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BLANTANT Self destructing in GSF to prevent attacker from getting kills.


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Been playing a lot of Galactic Starfighter lately, and noticed some habits of players.I have seen this a ton recently, people will know they are done for, and will self destruct to prevent another player from getting the kill in a chase. You get an assist, but I think it should count as a kill. This is mostly done by the higher level veteran players. I know I will end up with like ~14+ assists now, and 2-4 kills due to this.



- It artificially lowers players stats, and Requisition gain



- If you had hit them with ANYTHING (within the last, say, 5-7 seconds) or had a missile locked on and fired waiting to hit, and they self destruct, it should be a kill.


An alternate way to deal with this might be to penalize a team with -1 point when above qualifier is met.


Another alternate way is to make assists count the same as kills in req gain.



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Even if I did think this is a good idea, which I don't; the time you are stating is way too big. A lot can happen within 5-7 seconds and in cases where you might have briefly lost sight of them only to then see they self-destructed, for all you know someone else might have within said time got a shot on them.


Also in relation to the whole 'losing sight of them' scenario, sorry but in said situations you shouldn't get credit for the kill, sure get an assist as you did some damage to them that helped with the death but for all you know it might just have been pilot error in going into some wall or other object that they hadn't accounted for.


What you are describing is I imagine far less a scenario than the above and as such it seems crazy to be giving people that didn't actually cause the death a kill token especially with the time gap you are suggesting..

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and will self destruct to prevent another player from getting the kill in a chase.


Two points :


1. Do you know what panic is ? When did you have it the last time ? Do you remember how you acted when you had been in panic ?


2. People might feel humiliated o "owned" when getting killed, evenm (or especially) in PvP. Self-killing is then the only way to avoid that shame.

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Hmm, in SWG you had to be motionless for about 10 seconds before the self-destruct would take effect. How does it work in GSF?


Umm... self-destruct in GSF = Ramming into something.


And I do it all the time in dogfights.


Not on purpose, but because it's hard to see where you are going when you are dodging and weaving between objects to lose your pursuer.

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Umm... self-destruct in GSF = Ramming into something.


And I do it all the time in dogfights.


Not on purpose, but because it's hard to see where you are going when you are dodging and weaving between objects to lose your pursuer.


I wasn't talking about accidentally running into something from trying to run away. Players will be far away from everything, then veer off into a wall very intentionally. I was suggesting last shot on someone before a self destruct, within a given time frame. It's only the veteran players I've noticed this with, not the noobs. The noobs should be the most disoriented ones, but it's the players that tend to get the high kill counts that do this.


I also suggested that in this scenario that an assist be weighted as a kill for req gain, in lue of getting a "kill".

Edited by TheObiOne
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Even if I did think this is a good idea, which I don't; the time you are stating is way too big. A lot can happen within 5-7 seconds and in cases where you might have briefly lost sight of them only to then see they self-destructed, for all you know someone else might have within said time got a shot on them.


Also in relation to the whole 'losing sight of them' scenario, sorry but in said situations you shouldn't get credit for the kill, sure get an assist as you did some damage to them that helped with the death but for all you know it might just have been pilot error in going into some wall or other object that they hadn't accounted for.


What you are describing is I imagine far less a scenario than the above and as such it seems crazy to be giving people that didn't actually cause the death a kill token especially with the time gap you are suggesting..


I never said I lost sight of them, to the contrary, I usually watch the whole thing play out right in front of me.


The time reference was an example, not a solid figure. Also, you do cause the death if you're the pursuer and they hit a wall/object. If you hadn't chased, shot, and nearly killed, they would still be flying trying to kill others.

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Looks like the OP is one of those players best suited to single player games, since he has problems dealing with the non rule breaking behaviors of others in multi player games.


he'd still blame the stupid AI for killing itself and preventing him from getting his kills...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Honorable death vs dishonorable death is the crux of the matter...


If you were honorably fighting, in a one on one basis your opponent in a proper duel (not bushwacked) and self-destruct to deny you the victory is simply wrong, and I can agree with you.


But if you are ganging on an opponent with a bunch of other players, and all of you in the latest upgraded starfighters while your opponent is in a noticeably undergeared vehicle, I would declare you all acted dishonorably, and fully concur with the player in self-destructing to deny the cowards the victory.


How can the developers set up a schema to account for the two possible trails of possible situations?



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Always thought PVP was objective based? As long as the team wins and objectives are met who cares how many kills you get? What difference does it make if you have the most kills/points if team still looses?


Opponent self-destructs is out of commission for the respawn time + transit time giving your team an advantage.

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Always thought PVP was objective based? As long as the team wins and objectives are met who cares how many kills you get? What difference does it make if you have the most kills/points if team still looses?


Opponent self-destructs is out of commission for the respawn time + transit time giving your team an advantage.


The major difference I'm advocating for is rewards for playing. Like Ship/Fleet Req. It's fairly clear that your kills effect how much you gain, and especially for new/mid level players going against vets with most/full upgrades, it's important to aquire as much Req. as possible. You are already given an assist when someone self destructs in such a manor. I'm wanting it to not be AS fruustrating for noobs or lower mid level players so they are not dicouraged to play. I know on my server, it can take a while to que in, and You could definitely tell when people began to loose interest. I'm attempting to address part of the reason they wouldn't be quing in and adding to the experience.

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Last night I was trying to avoid someone who was after me.


Due to some bad direction decisions, I had simply run out of space. Result : Me crashing into some steel construction before I could avoid the one who was hunting me.


I had to think of this thread. It was the prime example of accusing someone of "blatant self-destructing before I could get the kill".


Attackers of course never[/i run out of space. They merely follow the target. Plus, they [i]never feel Panic.

The only thing they might feel is an Adrenaline Rush, cynically speaking.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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