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Operation Fear Striker - Oricon Assault, 2/15


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Attention all Republic Forces:



Operations to contain the situation on Oricon are under constant threat from the Imperial presence there. From the start of this crisis the Empire has been a hindrance and it’s time their presence was eliminated. Fortunately, the SIS has received word that a group of Corellian Resistance fighters are planning to launch an attack against the Imperial base camp on Oricon, but their numbers are few and the attack will fail without backup. All available forces rally to the landing zone on Oricon. For the Republic!




Champions of the Empire:



A deep cover spy has received word of an impending attack on our camp on Oricon. Our hold on this camp is fragile enough without the added threat of the Republic. Now, a group of Anti-Imperial Terrorists known as the Corellian League are attempting to use the chaos on the ground to break what hold we have. Darth Olrac, the Empire’s foremost expert on this organization has volunteered to lead the strike force to defend the camp. By order of the Dark Council, all available forces are to report to Darth Olrac on Oricon. Defend the camp, then push forward and take the Republic Landing Zone. Glory to the Empire!




OOC Announcement:



As I’m sure y’all have figured out, there’s going to be an attack on the Oricon Imperial base, spearheaded by the Corellian League. Anybody interested in picking up some achievements or just having fun, head to Oricon no later than 8:00 est so we can group up. We’re planning on a volley style fight alternating between attacking and defending, so once all the Pubs are dead in the initial attack, they’ll fall back to defend while the Imps attack, and so on. I’m not positive who will lead the Republic attack at this point, so stay tuned for that update, hopefully by tomorrow.



What: Oricon Base Assault

When: 15 February 2014

Time: 8:00est/5:00pst


Mahn uhl Fharth bey ihn valle.

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I think what you're trying to do is cool. That being said, if you're not decked out in expertise gear and end up going against some of the many imp pvp guilds, you're going to have a bad time. Perhaps attacking in secret or during off-peak hours would be wise? Good luck!
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