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Please fix the long-standing Esseles/Black Talon crash bug


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Played BT/Essles about 10 times since i re-subbed in early December, never had this happen to me. But I have seen it happen to others in my group. Maybe I have been lucky, or maybe it's a setting on their computers?


What Jeff is saying, is that if you have a high end computer, your computer is reaching a point in the program faster than it should be reaching that point and that is causing the crash. Which actually makes a lot of sense in the case of my computer. When the game first came out I was using an NVidia card, and my Mobo was built for ATI cards, so while it was still a higher end PC it wasn't optimized, and I was having some issues with it. My NVidia card fried, and I had to replace it, while I was getting the money together to buy a new card, I was using my laptop. My laptop was not a gamming laptop, and so was having no problems with these FPs. When I got my ATI card, I would put it on par with the NVidia card I had been using, maybe slightly better or worse, but the Mobo was built for ATI so it has been working much more reliably, and it's giving me far more display options. Of course I do try to avoid those FPs like the plague, b/c I know that I will crash to desktop 99 times out of 100, and alt-tabbing doesn't work, nor does playing in windowed mode.

Edited by SuperGrunt
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This is pretty annoying after such a LONG period of time. I just cancel the FP before starting if I get this one. Not going to waste my time to lose my daily comm's at the end when it crashes. Too many tickets I've logged have come back "Sorry... but you're screwed... we apologize for the inconv...." whatever BW BOT.. FIX your game please.

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Once again, if the alt+tab workaround does not work for you there is something else you can try. Let yourself crash during the conversation and have the rest of the group finish it up while it shows you as linkdead. Nobody should click on the final console. Then, get back into the game ASAP and you'll pop back into the group -- but the bugged conversation will be over. Then everyone can click on the final console normally and you can complete the instance, hardmode or normal. This technique has let me finish the Esseles three times since I posted a few days ago.
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Once again, if the alt+tab workaround does not work for you there is something else you can try. Let yourself crash during the conversation and have the rest of the group finish it up while it shows you as linkdead. Nobody should click on the final console. Then, get back into the game ASAP and you'll pop back into the group -- but the bugged conversation will be over. Then everyone can click on the final console normally and you can complete the instance, hardmode or normal. This technique has let me finish the Esseles three times since I posted a few days ago.


Unless everyone CTDs, then you're screwed and nothing can be done about it.

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I crash almost every time. However, I found out that alt-tabbing out just when the final conversation starts always saves me from crashing.


It is of course extremely disappointing that they haven't fixed this yet. It's a matter of priorities, and this bug must not be very high on their list.


I guess that is why I like nested if statements in programming, it prevents code from executing before it's supposed to.


If you can avoid nested if statements, that's generally a very good thing.


I don't really know who JeffNyman is, but his explanation sounds quite believable.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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Allow me to open with saying that I am not making this about the CM or F2P. I am only pointing out when the Black Talon & Esseles bug started for ME.


When the game launched I never had any issues with running Star Wars the Old Republic. My rig is as old as the game itself as I had purchased it with the intentions of run SWTOR and future MMO's with a solid gaming rig. That being said. The patch that introduced the CM & F2P is where this all began for me, as well a lot of players. This is also when other things such as error code 9000 & 4001 started for me as well at least. I do not use my rig for anything else but gaming as I have a secondary rig.


I hope this gives them an idea of where it started, what to investigate. It would be nice to see these bugs finally go away. I for one am a little tired of avoiding BT/Esseles every time I make a new character. These flashpoints give good xp. Obviously, they also give a great introduction to new players.


It's about time something be done about it.

Edited by Aizen
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As I posted in this thread, this issue was isolated quite some time ago:




You are referencing a situation in beta. For me, Esseless ran perfectly at launch up until June or July of 2012. Then a patch happened and a lot of people started crashing. My rig did not change during that time. So while it is possible the fix for the specific bug you found may have been reverted, it is equally possible this is an entirely new bug.


Either way, this is so long overdue for a fix it should be meme-worthy. It impacts such a significant sample of players, and impacted players see it every single time they run these, that I simply don't believe Bioware doesn't have a rig in their testing lab that can reproduce it.

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Eric, et. al.


We need a response on this. In the larger scheme of things, this is an important bug fix. It severely impacts your new player base and it is sore point with the core. It is not cosmetic. It is not a nuisance. It crashes the game completely.


It is in your best interest, BW, to fix this as soon as possible. It is hardly a case of limping along until a fix is implemented. We have waited long enough for a fix.

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see problem is, it works for some but not others. I have not had this problem in awhile. It used to crash, but since has stopped. This is for both BT and Esseles. They have had some progress on making it less "crashy' but I don't think it has worked for everyone.
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It's never crashed me and my PC is old.


To be honest, from what we're reading, that's possibly why. Older machines seem less vulnerable to this race condition problem than younger ones. I know my old creaky machine rarely had the problem, while my newer model almost always does, and what others have said in this thread and elsewhere bears that out.

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