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Arenas broken matchmaking


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Last night was the WORST example of just how badly arena matching is. I'm also reporting this in game as a bug. But I'm posting this here in hopes that the devs see this and FIX the problems!


We've all had matches where there's 4 on the other team to only 3 on your team. Usually ends up in an insta loss. Well I had one taken to the nth level.


I queued a little after 10pm on my marauder for a regular WZ as I was trying to finish my daily. Que pops and I get in right away. It's about I'd say a minute and a half total wait before the match begins. i'm waiting...and waiting...and waiting...I'm STILL by myself...the other team has full 4 players. The 30 second clock starts. Still waiting....still waiting...yes I NEVER had ANYONE join my team AT ALL!!!!


This should NEVER happen. I refused to jump down just to get whipped so I let the game boot me back up to fleet and I reque'd and was backfilled on a losing Alderaan (I think they were down 320 to 160 or something like that) :(


PLEASE Bioware fix the arenas. They constantly put badly balanced teams like 3 dps sages and a dps guardian against 2 ops a sniper and a smash monkey. Of course sages get wiped out quickly.


So here's a couple of suggestions I would have to possibly improve arena matchmaking. Not sure if these have been suggested before as I don't hardly use the boards so I apologize to those who've seen this if it's been said. These are also for normal arenas not ranked.


  • Do not allow more than 1 healer on a team (teams with 3 healers happen WAY too often)

  • Do not allow the match to start unless both sides are exactly even. 4 v 4 or 3 v3...whatever. If one team is short and the system can't find a 4th then the match ends just like a normal WZ would if short players



Please if anyone else has any other suggestions list them on this thread.



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There is no matchmaking in regs....Why does this have to be repeated almost daily?


Maybe because in their short-sightedness, BW developers should have put matchmaking in Regs too. It's a problem, it should have been recognized from the outset. Matchmaking should be applied to Regs, not just for ranked.

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Maybe because in their short-sightedness, BW developers should have put matchmaking in Regs too. It's a problem, it should have been recognized from the outset. Matchmaking should be applied to Regs, not just for ranked.


It doesn't exist for regs because BW prioritizes quantity over quality, and to be frank I agree with them. Its just regs, it means nothing and I'd rather have fast queues and play the matches over sitting on the fleet for 30 minutes because the damn game can't find a tank/healer for both teams. Then of course premades get screwed over as well...of course most of you probably don't care because you've never heard of this thing called making friends and grouping up together but ya...


With that said...lawl regs.

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