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LATINO America need a server , rly badly!


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I'm just going to point that Latin America is perfectly correct and that it being called so has everything to do with Latin as you previously described it. Latin America refers to the countries in America (or the American Continent, or the Americas, if you prefer) that speak either Spanish or Portuguese, languages that come from Latin and that are thus called neo-latin and/or Romance. English is not one of these, hence the use of Latin to make the distinction.


Also, the reason we ask for Latin American servers is simply because it's nice to be able to chat in public channels using your first language and having servers that are actually in the region means better ping, neither of which I think is unreasonable.


That being said, I realise not having the resources and/or time to implement this properly is probably one of the reasons BioWare red-zoned us all, so I wouldn't get my hopes up. It 's also possible there aren't enough Latin American gamers to make this a priority, but I somewhat doubt this.

Edited by athomew
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You mean like Italian, German, French, English, Malay-Indonesian, Turkish, Polish? :p Yeah arguing will go nowhere though cos I know it's a pretty common misuse, just annoying lol.


German and English are Germanic languages, derived from the various Germanic tribes.

Polish is a Slavic language.

Neither Turkish (Turkic) nor Maly-Indonesian (Austronesian) are even Indo-European, let alone Romance languages (which are all Indo-European).


However, Italian and French are Romance languages with Spanish and Portugese.

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All off you offended by this pay need to lighten up. it reminds me of south park. "they took our jerbs" ... Intolerant bastard.


I'm all for a server dedicated to a language, any language. The difference is market size, which determines the necessity of the server.


Some of you sound horrified that some people don't speak english, well, they probably don't live in the u.

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this is not about 2 or 3 country servers... this is not about peruvian-chilean server etc . This is all about language and community. Latin America = South America + Central America + Mexico


I think the game is perfect in english. So atleast for me, I would just like to see a Latin American server =)



btw... I dont know what Poland and Italy have in common


They are both countries. ;)

Edited by Manbropig
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  • 2 weeks later...

En JUYO hay latinos, no se como sera en otro server PvP. Pero no depende de SWTOR crear o no un server latino a corto plazo, depende de nosotros mismos organizarnos y jugar en un mismo server.


Translation for the above message: There is spanish speaking people at JUYO, I ignore the spanish community rate at the other PvP server. But it's not up to SWTOR to create or not a spanish speaking server in a short term period, it's up to ourselves to get organized and play in the same server.



Edited by DanoIT
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  • 3 weeks later...
Yo estoy en Bloodworthy que hay escandinavos/suecos/Reino Unido. Esta bastante bien habitado y la mayoria habla ingles, lo que si seria bueno ver mas gente de habla por ahi :) para jugar warzones en grupo con mis amigos de Chile.
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depende de nosotros mismos organizarnos y jugar en un mismo server.


Ahora, sí.... es lo que todos tienen que hacer para encontrarse con otros. De verad estoy sorpendida de las respuestas sarcásticas en este hilo... ¿por qué se ofenden si un grupo pide un server para hablar en un idioma específico si hay bastante jugadores que lo quieren? Probablemente cuando un grupo grande de hispanohablantes escoja un server y charlar en General en español, la gente que no habla español se quejará porque es un server inglés y todos deben hablar en inglés y no en español. :p Es imposible satisfacer a todos.

Edited by LucentBeam
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German and English are Germanic languages, derived from the various Germanic tribes.

Polish is a Slavic language.

Neither Turkish (Turkic) nor Maly-Indonesian (Austronesian) are even Indo-European, let alone Romance languages (which are all Indo-European).


However, Italian and French are Romance languages with Spanish and Portugese.


A lot of these languages have roots in Latin though. Even English has Latin roots. Many many languages were derived from Latin.

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It took WoW a few years before they opened up Central American servers that addressed your language barrier issues and/or cultural persuasions. First, there -needs- to be a market for this, and until they determine whether or not this is the case, you'll have to make do with whats available :(


Time will tell.

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Perhaps I could have chose my words more carefully.


Since I don't personally share the OP's experience with these issues s/he has presented, i addressed her/him by using the 2nd person "your" when I could have just addressed it specifically to her/him.


Lost in translation :(

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I believe the only reason for French and German translations are due to local laws in France and Germany. (I remember reading about the law in France years ago, in response to what the elite in France considered too much English-speaking.)


Since the servers are "US Servers" and "European Servers," I suspect that Latin America is not yet officially supported. It is like U.S. players logging on to a Japanese or Korean MMO that is not officially supported in the U.S. and wanting English servers.


What about Spain??? Is it not an european country? we are the second most important language in the world and the most spoken by population density and they have ignored us so blatantly.

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The reason, why there are no servers IN Latin America is, because there are not enough people playing IN Latin America and the game hasn't even been promoted there yet. It's a Europe/American release and advertisement etc. Therefor European and American servers.


I agree with opening a server for Spanish as language. Opening an actual server LOCATED in Latin America will not happen for understandable reasons. That's the two different options. One being very possible and plausible and I support it.


My main reason to support opening a server for Spanish speaking folks is simply because in every MMO I played so far the Spanish speaking population grew and grew and sooner or later general chats etc. got flooded by people talking Spanish even though it was against the rules (could even get banned for that in some MMOs) I am sick of that stuff so just give them their own server so everyone can be happy and the language the server is labled as is actually the one spoken there. Thanks.

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  • 6 months later...
i think people are somewhat misunderstanding this... i live in Brazil and would love for them to make a South American/Latin America server... doesnt need to have spanish or portuguese dialogue or whatever... just so we can have all the people that play on these countries together... timezones sometimes are annoying and when ur playing a a time.... servers are almost empty and making flashpoints and Heroic 4 quests gets really annoying... we dont want to be special... we just want a server that can put everyone in this region together... like North American/Europeans/Asians can... and PLEASE release the game in Brazil xD many of my friends want to buy the game but cant order from the US like me...
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i think people are somewhat misunderstanding this... i live in Brazil and would love for them to make a South American/Latin America server. (...) timezones sometimes are annoying and when ur playing a a time.... servers are almost empty and making flashpoints and Heroic 4 quests gets really annoying..


Hmmm... most of Soutth and Central America lives either in or next to Eastern Time (see this map), so a Spanish speaking server in the eastern US should not be a problem for you guys, timezone-wise. Lag, of course, is a different issue.


Western Mexico, having Mountain or Pacific time can equally play on a West Coast server.

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Welll .... if you ask this German, I prefer to play games in their original language, if possible. Real good localizations that can measure up to the original are very rare. So, I play on Europe/English servers.


But, having said that, I acknowledge there are German (Europe) servers, so, given enough customers, there should be Spanish(US) ones as well. (as for Spanish/Europe, I venture to guess the market isn't big enough. While Spanish is a big language worldwide, it is only a medium sized country in Europe (49M residents, vs 60M in Italy, 72M French Speakers in France, Belgium and Switzerland, and about 96M German speakers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Northern Italy and Belgium, all only counting native speakers, and lumping the Catalans with the Spanish :-)


I have one, question, though, to the US residents here wishing to play on a Spanish servers - do you want to loose the opportunity to play with your non-hispanic friends? Does it that make any to play on a server the statistical majority of your compatriots can not play on? (no, the question doesn't really apply to me - English is virtually mandatory in German schools today)..

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  • 1 year later...
Hey! What happened with this? haha

Most important thing is the server latency, I managed to play with 220ms (Argentina), it's not too bad.. but..


Anyways, bump!


They created some Asia-Pacific servers for us Aussies and everyone else in the Oceana area. They were eventually merged with the US servers due to numbers.

Having been on those servers, I can tell you that the community wasn't exactly sustainable, not enough new players to make it viable. The servers were slowly dieing.


Even if the server was just for the spoken language, do you really think there would be enough people to make a sustainable community? and then what about the PvE, PvP and RP variations of the server? I seriously doubt it would be viable.

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