going to be a common sight, not by a longshot.


And finally, sometime later, a plain old run of the mill Rancor will pop by the CM for a price higher than a months subscription (most likely, could be higher).


Now in regards to these other NiM mounts. You are reaching the end of season 1 (finally after three years, originally waiting two for it to actually be implemented, right?) that's why you are getting a mount. Much like WoW (that most seem to like claimg this a clone of) both raiders and PvP'ers get their shot at the same, yet different skinned mount, yet PvE always had more variety of mounts (Baron Rivendare, anyone) because there was more to do and see apart from kill the same people everyday like PvP'ers did.

Had season one been ready in the first year of this game, you likely would have seen your own tank at some point (probably a season 2 reward).


So no you're not being slapped in the face. You're getting your -EXCLUSIVE- mount, with its -EXCLUSIVE- skin and limited time only availability.Stop being the whiney brats you try so hard to proclaim not to be.





Edited by Darth-Rion
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You guys can call it whining all you want. At the end of the day PVEers will keep their 2 exclusive mounts while PVPers get s skin. And just because the PVP community might be smaller doesn't make it not matter or not have an opinion, hence this post. You are all missing the point, I never asked for life exclusivity for the rancor just for fairness, read the post again...
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Yes this is concerning the Rancor mount and here's my point.


I grudgingly agree that there is no way a mount like this won't be reskinned and monetized on the cartel market.

However, BW has already set a precedent for exclusive mounts including the tank from NiM EC and the transformer mount from NiM S&V.

So by reskinning the rancor mount for everyone including NiM opperations, BioWare is basically showing favoritism to the PVE community and putting another nail in the coffin of the PVP community.


The only fair and logical way to repair this catastrophe is to let the PVP community have the Rancor mount exclusive for at least 6 months with a possible reskin for season 2. This will make up for the exclusivity the PVErs have enjoyed with their 2 mounts for the last year and a half and will continue to drive interest for ppl to do ranked PVP, something which is badly needed.


After the exclusive period the Rancor, tank and transformer mounts should be reskinned and made available to both PVP and PVE and of course be put in the cartel market.


BioWare I think you have slapped the PVP community enough and you've seen it die over the last year and a half. If you have an ounce of respect for your PVP player base you will not continue on this path.


Thanks for reading my post.


Constant messing with PvE class play due to PvP class balance - check.

PvE relics not work in PvP but PvP works in PvE - check.

BiS Relics before entering real end game (with no UW equivalent for tanks) for PvP only - check.

PvP griefing stat - check.

No events go without griefing bug/exploit - check.


And you are slapped in the face due to iconic lore item not given only to you to grief again on ogher players, and comparing it with some BW designed mounts?


Some of you "pure" PvPers are just too full of yourselves... nothing more, nothing less.

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Just about everybody wants a Rancor mount. Not everybody wants to PvP or is good at PvP.

Top PvP players will get a Rancor before anyone else and it will look different than anyone elses.


Even the most special snowflake still looks like every other snowflake unless under a microscope.

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You guys can call it whining all you want. At the end of the day PVEers will keep their 2 exclusive mounts while PVPers get s skin. And just because the PVP community might be smaller doesn't make it not matter or not have an opinion, hence this post. You are all missing the point, I never asked for life exclusivity for the rancor just for fairness, read the post again...


Except your OP clearly shows that you aren't happy about anyone else getting a rancour. You "begrudge" any reskinning or CM mounts. Your compromise is not letting anyone have a rancour for six months so you can feel "special". News flash : your mount is special. No one else is going to have a mount that looks like that. Other players will eventually have the opportunity to acquire a rancour. But again it won't look anything like yours. And it's only available for one season. So after this is over, nobody will be able to get it.


No company is going to implement something asked for by a large amount of the community, but only give it to a small part of that community.

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Except your OP clearly shows that you aren't happy about anyone else getting a rancour. You "begrudge" any reskinning or CM mounts. Your compromise is not letting anyone have a rancour for six months so you can feel "special". News flash : your mount is special. No one else is going to have a mount that looks like that. Other players will eventually have the opportunity to acquire a rancour. But again it won't look anything like yours. And it's only available for one season. So after this is over, nobody will be able to get it.


No company is going to implement something asked for by a large amount of the community, but only give it to a small part of that community.


So we should always listen to the majority when there are other opinions more viable and fair out there? K so you all call me out for whining what about all the PVEers that raged over the slim chance that the rancor might stay exclusive to PVP? It was because of those comments that Muscow announced the reskins but I do not think BW looked at the bigger picture and is favouring the PVEers on this point.


As for class changes I've already answered that.

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Constant messing with PvE class play due to PvP class balance - check.

PvE relics not work in PvP but PvP works in PvE - check.

BiS Relics before entering real end game (with no UW equivalent for tanks) for PvP only - check.

PvP griefing stat - check.

No events go without griefing bug/exploit - check.


And you are slapped in the face due to iconic lore item not given only to you to grief again on ogher players, and comparing it with some BW designed mounts?


Some of you "pure" PvPers are just too full of yourselves... nothing more, nothing less.


PVEers get triple the amount of content each year.

All the events are PVE based, idk what exploits you're talking about. Stop flagging yourself?

PVEers can enter ranked war zones in full 78's and loose a team the match.


Please don't talk about fairness between PVE vs PVP cuz I can go all day.

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So we should always listen to the majority when there are other opinions more viable and fair out there? K so you all call me out for whining what about all the PVEers that raged over the slim chance that the rancor might stay exclusive to PVP? It was because of those comments that Muscow announced the reskins but I do not think BW looked at the bigger picture and is favouring the PVEers on this point.


As for class changes I've already answered that.


Except it's not more viable and fair to limit a widely asked for mount to a small minority. Simple as.

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PVEers get triple the amount of content each year.

All the events are PVE based, idk what exploits you're talking about. Stop flagging yourself?

PVEers can enter ranked war zones in full 78's and loose a team the match.


Please don't talk about fairness between PVE vs PVP cuz I can go all day.


Yup, your right. Your OP is right. they are favoring PvE in this circumstance. I won't try to justify it, because I honestly don't care. I think you may want to re-think your strategy though. I'm not trying to belittle you...I respect your desire for a special mount (because again, I don't care). I respect that in spite of the fact that it's obvious that you don't seem to care about the attitudes and opinions of the sole PvE players and the changes in the game that have impacted them.


I respect the fact that you would like to see something different and special and unique (at least initially) to the PvP area. The reason Im suggesting you change your approach is the thread really has regressed to a useless argument. you've lost the original intent of your post, which was to raise awareness to your thoughts and feelings on the mounts.


I really honest wouldn't care if you got a special mount. will you get it? not solely with this thread...it's really lost its direction.


And to everyone else....let the OP raise his idea. most of this thread is just baseless arguing...the OP will not give up his/her position, it should be obvious by now. the less you argue with them, the smaller this post will be.


I did enjoy the read though...I may not have had popcorn, but I was enjoying my morning cup of coffee.

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Except it's not more viable and fair to limit a widely asked for mount to a small minority. Simple as.


But letting PVEers keep their exclusive mounts is? I just want PVPers to be treated equally on this subject that's all.

Edited by ThelemachusRhade
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Yup, your right. Your OP is right. they are favoring PvE in this circumstance. I won't try to justify it, because I honestly don't care. I think you may want to re-think your strategy though. I'm not trying to belittle you...I respect your desire for a special mount (because again, I don't care). I respect that in spite of the fact that it's obvious that you don't seem to care about the attitudes and opinions of the sole PvE players and the changes in the game that have impacted them.


I respect the fact that you would like to see something different and special and unique (at least initially) to the PvP area. The reason Im suggesting you change your approach is the thread really has regressed to a useless argument. you've lost the original intent of your post, which was to raise awareness to your thoughts and feelings on the mounts.


I really honest wouldn't care if you got a special mount. will you get it? not solely with this thread...it's really lost its direction.


And to everyone else....let the OP raise his idea. most of this thread is just baseless arguing...the OP will not give up his/her position, it should be obvious by now. the less you argue with them, the smaller this post will be.


I did enjoy the read though...I may not have had popcorn, but I was enjoying my morning cup of coffee.


I don't see how my opinion has changed with my replies. I keep calling for fairness on the mounts subject and I am happy to prove that PVPers don't get any amount more recognition then PVEers in this game on in its sum. Having played both sides of the game I think my arguments matter and I'll keep pushing them.

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I don't see how my opinion has changed with my replies. I keep calling for fairness on the mounts subject and I am happy to prove that PVPers don't get any amount more recognition then PVEers in this game on in its sum. Having played both sides of the game I think my arguments matter and I'll keep pushing them.


Your opinion hasn't changed. your treatment of other people, their thoughts on the matter, and the pointless arguing has cheapened the post. you may not think so, But as neutral person coming into this thread, at the end I almost wished I was able to decline your request purely on your approach.


Are you one of those people that think that your point is irrefutably the truth and should be accepted by all regardless of how you deal with other people?


I won't argue with you, it's obvious that you are good at it. It doesn't make your point right, and that's where I think you lost direction. your point isn't right because you ARE right, It's not right because you can out-argue people (or blindly debate them into rage-quitting the thread), its a valid point because you are a player, just as I am. You have a playstyle you enjoy playing, as I do. and both opinions should be respected.


I was willing to respect your original point, but you've honestly not given me much reason to beyond that. I respect your opinion...your lack of respect for others opinions is whats turned this post into something that I don't feel will get much headway.


EDIT: Oh and btw...it's not just you, and it's not just the PvP players in the thread. arguments can only exist if there are two people to argue, and there are others being belligerent in this thread as well. So the respect thing really does need to extend both ways.


You know how to stop an argument? one of the people arguing needs to stop arguing....and the argument is over.

Edited by Elyx
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But letting PVEers keep their exclusive mounts is? I just want PVPers to be treated equally on this subject that's all.


Did I say that? Hell, I don't care if they reskin them too. Just don't agree that it's fair to limit rancours to PVPers. When they're not the only ones who've asked for that style of mount.


Edit to clarify: I don't have any issue with PVP having exclusive rewards. But it was unrealistic to expect it to be a rancour when so many people had asked for it.

Edited by horrorfaneightys
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Did I say that? Hell, I don't care if they reskin them too. Just don't agree that it's fair to limit rancours to PVPers. When they're not the only ones who've asked for that style of mount.


Edit to clarify: I don't have any issue with PVP having exclusive rewards. But it was unrealistic to expect it to be a rancour when so many people had asked for it.


We'll let's have more replies like that then.

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Your opinion hasn't changed. your treatment of other people, their thoughts on the matter, and the pointless arguing has cheapened the post. you may not think so, But as neutral person coming into this thread, at the end I almost wished I was able to decline your request purely on your approach.


Are you one of those people that think that your point is irrefutably the truth and should be accepted by all regardless of how you deal with other people?


I won't argue with you, it's obvious that you are good at it. It doesn't make your point right, and that's where I think you lost direction. your point isn't right because you ARE right, It's not right because you can out-argue people (or blindly debate them into rage-quitting the thread), its a valid point because you are a player, just as I am. You have a playstyle you enjoy playing, as I do. and both opinions should be respected.


I was willing to respect your original point, but you've honestly not given me much reason to beyond that. I respect your opinion...your lack of respect for others opinions is whats turned this post into something that I don't feel will get much headway.


EDIT: Oh and btw...it's not just you, and it's not just the PvP players in the thread. arguments can only exist if there are two people to argue, and there are others being belligerent in this thread as well. So the respect thing really does need to extend both ways.


You know how to stop an argument? one of the people arguing needs to stop arguing....and the argument is over.


I do respect PVEers opinions but since I find them wrong I will refute them and challenge them like I have, how is that a lack of respect? I think I have been more then fair with my proposition.

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I do respect PVEers opinions but since I find them wrong I will refute them and challenge them like I have, how is that a lack of respect? I think I have been more then fair with my proposition.


Fari enough. I respect your opinion, And I think you are wrong.

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