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Ebon Hawk GSF Aces


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Back then: The ion tap issue (click click you can't move for 6 seconds or do anything) + BR abuse of the 10 second cool down / ability to never run out of engine + no min charge on shots from slugs + increased evasion made for an entirely unfair advantage to any GS knowing how to play the game. Considering you're talking about the past (and I've only been here on TEH since 2.7), it's strange that you would say "still is" because they no longer play, thus have no representation of the current, more balanced and less abusive OP mode of GS. Just wait until Alex has mastered his GS :rak_03: In the CURRENT meta, he is the one to watch out for (since he is on your server).


*Shudders* Believe me, on Jung Ma back when this was a thing I was the only active scout pilot who got targetted.You knew it got bad when running into asteroids became a legitimate tactic for me, because people would conspire to keep me out of the match, not respawning etc.

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...oh yeah, I forgot Delphi used to Ion Tap. As a rule, I didn't, because I thought it wasn't Kosher. But then, I'll do a lot of stuff to preserve my sense of fairness at the cost of exploiting potentially force-multiplying tactics, even now.


I wonder how she'd fare now.

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I'm ONLY quoting this because it's an important aspect of the perspective on GSs prior to 2.7 (really, prior to 2.6) and I've seen Mae'thon post his standard of what a good gunship is (which was blatant abuse of mechanics at the time). Thus, this is merely an assessament of the metrics used to determine how you're ranking GSs here.


Back then: The ion tap issue (click click you can't move for 6 seconds or do anything) + BR abuse of the 10 second cool down / ability to never run out of engine + no min charge on shots from rails + increased evasion made for an entirely unfair advantage to any GS knowing how to play the game. Considering you're talking about the past (and I've only been here on TEH since 2.7), it's strange that you would say "still is" because they no longer play, thus have no representation of the current, more balanced and less abusive OP mode of GS. Just wait until Alex has mastered his GS :rak_03: In the CURRENT meta, he is the one to watch out for (since he is on your server).


Please don't take this out of context, but with all statistics there needs to be validity and if the meta back then wasn't legit, then the assumptions resulting from play during that meta should be reconsidered to current standards. Not taking away anything from those 3 - I wish I could've seen them fly as I've had several people compare my play to Rainuous, but I'm more interested in their return to see if they can still pull of the same stats and significance post 2.7. It's a lot more difficult to abuse mechanics that don't exist anymore, and is the only true comparison in terms of current ability.



I think they'd do fine honestly. People adjust to things. I don't know who Alex is, sorry.

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The point here is that she didn't adjust. Neither did Rainous or Kvikorma.


Hey, I've seen Kvik.


And I'm otherwise allowed to sit and sing "Drink With Me" from Les Mis when it comes to those good pilots we don't see anymore.

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The point here is that she didn't adjust. Neither did Rainous or Kvikorma.


I actually occasionally pop in from time to time still when Saberwing convinces me to. Being rusty and my controls setup for different games I've topped the charts when I played or came in right behind Aimbot.


You shouldn't assume that because we don't play any more that we couldn't adjust. I still do perfectly fine when I log in - but I don't enjoy what the meta has turned into these days.

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The point here is that she didn't adjust. Neither did Rainous or Kvikorma.


I thought Delphi just got bored and was just doing dailies and such. I saw Rainous awhile back but didn't know if he was coming back or just doing occasional. Kvikorma I'd assure you would be just fine.

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I actually occasionally pop in from time to time still when Saberwing convinces me to. Being rusty and my controls setup for different games I've topped the charts when I played or came in right behind Aimbot.


You shouldn't assume that because we don't play any more that we couldn't adjust. I still do perfectly fine when I log in - but I don't enjoy what the meta has turned into these days.



You and Nailin need to come back and terrorize the skies again. Don't make me use my Jedi mind trick!

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I actually occasionally pop in from time to time still when Saberwing convinces me to. Being rusty and my controls setup for different games I've topped the charts when I played or came in right behind Aimbot.


You shouldn't assume that because we don't play any more that we couldn't adjust. I still do perfectly fine when I log in - but I don't enjoy what the meta has turned into these days.


None of us really do, but the truth is, unless we continue to abuse it, it'll never get fixed. Even Aimbot can agree with me when I say DO is broken. It multiplies your effectiveness, making people who are already really effective way too effective and those who are already not effective, not even remotely relevant.


Conditions have been setup such that I've killed an entire 8 man team within the first 20 seconds of a match because of engine overcharge + dmg overcharge.

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^ This - if someone from DO gets DO, the other team is instantly going to start out 0~1:~8 19/20 times. Yes, DO helps when you're on a crappy team to help bring the score back into balance, but it does become a completely unfair advantage to a good scout or a gunship that can aim even semi-well.
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I've been hesitant to play a lot lately, given the 15,000 m range on gunships making them impossible to kill, and the fact that most objectives can be held by a single bomber.


That and I don't feel like much of an "ace" anyways.

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So the logic is to make games even more brutally one sided until BioWare forcefully fixes the onesidedness?


I see.


You can't fix something that isn't broken, and there is a reason why the scientific method works - there is verifiable evidence, just as what is going on now. You're not going to replace faulty ram until you know it's bad. How do you know it's bad? Stress testing. A drug won't reach market until numerous studies are commenced and support the hypothesis. A person won't know they're hungry until their stomach tells them. Cause and effect, and the only way to implement change is to demonstrate the effect.


During the ion tap days, I still did full charges on people 9/10 times (with the last time being the dude who's ion tapping me). Not because I had to, but because I felt the metric was broken and too many people were already contirbuting to it. There was no drawback (besides a few more seconds) for me to charge the weapon. However, with DO, the alternative to not getting it is to let the other team get it. I'd rather not be on the opposite end of that exchange, and by showing how drastic of a difference that power up makes, the devs can see that DO is OP. Are they just supposed to take your word for it or something?


"Trust but verify," - Ronald Reagan.

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I've been hesitant to play a lot lately, given the 15,000 m range on gunships making them impossible to kill, and the fact that most objectives can be held by a single bomber.


That and I don't feel like much of an "ace" anyways.


Keep flying. You'll get better. Not overnight, but you'll get better. -bp

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You can't fix something that isn't broken, and there is a reason why the scientific method works - there is verifiable evidence, just as what is going on now. You're not going to replace faulty ram until you know it's bad. How do you know it's bad? Stress testing. A drug won't reach market until numerous studies are commenced and support the hypothesis. A person won't know they're hungry until their stomach tells them. Cause and effect, and the only way to implement change is to demonstrate the effect.


During the ion tap days, I still did full charges on people 9/10 times (with the last time being the dude who's ion tapping me). Not because I had to, but because I felt the metric was broken and too many people were already contirbuting to it. There was no drawback (besides a few more seconds) for me to charge the weapon. However, with DO, the alternative to not getting it is to let the other team get it. I'd rather not be on the opposite end of that exchange, and by showing how drastic of a difference that power up makes, the devs can see that DO is OP. Are they just supposed to take your word for it or something?


"Trust but verify," - Ronald Reagan.


That's fine and dandy but this attitude is why people slowly yet consistently move away from GSF so you and your internet crew can club the newbie seals.

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That's fine and dandy but this attitude is why people slowly yet consistently move away from GSF so you and your internet crew can club the newbie seals.


Maybe if you left fewer matches you would get better yourself.

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I had a real life emergency this morning. Would you like to get more personal?


Every game I've had with you in it, you've disappeared, you're not the only one, I'm getting fed up of people leaving in GSF matches.


And for the record, it's not new players who are leaving. It's people named as aces in this thread who are leaving.

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I don't really know who you are, but I rarely leave games. If I ever have, 99% of the time it's usually because of outside issues than anything due to the game. I often have severe lag in GSF lately so I leave to spare my team a liability of someone who can't even lock on their missiles. Should I have stayed and let Republic farm kills off me in TDM?
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I had a real life emergency this morning. Would you like to get more personal?


That's fine and dandy but this attitude is why people slowly yet consistently move away from GSF so you and your internet crew can club the newbie seals.


Calling out individuals who're showing BW what's messed up and saying that we club baby seals isn't personal? FALSE! It is not the responsibility of the player to fix the in game mechanics. It's up to us to show BW that what they are doing isn't working. You can't do that without having evidence to support it, and your hope of self-policing isn't feasible. I can't help that we've invested the time in matches to get to a level where we know how to play in the most efficient way possible. You'd rather that we didn't play because we just continually own matches.


I am a GS pilot with a mastered star guard and quarrel on TEH pubside, yet when I play a scout (and it's pretty well known that I'm not a scout pilot) and put up 20 kills with 88k damage and 0 deaths WITHOUT DAMAGE OVERCHARGE, what more do you want? I'm not going to stop playing the game I enjoy - the community just needs to stop QQing, L2P, make some friends, and L2P (I said L2P twice to emphasize the biggest hinderence in the community right now). No one wants to fight through it to get better - everyone wants a handout. Fact is, you (like the plural form - not pointing to you as an individual per say) don't deserve one - we didn't get them. We were facerolled. We bashed keyboards and cursed vehemetly. We stormed the streets and flipped cars after horrible matches.


Point is that you're not going to get better by blaming us. If your biggest concern is that we're in a match, play the game properly and focus us to take us out of the match - we had that happen the other day where Tom and I were qued and we got focused hards - each of us having 5 deaths which is veryyyy abnormal. We constantly had 3 people on us, yet we still put up the top damage in the match even though we lost. THAT is how you overcome those situations. Play as a team!! Stop looking for cop out excuses because that's only gonna serve as motivation to light you up in the skies

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I don't really know who you are, but I rarely leave games. If I ever have, 99% of the time it's usually because of outside issues than anything due to the game. I often have severe lag in GSF lately so I leave to spare my team a liability of someone who can't even lock on their missiles. Should I have stayed and let Republic farm kills off me in TDM?


The times when I've noticed you leaving were mostly domination. I usually wouldn't care too badly except when you've made posts saying "Enjoy your wargames Republic." that really irks me to think that you're more concerned with winning than you are interested in playing the game.

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Calling out individuals who're showing BW what's messed up and saying that we club baby seals isn't personal? FALSE! It is not the responsibility of the player to fix the in game mechanics. It's up to us to show BW that what they are doing isn't working. You can't do that without having evidence to support it, and your hope of self-policing isn't feasible. I can't help that we've invested the time in matches to get to a level where we know how to play in the most efficient way possible. You'd rather that we didn't play because we just continually own matches.


I am a GS pilot with a mastered star guard and quarrel on TEH pubside, yet when I play a scout (and it's pretty well known that I'm not a scout pilot) and put up 20 kills with 88k damage and 0 deaths WITHOUT DAMAGE OVERCHARGE, what more do you want? I'm not going to stop playing the game I enjoy - the community just needs to stop QQing, L2P, make some friends, and L2P (I said L2P twice to emphasize the biggest hinderence in the community right now). No one wants to fight through it to get better - everyone wants a handout. Fact is, you (like the plural form - not pointing to you as an individual per say) don't deserve one - we didn't get them. We were facerolled. We bashed keyboards and cursed vehemetly. We stormed the streets and flipped cars after horrible matches.


Point is that you're not going to get better by blaming us. If your biggest concern is that we're in a match, play the game properly and focus us to take us out of the match - we had that happen the other day where Tom and I were qued and we got focused hards - each of us having 5 deaths which is veryyyy abnormal. We constantly had 3 people on us, yet we still put up the top damage in the match even though we lost. THAT is how you overcome those situations. Play as a team!! Stop looking for cop out excuses because that's only gonna serve as motivation to light you up in the skies


I never once commented on anyone's abilities as a pilot. Not once. I was just, however. That is personal. The most personal thing I ever did was making the clubbing seals comment but was that really all too bad? It's clear you all do very well, so at most I have said that you all are too good at the game. Oh, shame on me. I usually avoid commenting on anyone's personal abilities. In truth, I think the only republic worth a penny ON THEIR OWN is Large. He is by far the best Republic pilot I have seen. Everyone else I feel benefits from team work and efficiency, but on their own are just above par. I'm not saying I am some gift to GSF. While I normally am on top of the Imperial scoreboards and could put up screens, I am just far too casual for it.


Look, nothing Bioware can do (minor fixes, that is) will fix things. I know this very well. There is simply not enough people playing GSF to make any sort of ranking system work. People will be locked out and queue times can be long as is. That method would only work if cross server was implemented and even then it is a slippery slope.


Everyone can play the game as needed. You all are win at all cost players. I don't blame you, I play the same way. It's a "You're not wrong, but you're still a dick" gray area that I even find myself in after slaughtering 30 newbies. It's just the "meta" or mindset the game has became. If everyone wants to follow the flavor of the month easiest strategy to win, they're going to.


My point has never been to self-police, but more so at the sad unfortunate nature that players will gradually and inevitably gravitate away from GSF because of both the veteran player base and the game's lack of balance.


You guys may thing "suck it up and l2p" is a good mantra. And for some people it is, but for a lot of the silent majority they just don't play anymore. Tolgid atleast knew that, but hey I will leave it to you all to find your own path.

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The times when I've noticed you leaving were mostly domination. I usually wouldn't care too badly except when you've made posts saying "Enjoy your wargames Republic." that really irks me to think that you're more concerned with winning than you are interested in playing the game.


I played about 10 games yesterday and won maybe 1. If I cared about winning, I am really bad at it.

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We play with Tolgid too, and in that dude's defense, he is completely oblivious as to WHO he is targetting. He's like a bull and once he sees red, it's on.


With regards to everything else, it's just silly to ask us to stop being good AS A TEAM. We chill in VoIP together but rarely actually talk about the match at hand. Most of the time I struggle to put together coherent sentences, and Tom's just talking in his 13 year old voice so no one understands him anyway (Scrab tries to have a deep voice, but ultimately it sounds like he's overcompensating for something ;)).


Ground PVP's bolster puts Expertise at 1750. This is essentially giving you a ship in GSF. The rest is learning how to play and knowing when the situation calls for backing out / adjusting your strategy.


This is an MMO - there are multiple people online doing the exact same thing as you. You should be able to form a group of competent pilots. Just saying hello is often enough to start a bloody conversation. The biggest problem I've seen is no one asks for help. No one talks about it. I had a match yesterday where 5 people (5!!!!) got under a 13% accuracy rate. THAT IS HORRIBLE! Yet they were all the first ones out of the que. They probably didn't even read the stats, but then again these are the same people who probably go C when A and B are called out.


Also, we play both sides, so it's not just one side getting owned - it's whatever side we're not on usually unless the team is smart and stacks against us. The issue is with tactics and communications - 1 pilot SHOULDNT be the be-all-end-all in a team sport. Lebron couldn't do it either, so I don't feel bad (especially with the RPS balance going on - you're saying a GS should be able to fend off 3 battle scouts? Or that a bomber should be able to handle himself vs 3 strikes and ions and scout pods? Or that a type 1 scout could withstand even 2 GSs running wingman?). The whole idea that people should be rated on their individual skill is ridiculous - there are 7 or 11 other players than you. Unless you get all 50 kills in a match with no one else assisting, one person never does all the work. There is a lot unseen and beneathe the surface that comes with playing as a team, and this game supports and encourages that functionality. Why handicap yourself if you don't have to? I'd rather que with someone and have 1 less spot be filled by some dude still trying to figure out how to fire missiles but refuses to ask

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