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Ship to ship collision detection


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When jousting the other day it occured to me how silly it looks and feels to end up flying through eachother in such a game of galactic chicken. I think collisions between ships, drones and turrets would add some extra depth to the game. It'd be great to just watch two ships refuse to give way and smash eachother to bits.


Plus, it makes total sense, we do after all already collide with the game world itself. In the ground based game I can understand not wanting players to be able to block eachother, but that's very unlikely to happen in the gsf environment.


A desperate pilot who knows he's about to go down can try and take someone else with him, a beefy strike fighter (perhaps with charged plating active) can just boost into a drone to destroy it. That sort of thing! Go out in a blaze of glory and take the other -mean word- with you.


It'd prolly be wise to turn collisions between friendlies off to prevent derping and griefing though.


Any thoughts on this?

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I'd be fine with no friendly fire tbh- the one thing I've learned on the internet is that I'm willing to sacrifice a lot of video game realism to be free of same faction griefers. It really removes the strategic aspect of aoes, but replaces it with several others (granted, less realistic ones), but I'm ok with that. Yes, it means that in video game logic, having a bunch of guys jump you in melee range means you should immediately pop-and-drop grenades at your feet, etc. That's fine.



The collision detection would, in my opinion, be GREAT for versus enemies. I'd really like if ramming was a thing, as long as the rewards for it weren't too good. Ex:


A scout ramming at full boost could do like 300 damage.

A strike ramming at full boost could do like 325 damage.

A gunship ramming at full boost could do like 310 damage.

A bomber ramming at full boost could do like 350 damage.


Obviously the impact of a scout at maximum velocity would hurt much less than, say, cluster missiles, which in addition to having lots of kinetic energy, also explode etc.

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A ship is going to pack a lot more punch than any missile not using some high yield quantum mechanic based warhead.


Historically a strike ram would be equivalent to something like getting hit with 2-4 proton torps. Would one shot an unshielded scout, at the expense of losing all shield power and blowing out most everything but engine power as far as ship systems go. Not something you want to do against a strike class or heavier ship, and pretty much demands shields 2x to front. The thing is the damage works both ways, so not something you want to do unless desperate.


Don't think it'll work though. As much as I'd like the incentive for better flying skill, given how the SWTOR engine handles latency, I think that a collision free model is the only sort they can make that wouldn't verge on unplayable. The things you can collide with, 100% permanent stationary obstacles. So maybe they could do it in GSF, as long as everyone promises not to fly anywhere. We'll just sit in the hangars and call the other team names over the com.;)

Edited by Ramalina
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Sorry, but the last thing i need is defeated noobs turning around to kamikaze me with their wreck.

This would turn every scout into a nearly unavoidable suicide bomb once their hulls turned red when up against any other class.


GSF is not realistic to begin with, if you want to add realism then the entire game would need a huge overhaul.

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