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Fighter, Monk, Wizard, Cleric


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I know, there's no rogues. Those apparently come out in June.


The fighter is the strike fighter- he has solid offense and defense, good armor, and excellent weapons. Lots of hit points, and a threat to anything he can get close to.


The scout is the monk. The similarities are in the roles, not the kit- very mobile damage, but lightly armored, survivable, and a powerful punch at close range, but not much besides that. But you can't escape him easily, he's fast, a front line warrior but not for as long as the fighter.



The gunship is the wizard. Bam! Pow! He got you. He has to hold still to cast his complicated spells, and lots of stuff can interrupt his verbal components, that you can hear from quite a distance. Fragile and reliant on tricks to not get crushed in melee, the wizard can aoe and direct damage if left alone.


The bomber is the cleric, heavy armored, last to the fight, but able to cast the big spells with the boom. The enemies can try to escape, and they mostly can, but if they challenge him, holy might will ignore their armor (shielding) and destroy them at their core. The clerics offer support, including hit points and conjured food and water (ammo), and have defensive area tricks.





One of the problems isn't that "clerics are too strong" or "nerf wizards"... it's the perception that because you start the game with a monk and a fighter, the game is just about those classes. It's supposed to be a balance!

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yeah, pretty much.


although perhaps Bombers are more Barbarian or possibly Druid than Cleric? Very powerful on their own turf.


...Um. That's D&D comparisons. Not WoW. D&D is just a smidge older and probably just as recognizable to most geeks.


and us 1ed veterans are harrumphing over 'rogue' instead of 'thief' or even 'acrobat'.

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Never really understood why it was good balance for the cleric to have massive armor comparable to the fighter.


Except in this game it's much more than the fighter's.


Well, the bigger problem is that D&D was not designed around PvP.


I'm curious why you chose WoW classes to illustrate your points. I agree with the points themselves though.


Monk is very recent, cleric and fighter don't exist.


If gunships are wizards and scouts are monks, I want an attack of opportunity when they try to boost away.


Yes please. Especially if I can make that AoO with Overwhelming Strike and Dual Weapon Attack, or with a polearm.


(I might be a bit of a 4e nerd.)

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I'm curious why you chose WoW classes to illustrate your points. I agree with the points themselves though.


As Luneward pointed out, I chose D&D classes, which is what everything is based on anyway.


Also note that WoW doesn't have Wizards, Clerics, and Fighters by those names, and the monks don't really feel like D&D monks (not fragile or bursty enough). Note that the real confusing guy is Paladin- in WoW, the paladin is really like a cleric.



Bombers are more Barbarian or possibly Druid than Cleric?


The comparison isn't exact, but Bombers are definitely not barbs- the only thing in common is a really large health pool. The actions and abilities are also important, and the bomber can't charge you, etc.


Druid was a close call for me, especially with the summonables, but I think cleric is the closest by quite a bit.


and us 1ed veterans are harrumphing over 'rogue' instead of 'thief' or even 'acrobat'.


Thief changing to rogue was IMO one of the biggest triumphs of third edition, because it made that class much richer with just a name change. Wizard has been mage then wizard again, but wizard really describes it best.


I want an attack of opportunity when they try to boost away.


A ship turning tail definitely gives you that :p


Never really understood why it was good balance for the cleric to have massive armor comparable to the fighter.


The original reason wasn't that clerics were given armor, it's that it's based on a specific order of clerics who wore armor. Then the rest of their abilities were tuned around that, including spells, weapon access, skill at fighting.


But it rapidly became a well loved part of the class, mostly because the cleric would often be focused. This gave enemy combatants a run for their money, but in some versions the cleric was just too strong.


Except in this game it's much more than the fighter's.


Well, remember we are dealing with kind of effective health and such too. A bomber doesn't have the defensive tricks that a fighter does. I would say it's a fair model and that a strike playing defensively will be very hard to kill- it's just that most strikes won't go killthrot behind a sat- the enemies won't come to them, and they won't be helping much. But not being able to break a missile lock is a pretty big deal in a dogfight.







The thing I keep noticing in this game is that almost everyone is all fighters and monks. I constantly feel obligated to get on a wizard or cleric. In a premade group, with my allies filling these roles, I can roll around on my own fighter or monk, but without someone willing to step into these vital party roles, I normally end up feeling that I need to go do it.


More importantly, they feel powerful when they are not represented.

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