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Ace's are not your servant's!


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I was scolded for not "winning" a match recently. I was on a non upgraded ship farming achievements, and somebody I Q with frequently *****ed at me for not being #1 on the scoreboard. I pay 15 dollars a month so I can do as I please. I do not serve you or anyone. I am my own Lord! So do not presume you can tell me what ship, I must play, because I am an "Ace". If you want to pay my subscription, and pay for the time I play, then maybe I will listen to you!



Eichman/Avidity Serves himself!


Do I care what you think?



Maybe not!

Maybe, **** Yourself!

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I mess around a lot too, but only if I know my team is going to win. Otherwise I'll get on my best ship for the match.


As long as you don't do something akin to joining Ranked PVP while in PVE gear, it's fine.

Edited by Sadishist
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I help, A lot when I know I can make the difference, but I do it because I can, but because I decide too! I do not care if I win or lose. I serve my own interests, and not yours. I am not your friend or someone who can be boss'd around!


So then what exactly makes you an "ace"?

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Unbelievable how many people call them self a "Ace" pilot.

The only reason i see in starting this thread instead of talking it out with the guy you tend to be in a group allot is attention.


I personally see no benefit i starting a thread like this because it has no point and doesn't lead to something that maybe need to be changed in game.


Just talk it out with the guy and explain or not what you where doing during the match

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Oh woe is the life of the exceptionally talented! :rolleyes:


It must be really hard being so good. The level of expectation from the plebians that scurry about their mundane lives beneath you can be difficult to bear.


Please, continue to unburden yourself of the chains that your 'success' has cruelly thrown over your shoulders. We mere mortals will offer what support we can.


I just hope that whatever comfort we can provide will be enough to assuage the growing feeling of frustration and futility you must be constantly dealing with while having to soil your person in dealing with such people who are mere insects compared to your majesty.



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I was scolded for not "winning" a match recently. I was on a non upgraded ship farming achievements, and somebody I Q with frequently *****ed at me for not being #1 on the scoreboard. I pay 15 dollars a month so I can do as I please. I do not serve you or anyone. I am my own Lord! So do not presume you can tell me what ship, I must play, because I am an "Ace". If you want to pay my subscription, and pay for the time I play, then maybe I will listen to you!



Eichman/Avidity Serves himself!


Do I care what you think?



Maybe not!

Maybe, **** Yourself!


While I'm not normally a fan of dropping names like this in forums. I will say this.


Eichman of <Eichman> guild. Yup do a /who if you don't believe me.


Honestly I'm not sure the guy is all too good either. Yesterday flew some matches with him in same group. He scores about where I average too, which is not at the top. The ACES thread is a little BS actually. For my server a lot of the names there really don't que that often.

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I'm no "Ace" but I am damn good with my Razorwire.



....I forgot what I was going to actually put here now...


Is there a particular technique that you employ to fly in slow circles and fart out mines?


I am looking to improve my Bomber gameplay and want to hear from the best. :cool:

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Oh woe is the life of the exceptionally talented! :rolleyes:


It must be really hard being so good. The level of expectation from the plebians that scurry about their mundane lives beneath you can be difficult to bear.


Please, continue to unburden yourself of the chains that your 'success' has cruelly thrown over your shoulders. We mere mortals will offer what support we can.


I just hope that whatever comfort we can provide will be enough to assuage the growing feeling of frustration and futility you must be constantly dealing with while having to soil your person in dealing with such people who are mere insects compared to your majesty.






Hearing from the plebeians brings me much comfort. Thank You! :)

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Topping charts, I would expect.


This is the one thing I do not believe. I'm a mid-range, maybe upper mid-range pilot. Sometimes I'm top of the charts, sometimes middle of the charts. It depends on time of day, day of the week, whether I'm queuing with others, and whether I CHOOSE to take a supportive role or play around with components.


In addition, and I know this may be a shock to some of you, some players have a real life and don't always fly. :D

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While I'm not normally a fan of dropping names like this in forums. I will say this.


Eichman of <Eichman> guild. Yup do a /who if you don't believe me.


Honestly I'm not sure the guy is all too good either. Yesterday flew some matches with him in same group. He scores about where I average too, which is not at the top. The ACES thread is a little BS actually. For my server a lot of the names there really don't que that often.


I think he's pretty good. I'm not quite sure what constitutes an ace (which is why I haven't specifically nominated anyone in the Aces? thread), but I will say that his is one of the names I'm happy to see on my team.


Unfortunately there aren't a whole lot of such names on JC imps side, which probably makes each one easier to remember. So...I guess there's that.

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Well, while I am certainly not an ace, and therefore not qualified to address, much less criticize the illustrious OP, I would like to point out that:


Apostrophes are not your servants!


They have a specific role in the GSF (grammatical sentence function), and it is not to provide "support" for every "s" out there that thinks it needs a wingman. Their specific roles include:


Showing possession- as in the "Ace's scores may vary, but their egos are always off the charts!" (j/k...I kid those who have much more talent than I.)


Standing in for dropped letters/numbers in contractions, dates, and the like, such as "I can't believe some people have complaints about being too good when I haven't reached the top of the scoreboard but once in the entire time I've been playing (since early access launch)."

-*note that while some use apostrophes to simply drop out a letter and make the resulting word look...I don't know....cool? (see "boss'd" earlier in thread), this practice offends the apostrophes, as they weren't designed for this purpose, and they already have to deal with being called OP by other punctuation marks. (Periods, in particular, feel underused and underappreciated, especially since their job can often be duplicated by the much more popular semi-colon; perhaps the devs should consider giving periods a buff.)


So please, everyone, stop carelessly launching apostrophes because you think your "s" looks lonely or needs protection from opposing-faction vowels. If we continue to overuse these valuable assets, they will certainly be labeled FOTM (or is it FO'M?) and inevitably will experience the nerf bat, which will have far-reaching consequences for the entire GSF (who can forget the Capitalization Crisis of '99?)


So please, think not only of yourself, but of the entire team, and punctuate responsibly.


And so it is written:


"Lo, though only those of the heavens are given the quill by which is written the scripture, the rest of us suckers down on Earth still have to read it."

Edited by bmharrison
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I think he's pretty good. I'm not quite sure what constitutes an ace (which is why I haven't specifically nominated anyone in the Aces? thread), but I will say that his is one of the names I'm happy to see on my team.


Speaking as a pub pilot who's flown against him I'd say he is one of the better pilots but he isn't in the same league as pilots like Levv (at least on my threat meter). He's not cannon fodder so when I see him I know at least one pilot on the imp side will make a good account of himself but I don't see him as any more of a threat than the other good/above average imp pilots out there.


For me an Ace are the pilots that do more than top the charts. IMO an Ace is a pilot that just never seems to die while still being in the thick of it, plays the objective all the time, and are (possibly) the primary reason that their team won the match.


I've certainly seen at least one of the supposed Pub "aces" in action and honestly don't think they deserve the title. I've been in matches where they probably contributed to our loss by not lifting a finger to help and might as well have been AFK for all the good they did. I'm rather convinced that the times I've won a match with them on my team it was only by coincidence that they happened to be in the right spot at the right time. Hence why I think (intentionally) playing the objective is important and perhaps one of the biggest qualifications for being an ace, more so that topping the chart.

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I think he's pretty good. I'm not quite sure what constitutes an ace (which is why I haven't specifically nominated anyone in the Aces? thread), but I will say that his is one of the names I'm happy to see on my team.


Unfortunately there aren't a whole lot of such names on JC imps side, which probably makes each one easier to remember. So...I guess there's that.


Which is why the Repubs on JC need to get a good face slap and actually nominate some imps. They are the ones who know who the good imp flyers are. I'd see half that imp side list on Ace's wiped away as those players are never online, and nominated by their group mates not repub players who actually fly against them. Problem is for whatever reason the repubs can't find respect for their adversary the way the imps have.

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Which is why the Repubs on JC need to get a good face slap and actually nominate some imps. They are the ones who know who the good imp flyers are. I'd see half that imp side list on Ace's wiped away as those players are never online, and nominated by their group mates not repub players who actually fly against them. Problem is for whatever reason the repubs can't find respect for their adversary the way the imps have.


Not true! there were plenty of imps nominated on JC. I nominated one myself.

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I help, A lot when I know I can make the difference, but I do it because I can, but because I decide too! I do not care if I win or lose. I serve my own interests, and not yours. I am not your friend or someone who can be boss'd around!


Wait...I'm not your friend? That cuts....that cuts deep man...

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Which is why the Repubs on JC need to get a good face slap and actually nominate some imps. They are the ones who know who the good imp flyers are. I'd see half that imp side list on Ace's wiped away as those players are never online, and nominated by their group mates not repub players who actually fly against them. Problem is for whatever reason the repubs can't find respect for their adversary the way the imps have.


For what it's worth I just simply am bad with names and it takes me a while to start recognizing people most of the time (both fellow Pubs and Imps). So far the people I do recognize have already been nominated.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Not true! there were plenty of imps nominated on JC. I nominated one myself.


Yeah about those there imps, I haven't seen much of them in a match, more to point there are many names that are missing who I see all the time.


Your nomination count is 1, why not 3 or more? I know we have good pilots I certainly don't have a 45% matches won because of my flying alone, and I'm not even on the list. I only fly with maybe 20% of the names on that list and not very often.


There are 4 names on the imp list that are nominated by one of their members and I can't even find them in game.

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