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Captial Ship in free-for-all


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I feel there should be a change. Instead of the cap ship killing people instantly. I propose a Shield be put up instead. Only the opposing team can enter it. I have noticed, on The Bastion, that people will sit with Gunships and never move the entire match. Drawing the team over and using the HUGE advantage of the cap ship to score easy kills. With a forcefield, not only would it prevent camping, but keeps people from just sitting there. Give it like a 40k meter radius around the ship or something.
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How does this stop camping?


A giant shield means you have no chance at all to do some damage, at least the turrets take a few seconds to kill.


I think that there is something to be said for spawn farming, as well as friendly spawn camping by the winning side.


Only way I can see a happy medium would be the cap ship applying proximity shields to new spawns on a timer, the timer is infinite if your team is losing, but if your team is winning, the turrets are deactivated completely and the timer stops at 10 seconds.

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The one downside to this that I see is that it would allow enemies to just camp outside the shield and kill you as soon as you leave.


I've only ever seen a team retreating to their cap ship when they are loosing (often badly). With the current set up it at least makes it dangerous to hang out too close to the enemy carrier but if it was just a shield you'd almost be guaranteed that the enemy would get as close as possible to blast anyone who dared to leave.


In that situation fleeing would allow you to survive but rather than potentially having a foolish enemy blown up by carrier turrets they'd just get stopped at the shield where they could camp until you came out.


A better solution to people camping within the safety of carrier guns would be to have the "no longer participating" effect also deactivate weapon systems. You can still flee to the safety of the carrier but if you decide to stay there your weapon systems get deactivated so you can't shoot at guys with minimal/no fear of retaliation.

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The one downside to this that I see is that it would allow enemies to just camp outside the shield and kill you as soon as you leave.


I've only ever seen a team retreating to their cap ship when they are loosing (often badly). With the current set up it at least makes it dangerous to hang out too close to the enemy carrier but if it was just a shield you'd almost be guaranteed that the enemy would get as close as possible to blast anyone who dared to leave.


In that situation fleeing would allow you to survive but rather than potentially having a foolish enemy blown up by carrier turrets they'd just get stopped at the shield where they could camp until you came out.


A better solution to people camping within the safety of carrier guns would be to have the "no longer participating" effect also deactivate weapon systems. You can still flee to the safety of the carrier but if you decide to stay there your weapon systems get deactivated so you can't shoot at guys with minimal/no fear of retaliation.


TDMs have 2 spawn points. If an enemy team can camp both points simultaniously, you deserve to be camped.

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TDMs have 2 spawn points. If an enemy team can camp both points simultaniously, you deserve to be camped.


having 2 spawns doesn't really help unless you die and if you're already behind intentionally dying so you can spawn at the other spawn isn't really likely to help you stage a comeback.


The shields as I noted above would encourage a team to spawn camp by removing any danger from getting as close to the enemy spawn as possible. This would basically create a situation where retreating to your carrier would ultimately trap you there since the enemy would just camp right at the edge of the shield waiting for you to break out. Because you couldn't try to lure a camper into range of carrier guns you'd be stuck trusting to luck that you could somehow boost past the perimeter the campers set up.


In turn that would mean that the only way to use the other spawn to avoid being camped would be to allow yourself to be killed so you could respawn at the other carrier not getting camped (if you're being camped odds are that, without carrier guns, you'll likely die as soon as you leave the safety of your spawn unless you're lucky).


Hence my point remains valid.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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having 2 spawns doesn't really help unless you die and if you're already behind intentionally dying so you can spawn at the other spawn isn't really likely to help you stage a comeback.


The shields as I noted above would encourage a team to spawn camp by removing any danger from getting as close to the enemy spawn as possible. This would basically create a situation where retreating to your carrier would be useless since once you got there you'd get trapped by the enemy camping right at the edge of the shield with no means of trying to break out by luring a foolish camper into range of carrier guns.


In turn that would mean that the only way to use the other spawn to avoid being camped would be to allow yourself to be killed so you could respawn at the other carrier not getting camped (if you're being camped odds are that, without carrier guns, you'll likely die as soon as you leave the safety of your spawn unless you're lucky)


Hence my point remains valid.


But if you can't target through the shield and you make a concentrated effort and just wait till everyone spawns, and rush out at the same time you can't really be "camped". Simply a full on battle erupts.


You just want to keep abusing them turrets because you can't win a match otherwise, poor you.

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Temporary solution: Capital ship kills aren't counting for team score, nor give assist point. That should even things a little.


And seriously - more spawn points with good sensors (doesn't have to be capitals, starfighters are equipped with hyperdrive, so they can jump close to any beacon), no turrets.

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If you get close enough to the ship turrets then you deserve to die. wow that sounds like a sith talking,


imo add a warning and have the copilot Scream THEIR CAPITAL SHIP IS LOCKING ONTO US!! when you are 3000m from the Capital ship's turret range.


if you dont head the warning you deserve to die and have to wait 20secs before you get back out, that way spawncampers that get too close cant get on the field giving the home team a chance to break out.

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If you get close enough to the ship turrets then you deserve to die. wow that sounds like a sith talking,


imo add a warning and have the copilot Scream THEIR CAPITAL SHIP IS LOCKING ONTO US!! when you are 3000m from the Capital ship's turret range.


if you dont head the warning you deserve to die and have to wait 20secs before you get back out, that way spawncampers that get too close cant get on the field giving the home team a chance to break out.


When 90% of the team sits there the entire match, it's hard to get kills. It's boring, cheap and cowardly. You sit in a Gunship and snipe people who try to get close to win the game. How does that mean I "deserve" to die?

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