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Bomber Pilots Unite!


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Bombers are awesome. Every time I see one, I think to myself "ooh, free kill" Just casually start locking a proton on and switch power to weapons, when in range open up with a glorious hail from quads. Edited by Jandi
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Bombers are awesome. Every time I see one, I think to myself "ooh, free kill" Just casually start locking a proton on and switch power to weapons, when in range open up with a glorious hail from quads.


For me it's the sabotage probe. Because then they just have to fly in a straight, slow line and be completely helpless as they watch their shields, and then their hull go bye-bye.

Edited by Korithras
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For me it's the sabotage probe. Because then they just have to fly in a straight, slow line and be completely helpless as they watch their shields, and then their hull go bye-bye.


See, when that happens to me, I usually just cut engines and deploy 2 mines.


Either the mines soak hits for me and buy me time to get systems back, or they go off and kill the scout.

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I think it's funny that one of the most vocal people against bombers, has stated that he is playing one to get the max he can from the daily / weekly, and low and behold he has stopped ************ about bombers since then....


Anyways I'm a proud pilot of a War Carrier, and I've been humping and holding Sats since I could get my blue, white and orange bird in the air!

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Unite and bask in the glow of Atom!


I for one have no shame flying my M-7 Razorwire.


Why do you fly a bomber? what do you get out of it? Are you also the type of person who pvps at max level in low level areas just so you can finaly know what it feels like to kill a player?

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Why do you fly a bomber? what do you get out of it? Are you also the type of person who pvps at max level in low level areas just so you can finaly know what it feels like to kill a player?


Show me on the doll where the bad bomber touched you.

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Why do you fly a bomber? what do you get out of it? Are you also the type of person who pvps at max level in low level areas just so you can finaly know what it feels like to kill a player?


Why do you fly a scout? Did you love the pre 2.6 evasion that was better than anything else, and could even make a scout next to un-killable even at a dead stop, thanks to distortion field as well as light weight armour?


I've been being good with a lot of the scout whinny brats since their world got turned upside down and they are no-longer king of the hill, but get over yourselves, you were not 'l33t' or had 'skillz' you were just taking advantage of a broken system.


Now Bombers are having some teething issues with the LoS issue, but that will get fixed, and all you scout pilots should learn to stop playing pack-man with mines and actually learn to play the game...


And I say this as someone whom started with and loves his Star Guard.

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Why do you fly a bomber? what do you get out of it? Are you also the type of person who pvps at max level in low level areas just so you can finaly know what it feels like to kill a player?


I enjoy flying the bomber, I find it offers a different play style of supporting, and defending, as well as repairing allies. I have played every other type of fighter and killed just as many players with them. If the bombers drones and mines need a fix to respect LOS and not be inside satellite's than that is great and will probably get fixed soon. I don't feel bad about flying the Legion, or Razorwire at all. :p

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Why do you fly a scout? Did you love the pre 2.6 evasion that was better than anything else, and could even make a scout next to un-killable even at a dead stop, thanks to distortion field as well as light weight armour?


I've been being good with a lot of the scout whinny brats since their world got turned upside down and they are no-longer king of the hill, but get over yourselves, you were not 'l33t' or had 'skillz' you were just taking advantage of a broken system.


Now Bombers are having some teething issues with the LoS issue, but that will get fixed, and all you scout pilots should learn to stop playing pack-man with mines and actually learn to play the game...


And I say this as someone whom started with and loves his Star Guard.


I fly a scout because it is the only role that actually flies. And I haven't even noticed a change since 2.6, I guess rockets do less damage but I never used them before 2.6 so I don't miss it. And yes scouts are still very much king of the hill and in the hands of someone who can fly they always will be.

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I enjoy flying the bomber, I find it offers a different play style of supporting, and defending, as well as repairing allies. I have played every other type of fighter and killed just as many players with them. If the bombers drones and mines need a fix to respect LOS and not be inside satellite's than that is great and will probably get fixed soon. I don't feel bad about flying the Legion, or Razorwire at all. :p


Bombers feel a little overtuned right now but not over the top like in the closed beta. The counters for them are ineffective as other have noted (the EMP missiles and blast). But with some corrections they'll be just right.


Those caveats aside, I LOVE the support role bombers play. The drone carrier is SWTOR's first pet/turret class. I'm always the guy playing the engineer that repairs and builds turrets, re-supplies teammates, etc. so this role is very suited for me. I still enjoy my DPS scout the most. It feels like a starfighter. But the bomber is a lot of fun.

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Umm. So you love us? :D


Indeed, it takes the least amount of effort to kill bombers/gunships. With scouts you sometimes have to work it a bit and against other strike craft, it can become a stalemate with both ships needing some room to regen. However, with bombers/gunships, it's pretty much like a dog chasing down a rabbit.

Edited by Jandi
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See, when that happens to me, I usually just cut engines and deploy 2 mines.


Either the mines soak hits for me and buy me time to get systems back, or they go off and kill the scout.


Yeah.... popping bypass once I've got them right where I want them usually doesn't make that a factor. :p

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