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Carnage PvP Question


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Hi, I am an old player from launch who recently got started back into the game and was wondering if I was still doing a few things correctly. For reference, I stopped playing shortly after 1.2 was released, I beleive that is when the Legacy came out. I was Carnage then back when it was the low spec on the totem pole. Now it seems its competiting for top spot against Rage.


I typically queue up for PvP with a friend who happens to be a healer. So here are a few things I do and some questions:


I typcially will pop Predation most of the time at full Fury, and will try to pop Berserk when Ravage is off CD to get a fast Gore > Ravage > Screen > Massacre burst. But Gore uses a charge for Berserk doesnt it? I really should check that...I beleive it does right?''


Is Gore > Ravage > Screem still viable? It seems like it is....


Is Berserk useful outside of a Ravage CD still? Massacre spamming doesnt seem as useful with Berserk since they changed what it does while in Aturu Form. It seems just using Predation to help benefit my team is more valuable outside a Ravage CD.


Im use to having automatic crits from Scream after a Massacre, so getting use to the chance that it might now has been tricky. I know what the animation looks like for Execute, and I made my buff bar as big as possible to keep an eye out for it, but is there anything else people have found that helps them know a Scream is ready to crit?


I have seen multiple posts, blogs, fortune tellers, and psycics, and priests talk about Accuracy. What number do I need to be at after buffs. I have seen 95%-105% being said. I tend to avoid Commandos and Vangaurds in PvP and focus on the healers and Consulars, as they are easier to do damage to. I hate seeing low numbers against a heavily armored target or one on Gaurd.


After Accuracy, Crit or Power? I use to stack crit as the next stat to make a Massacre + Berserk Spam pretty deadly. Some where saying Crit to 35% unbuffed, then stack surge.


What is the most you want from Crit and Sruge before DR is hit?


Any good posts, blogs, guides online somewhere? Noxxic seems.....out of date and not that detailed. Just generic information.


Any help would be appreciated :)

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Hi, I am an old player from launch who recently got started back into the game and was wondering if I was still doing a few things correctly. For reference, I stopped playing shortly after 1.2 was released, I beleive that is when the Legacy came out. I was Carnage then back when it was the low spec on the totem pole. Now it seems its competiting for top spot against Rage.


I typically queue up for PvP with a friend who happens to be a healer. So here are a few things I do and some questions:


I typcially will pop Predation most of the time at full Fury, and will try to pop Berserk when Ravage is off CD to get a fast Gore > Ravage > Screen > Massacre burst. But Gore uses a charge for Berserk doesnt it? I really should check that...I beleive it does right?''


Is Gore > Ravage > Screem still viable? It seems like it is....


Is Berserk useful outside of a Ravage CD still? Massacre spamming doesnt seem as useful with Berserk since they changed what it does while in Aturu Form. It seems just using Predation to help benefit my team is more valuable outside a Ravage CD.


Im use to having automatic crits from Scream after a Massacre, so getting use to the chance that it might now has been tricky. I know what the animation looks like for Execute, and I made my buff bar as big as possible to keep an eye out for it, but is there anything else people have found that helps them know a Scream is ready to crit?


I have seen multiple posts, blogs, fortune tellers, and psycics, and priests talk about Accuracy. What number do I need to be at after buffs. I have seen 95%-105% being said. I tend to avoid Commandos and Vangaurds in PvP and focus on the healers and Consulars, as they are easier to do damage to. I hate seeing low numbers against a heavily armored target or one on Gaurd.


After Accuracy, Crit or Power? I use to stack crit as the next stat to make a Massacre + Berserk Spam pretty deadly. Some where saying Crit to 35% unbuffed, then stack surge.


What is the most you want from Crit and Sruge before DR is hit?


Any good posts, blogs, guides online somewhere? Noxxic seems.....out of date and not that detailed. Just generic information.


Any help would be appreciated :)


Seeing how my mara is only 42, I can only answer a few of your questions, however:


As for Beserk, I find it useful to go Beserk> Gore> Ravage> Scream. this does quite good damage for me.


Beserk doesn't really help for anything other than ravage for me since it only increases alacrity.


It is also mention alot that we're best at killing consulers, which is true, but we can pretty much do allot of damage to (or at least annoy) any class.


This is really all I can help you with, happy killing!

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When playing against good players forget Gore->Ravage unless you've made sure that the target has no way to interrupt your burst...what I usually do is wait for people to get distracted, walk up to the target, and go Battering assault->Gore->Massacre spam (which btw results in very decent dmg and it's subtle and if you do that coupled with berserk, you'll melt people who aren't paying any attention.), this will usually reset Gore and Vicious throw and proc Execute. If your opponent plans on knocking you back, you can also leap back in right away after the push, and if you're sure they can't interrupt you, then feel free to go Gore->Ravage->Scream. Or if you managed to get Gore->Ravage off the first time, then spam massacre and time your second Gore with Scream and Vicious Throw.


Also don't be afraid to use Predation, I usually only use Berserk whenever I have a lot of burst lined up (Gore, Vicious Throw, Scream and Ravage all Off CD or most of then) or when we're dominating and we have a good healer since I can go all out. The rest of the time I use predation more often coz that 80% speed bonus makes you and your teammates a nightmare to whoever tries to kite, in addition the defense chance is always good to tanks!

Edited by Tevzz
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Berserk is still good without ravage, for example, it let you generate rage quicker. Of course predation spam is useful as well given the situation


Go for power/surge, you won't need accuracy in pvp


I didn't think about Rage generation with Berserk. Im still stuck in the mindset of Battering Assult or Charge to give me rage solely.


When playing against good players forget Gore->Ravage unless you've made sure that the target has no way to interrupt your burst...what I usually do is wait for people to get distracted, walk up to the target, and go Battering assault->Gore->Massacre spam (which btw results in very decent dmg and it's subtle and if you do that coupled with berserk, you'll melt people who aren't paying any attention.), this will usually reset Gore and Vicious throw and proc Execute. If your opponent plans on knocking you back, you can also leap back in right away after the push, and if you're sure they can't interrupt you, then feel free to go Gore->Ravage->Scream. Or if you managed to get Gore->Ravage off the first time, then spam massacre and time your second Gore with Scream and Vicious Throw.


Also don't be afraid to use Predation, I usually only use Berserk whenever I have a lot of burst lined up (Gore, Vicious Throw, Scream and Ravage all Off CD or most of then) or when we're dominating and we have a good healer since I can go all out. The rest of the time I use predation more often coz that 80% speed bonus makes you and your teammates a nightmare to whoever tries to kite, in addition the defense chance is always good to tanks!


Thanks, I had actually been opening with Gore and Ravage on an opponent that was not aware of me. I usually pop Camo after I have been rooted or Slowed, find a consular quickly then pop out with Gore and a Ravage.


Oh, I am not afraid to use it, I actually have predation set on my middle mouse button so I pop it as soon as my Fury is built. I was just worried if there was a time I should do Predation over Berserk, Like if I am with 2+ other people, just pop Predation for the 10% extra Def.


I actually have a question about keybinds and Ravage.

I dont change up the typical Key Binds so I have:


1. basic atack, i Forget what its called

2. Battering Assault

3. Massacre

4. Scream

5. Gore


Those are what I use on my keyboard, everything else on my Mouse(Razer Naga).


I have and use Vicious Throw, Deadly Throw, and Dual Light Saber Throw, Force Charge, Predation all Set on my mouse. My next abilities I want to map are Disruption, Ravage, Since I need to be able to use those more quickly then clicking on them. Ravage is currently mapped to the #7, but it doesn't feel natrual to use that key and I often have to look down at my keyboard during a match to locate it.

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I didn't think about Rage generation with Berserk. Im still stuck in the mindset of Battering Assult or Charge to give me rage solely.




Thanks, I had actually been opening with Gore and Ravage on an opponent that was not aware of me. I usually pop Camo after I have been rooted or Slowed, find a consular quickly then pop out with Gore and a Ravage.


Oh, I am not afraid to use it, I actually have predation set on my middle mouse button so I pop it as soon as my Fury is built. I was just worried if there was a time I should do Predation over Berserk, Like if I am with 2+ other people, just pop Predation for the 10% extra Def.


I actually have a question about keybinds and Ravage.

I dont change up the typical Key Binds so I have:


1. basic atack, i Forget what its called

2. Battering Assault

3. Massacre

4. Scream

5. Gore


Those are what I use on my keyboard, everything else on my Mouse(Razer Naga).


I have and use Vicious Throw, Deadly Throw, and Dual Light Saber Throw, Force Charge, Predation all Set on my mouse. My next abilities I want to map are Disruption, Ravage, Since I need to be able to use those more quickly then clicking on them. Ravage is currently mapped to the #7, but it doesn't feel natrual to use that key and I often have to look down at my keyboard during a match to locate it.


I use F for ravage and I put Gore on R, I also have Massacre on 3, and my force scream is on 5, basically everything that I might use after gore I put it close to the Gore Keybind. I use Disruption on Alt+ Middle Mouse button, but I used to have it at C, since it's very close to the movement keys, and that makes it convenient to use while running around peoples.

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There's a tool out there called TorAssistant that is very useful for tracking your Execute / Slaughter procs in Carnage. You can program it to play an audio queue whenever it reads that you gain either buff.




The only downside is that there is about a 1/4 second delay between when it reads that you gain the buff versus the sound playing to let you know.


Gore > Ravage > Scream is still great, with or without berserk, but as others have said, it is very hard to get off. People see Ravage channeling and have a knee jerk stun / knock back / mez reaction to it. I try to only go for Gore Ravage Scream if I am white barred, or my teamate stuns a person and I know they have already used their breaker. Even then, it is risky, as you never know when you might get an aoe stun / knockback / mez.

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There's a tool out there called TorAssistant that is very useful for tracking your Execute / Slaughter procs in Carnage. You can program it to play an audio queue whenever it reads that you gain either buff.




The only downside is that there is about a 1/4 second delay between when it reads that you gain the buff versus the sound playing to let you know.


Gore > Ravage > Scream is still great, with or without berserk, but as others have said, it is very hard to get off. People see Ravage channeling and have a knee jerk stun / knock back / mez reaction to it. I try to only go for Gore Ravage Scream if I am white barred, or my teamate stuns a person and I know they have already used their breaker. Even then, it is risky, as you never know when you might get an aoe stun / knockback / mez.


Awesome, thanks.


And I should just stack Power and Surge vs Crit? No need to Accuracy? What about Narrow Hatred, Should I only get the 1 point from that talent?

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At 55 is it better to use 28 str augs (might) or 28 power augs? Also to OP I love Gore/berserk then spam massacre. Berserk lowers global cooldown so you rip through the massacre reps. Circle behind target as you do it. Thanks for any help on the Augment question :)
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At 55 is it better to use 28 str augs (might) or 28 power augs? Also to OP I love Gore/berserk then spam massacre. Berserk lowers global cooldown so you rip through the massacre reps. Circle behind target as you do it. Thanks for any help on the Augment question :)


Never mind with regards to the Augment question. I found the answer. Cheers.

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