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Since Nibbon has quit: Sage/Sorcerer Top issues discussion


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I just don't see why anyone would pick a Balance sage over a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger or an Assault Commando. (Again, I am very new so feel free to tell me why I am wrong :D)


People who pick on basis of class rather than player skill are bad raid leaders. So if your DPS happens to play Balance Sage and play it well that is reason enough. The DPS requirements are below of what all classes are capable of. I DPSed HM DP in healer gear (no acc) and were nowhere near enrage.


Also while currently Noble Sac may need to be used (and in fact it does not, the 600 force pool is enough for most of the fight, especially with downtime) Balance has self healing.


also see here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=711350. balance sage is in top 10

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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People who pick on basis of class rather than player skill are bad raid leaders. So if your DPS happens to play Balance Sage and play it well that is reason enough. The DPS requirements are below of what all classes are capable of. I DPSed HM DP in healer gear (no acc) and were nowhere near enrage.


Also while currently Noble Sac may need to be used (and in fact it does not, the 600 force pool is enough for most of the fight, especially with downtime) Balance has self healing.


That's a good point. Let me ask it this way then. If a raid has one spot open and there are two players of equal skill level and equal gear level. One of them is a dirty fighting Gunslinger, the other is a Balance Sage. Is there any reason to pick the Sage over Gunslinger (or Assault Commando)?


Master-Nala's point about PVP is true though. I just wish it was more competitive in PVE.

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That's a good point. Let me ask it this way then. If a raid has one spot open and there are two players of equal skill level and equal gear level. One of them is a dirty fighting Gunslinger, the other is a Balance Sage. Is there any reason to pick the Sage over Gunslinger (or Assault Commando)?


Master-Nala's point about PVP is true though. I just wish it was more competitive in PVE.


Guess not. GL ever coming across that situation though. =D

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  • 2 weeks later...

My three questions:


1. PVP: What do you think about the 0/30/16 hybrid?


2. PVE: Will you consider buffing the bonus damage done by Mental Momentum (the proc'd Turbulence blast) by 20%, up to a total of 50%, to compensate for the longer ICD of TelekineticWave; and therefore the slightly reduced DPS output of telekinetics after 2.7?


3. PVP + PVE: Will you take another look at WP bonus damage being removed from melee attacks after 2.7, to see if your original rationale for removing it still applies?

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In PvP, it's another matter. Life tapping to get your force back while you're being focused is completely impossible. You just can't do it. So you heal unsustainably until you're not being focused. The problem is that, in a serious arena, you're never not being focused. Sages/Sorcs basically are set up with a force management system in their healing tree which is useless during actual PvP combat, and thus they are even more force-negative than Balance/Madness. It would be really nice if Bioware would reexamine this, hopefully in a way that doesn't reduce the skill factor associated with force management in PvE.



I'd agree, with the additional point that the preferred heals when you're low on force are extremely interruptable.


In PvP it's survive, have resources, and heal; pick up to two of these options.


The exception of course being where the other side is leaving you alone to freecast, which doesn't normally happen if they're competent.

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Well, IMHO, to help the balance/madness trees with force management issues, I honestly think force in balance/death field should also apply weaken mind/affliction to the affected targets. This would help a little with applying the dots around, which is one of the most force costly things balance/madness specs do and a large portion of our ability to do damage. We dont have a lot of burst, so getting our dots up is key to our play style. This little change might be just barely enough to fix the force management issues. It would have to be higher up on the tree to prevent a hybrid build being able to abuse it though.

I'd urge caution on making too many or too large adjustments as it might completely unbalance the spec. So perhaps this could be tested out to see how it affects game play and force management.

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I have been playing my Jedi Sage lately and wanted to share my honest opinions so far about the class.


Healing is a Joke

Know where my healing comes from? Force Wave. That gets me around 40k healing points a PvP match. But mostly, overall, even in PvE, I never heal. Let me tell you why in a nut shell.


Benevolence - Non-sustainable and way too expensive for what it does. Granted that the healing abilities of Benevolence, even at higher levels, seem to be just short of the ones for Deliverance. But still, I would rather have a lower level heal that's quicker and sustainable.


Deliverance - Takes too damn long. Even in PvE I get interrupted 99% of the time I try to use Deliverance mid battle and even if I do manage to use it on myself or someone else, right after, I basically immediately get aggro. In PvP it's a joke. You can't get off a Benevolence let alone a Deliverance.


For a healing class the Consular healing abilities are abysmal. I say abysmal because I think sub-par is a compliment in this case. There's absolutely no reason for a Consular to heal. They can do just as much, if not more, damage as any other DPS class and the damage abilities are basically immune to interrupt. Add on to that Force Potency which is basically a guaranteed Crit Hit and why the hell waste time with the crappy heal abilities that take too much time to get off and interrupt immediately.


Force Shield is Useless

No really, it's useless. I suppose it has a minor purpose in that in PvP I can pop it on a tank and give the tank a couple seconds, if that, to reheal and rebuff, but those seconds just aren't enough. Even with the fully upgraded force shield spec line it still barely lasts a couple seconds in PvP. In PvE even, higher level mobs tend to just obliterate it before it has any real use. Against strong mobs, I might as well give it up. The shield dies before a single heal geos off. Force mend is a better option.


On Force Mend

I actually don't have anything to say about Force Mend that's bad. It's one of the few useful healing skills (The fact that it's self healing should say something) and can save your bacon more than once. For the most part, I would say that using it in PvP is kind of useless unless you're away from the enemy and need a quick pill to get some health back. By and large, Force Mend seems more useful in PvE where the attacks are already mitigated by mob damage limits.



No complaints about DPS. Between the auto-crit of Force Potency in relation to force powers and Telekinetic Throw's ability to deal double damage with that one spec and occasionally incapacitate an opponent you really can't beat it. I think the highest damage I saw on my Consular when I was paying attention with using only TKT was 300 DPS? Granted I don't consider myself a PvPer. I like to take advantage of a warzone or two out of boredom, but I don't necessarily think I'm a stellar PVPer.



As for Survivability, I don't really see a major issue in PvE. I actually manage to out survive Qyzen Fess on most of the high level mobs I go up against in PvE. Between force shield and being able to drop the force push (why is this not omnidirectional...) and force shield combo I don't have much problems surviving PvE. But let us return to PvP. Again, largely not survivable. You will get ganged up on and lots of classes can keep you stun locked and render you incapable of casting through various means. And Sage's are by far the worst lightsaber fighters. Worst. I don't know what canon this was based on (or if it was based on it at all) but there are plenty of jedi that focus on force pursuits who can still wield a lightsaber. It's kind of their main thing. So basically what I'm saying is: Sage is far more useful in PvE than PvP right now. I manage to get a couple kills a round, but I'm fairly sure that's because they are bad at their class.


So basically, I see the Jedi Sage as a PvE class, not a PvP class. It seems as if the Sith Sorc is a far better choice if you want to have a PvP caster. Especially given the cooldown on their stun lightning ability appears to be basically nothing or so little time that whatever time you gain by breaking the stun using our single stun break ability (but no interrupt resist abilities (Resist, not Immunity, Immunity is another story)) seems largely useless. Especially when you just get restunned.


Also, why the hell do we have a mind wipe ability that kills a skill mid-skill and increase cooldown if it doesn't work? You're almost better off not using it.


For that matter, does anyone else have enemies finish skills in progress after stunning them with force stun?

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Hello, my fellow Sages. Our Class Representative Nibbon stated here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6952892#post6952892 that he's gone and won't be participating in the Class Representative questions if they restarted.


Well, it looks like they've restarted: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7199122#edit7199122


Reviewing our Class Rep thread, there were scant other nominees other than Nibbon. Psirebral, the Sorcerer rep, has also quit the game after the debacle that was "Heal to Full." I started this thread, not to wrest the Class Rep title from Nibbon or anyone else. But I also don't think that the Sage community should express complete apathy, because many of the same issues that existed in the Sorcerer round still exist. So I'm hoping we can get some discussion going about what questions to pose to the developers.



Hey folks!


Since the Class Representative is no longer around, we will be considering the questions that will be submitted by Master-Nala as the "official" ones. Keep up the discussions! :tran_smile:



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Nala, I would like to note that the first question was pretty much addressed by moving Fadeout down to Tier 2. I doubt the Combat Team is willing to move it down further; they'll just say "We already made it available to 36 point DPS specs, and we feel the 7-point sacrifice is a fair tradeoff for the ability."


I would definitely like to see the lack of reward for positioning in PVP (no heals usable on a teammate while hiding with LoS) addressed for corruption healers; I'm pretty sure you've seen my posts on that. That can probably be wedged into the "survivability" question as the Combat Team seems to balance our survivability around positioning.


Bonus question: After making fadeout accessible to DPS, what's the point in even trying to heal in PVP anymore? Now both of the other healing classes are directly better at it lol

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Thanks Tait!


In that vein my fellows, I have boiled down all the issues in this thread and the companion thread over on the Sorcerer forum. I am looking to boil this down to three questions. This list has as little editorializing as possible. My sense is that a question regarding survivability is a given and I've started drafting and will submit a question for comments. I also think a question regarding damage/healing is appropriate. My thoughts given what has gone on is to focus on pushback/interrupts as that seems to be the major problem.


Finally, I think we have some room for a 'fun' question. Sages have gotten a lot of attention in 2.7 and will undeniably be better off in 2.7. So some of those visual, theme issues might be OK to 'waste' a question on. Anything not stated will be in feedback.




1) Egress baseline

Status: Coming in 2.7 but many players have expressed that the sacrifice is too great for Balance/Lightning


2)Defensive cooldown

Status: Barrier is receiving a nice buff, egress as stated, no other changes leaving an open question about whether the class still needs a defensive cooldown




3)Pushback for TK spec (Mind Crush, TK Throw) rotational abilities

Status: Rob Hinkle is looking into it - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7317032#edit7317032


4)Execute phase change (to project/DoTs/etc.)

Status - part of the overall discussion of Sage DPS but nothing in the offing.


5)More sustained DPS for Balance

Status - part of the overall discussion of Sage DPS but nothing in the offing. See http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=730319


6) PVP: What do you think about the 0/30/16 hybrid?

Status - Not sure what the concern is here?


7)Pure specs v. Hybrids Pure specs don't seem as worthwhile with such a viable hybrid available.

Status - The devs appear to be mindful of this


8) PVE: Will you consider buffing the bonus damage done by Mental Momentum (the proc'd Turbulence blast) by 20%, up to a total of 50%, to compensate for the longer ICD of TelekineticWave; and therefore the slightly reduced DPS output of telekinetics after 2.7?

Status: No changes at present


9) PvP: Will you do anything about the Seer/Balance Hybrid that is slotted as DPS, but effectively gives a team a(nother) healer in Arenas.

Status: No changes at present


10)Restore Force Stun's original 30m range.

Status: No changes at present


11)Benevolence's force cost

Status: No changes at present


12)Deliverance's cast time

Status: No changes at present


13)Force Mend/Force Armor off GCD as talents

Status: No changes at present


14) "cross bubbling" penalizes teams with more than 1 Sorc. What I mean is, if I as a Sorc in healing spec am bubbled by another Sorc, I don't get the 1%/sec hot on my Sorc. Similarly, if I as a lightning Sorc get someone else's bubble, no bubble stun for me. It would be kind of cool if these effects were changed to something like we recieve the 1%/sec hot/bubble stun on ourselves as long as ANY static barrier is placed on us, provided we are specced for it.

Status: No changes at present


15) Make our knockback push enemies further then 10 meters so it would not be so easy to counter in pvp. Reduce the range of the cone if it would be too overpowered.

Status: No changes at present


16) PVP - if consumption is not going to be off the GCD, could they at least buff the set bonus so that no health would be lost by using consumption

Status: No changes at present


17) Healer - if static barrier is to be our proactive heal, maybe for healers, they could add a talent that puts a hot on a player after static barrier is destroyed. It would help a little against burst mechanics.

Status: No changes at present


18) DoTs immediately breaking mez bubble

Status: No changes at present


19)Stun range to 30 m

Status: No changes at present


20)TK's PvP issues (easy to interrupt two of its major abilities)

Status: Changes in 2.7 will help a bit with consistency, but pushback remains a serious concern for the spec


21) Resurgence cooldown

Status: No changes at present


22)LOS to make them pay, doesn't allow us to do our job (Healing or DPS)

Status: No changes at present



23)Force Management

Status: Balance is receiving changes via TK Focal Point that should allow management to be easier. TK does not have a problem here. Healing can rely on Noble Sacrifice in PvE, but unusable in PvP.



24)Using the Lightsaber

25)Invisible Lightsaber (since it is only a stat stick)

26) VISUAL: Many people hate Project and even more hate TK throw's animations and think they look much weaker than Sorcerer's lightning. Any chance for alternate animations or changes to make these more LORE respecting

27) PVP + PVE: Will you take another look at WP bonus damage being removed from melee attacks after 2.7, to see if your original rationale for removing it still applies?

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22)LOS to make them pay, doesn't allow us to do our job (Healing or DPS)

Status: No changes at present


Be sure to note how our entire survivability is balanced around LOS "As a sorcerer, you must play defensively..." so class balance doesn't allow us to do our jobs unless we're madness and our dots keep ticking!

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Yeh, I don't chime in much here, because my sage does fine in the 78 runs, and is ridiculously OP in regs, I realise how excruciating some of these PVP issues must be in ranked. (I only do ranked on my scoundrel, and seeing a Sage healer is pretty much an instant win for me)


What I would say however, is to not ask things about anything that's changed, Namely Egress. They won't move it further, they've acted on the issue to what they see as Balanced.


Asking the same things the crazy Sorcs asked also won't get us anywhere, I feel the answer will be exactly the same, and we should probably try quell public outcries before they begin :p


I'll get talking to others, see what they think, see if I can't help my main's class here as much as I can, but I just wanted to get that out the way :p

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Thanks Tait!


In that vein my fellows, I have boiled down all the issues...


While you are doing a good job and generally you advocate sound advice and proposals this post will need a huge fix becaues it simply must not be posted as is. You're wasting questions, let us please not do that again.


Finally, I think we have some room for a 'fun' question. Sages have gotten a lot of attention in 2.7 and will undeniably be better off in 2.7. So some of those visual, theme issues might be OK to 'waste' a question on. Anything not stated will be in feedback.


Depends on how you look at it. People have made the DEVs promised 3 questions into an essay-post and if you have 100 questions in your essay you can spare one otherwise you will not post a question thats "fun" when the class needs more attention.




1) Egress baseline

Status: Coming in 2.7 but many players have expressed that the sacrifice is too great for Balance/Lightning


Remove this question. Bioware will reply that they must do it this way otherwise the hybrid would not have to give up anything. Its a fair trade to have it in seer/corruption T2 and as such this questions needs to go. Its a waste.


6) PVP: What do you think about the 0/30/16 hybrid?

Status - Not sure what the concern is here?


Remove. The hybrid has to give up Egress/Fade out and as such it has its place.


7)Pure specs v. Hybrids Pure specs don't seem as worthwhile with such a viable hybrid available.

Status - The devs appear to be mindful of this


Remove... Egress / Fade out provides a nice balance and the hybrid spec does not outperform the pure specs.


8) PVE: Will you consider buffing the bonus damage done by Mental Momentum (the proc'd Turbulence blast) by 20%, up to a total of 50%, to compensate for the longer ICD of TelekineticWave; and therefore the slightly reduced DPS output of telekinetics after 2.7?

Status: No changes at present


Remove! TK is not getting lower damage in 2.7. Surely we wont perform as well with AoE but that was unintended / a bug to begin with.


9) PvP: Will you do anything about the Seer/Balance Hybrid that is slotted as DPS, but effectively gives a team a(nother) healer in Arenas.

Status: No changes at present


Remove. They already said no in the frequently asked questions.


10)Restore Force Stun's original 30m range.

Status: No changes at present


Remove! Please consider the ramifications... What you should be asking is why a gunslinger/sniper gets a 30s stun when a sorcerer/sage can only get it down to 50 - that difference is enourmous and it is, in my opinion, not offset by having a 10m range.


11)Benevolence's force cost

Status: No changes at present


Remove! The casted heal fills its purpose, a fast heal thats expensive.


12)Deliverance's cast time

Status: No changes at present


It needs to be 2.0 sec cast without alacrity, proper question.


13)Force Mend/Force Armor off GCD as talents

Status: No changes at present


Rephrase! As a individual defensive CD only: off the GCD on selfcast*


14) "cross bubbling" penalizes teams with more than 1 Sorc. What I mean is, if I as a Sorc in healing spec am bubbled by another Sorc, I don't get the 1%/sec hot on my Sorc. Similarly, if I as a lightning Sorc get someone else's bubble, no bubble stun for me. It would be kind of cool if these effects were changed to something like we recieve the 1%/sec hot/bubble stun on ourselves as long as ANY static barrier is placed on us, provided we are specced for it.

Status: No changes at present


While an issue it does not warrant a question.


15) Make our knockback push enemies further then 10 meters so it would not be so easy to counter in pvp. Reduce the range of the cone if it would be too overpowered.

Status: No changes at present


Remove! With Egress/Fade out we definitely do not deserve a better knockback.


16) PVP - if consumption is not going to be off the GCD, could they at least buff the set bonus so that no health would be lost by using consumption

Status: No changes at present


Imo the wrong question to ask as the mechanic in itself is anti-fun (its a mechanic that could be viable if it was a PvE only game and if you didnt have to life-tap so often. As it stands it horrible and anti fun.


17) Healer - if static barrier is to be our proactive heal, maybe for healers, they could add a talent that puts a hot on a player after static barrier is destroyed. It would help a little against burst mechanics.

Status: No changes at present


Remove! We do not need better healing numbers, we need better ways to apply the numbers we already have. The bubble as it stands is already an amazing ability.


18) DoTs immediately breaking mez bubble

Status: No changes at present


Remove. The mez should not be a stun, should break on DoT damage and should not "sleep" the DoTs until damage taken.


You'd just dot him up, go close, cast thundering blas and /dance. No. Remove!



20)TK's PvP issues (easy to interrupt two of its major abilities)

Status: Changes in 2.7 will help a bit with consistency, but pushback remains a serious concern for the spec


2.7 does not have PvP issues. 100% pushback protection for Turbulence /Thundering and 15s CD Speed with Egress/Fade out. Remove this.


21) Resurgence cooldown

Status: No changes at present


Unbalanced to change. Remove.


22)LOS to make them pay, doesn't allow us to do our job (Healing or DPS)

Status: No changes at present


Remove the DPS part of this. The healing question will stand, but see blow....




23)Force Management

Status: Balance is receiving changes via TK Focal Point that should allow management to be easier. TK does not have a problem here. Healing can rely on Noble Sacrifice in PvE, but unusable in PvP.


Only healing now needs help (slight adjustment for PvE balance/madness as well I'd say but Bioware doesn't seem to agree) So I'd rather you remove this and see my healing answer.



24)Using the Lightsaber

25)Invisible Lightsaber (since it is only a stat stick)

26) VISUAL: Many people hate Project and even more hate TK throw's animations and think they look much weaker than Sorcerer's lightning. Any chance for alternate animations or changes to make these more LORE respecting

27) PVP + PVE: Will you take another look at WP bonus damage being removed from melee attacks after 2.7, to see if your original rationale for removing it still applies?


This is fun. I agree to all of it. But please, add it as a subtext, a trivia... A plee... Do not make it a question (They will not heed it, would be a shame to waste a question)

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Good points Nala but I think Salvation needs to be looked at, for pvp atleast. It has quite a high cost but in ranked it isn't all that useful compared to Scoundrel / Commandos AoE heals.


Commandos AoE heal leaves a HoT on everyone, can reduce damage if used with Supercharged cells, has a high initial burst (for 4 people), snares 5 enemies and increases the healing everyone receives.


Scoundrel AoE heal with the set bonus heals for more than Salvation and is a HoT rather than requiring everyone to stand in it.


Sage AoE heal heals 8 people (which isn't useful in ranked), requires people to stand close to it for healing but can switch targets as needed (which is only useful in 16 man raids). It's hard for it to be beneficial to the Sage since we can't really just stand there a lot of the time. The only time I find it useful is to plop it down before using Barrier so that I come out of it with a decent amount of health.

Edited by MarsherMeow
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Remove! With Egress/Fade out we definitely do not deserve a better knockback.


As a healer who has had Egress/Fadeout, I beg to differ. Our knockback is weak not only in terms of distance created, but it's also not omnidirectional like every other multi-target KB, which in turn makes it susceptible to lag, a certain exploit to create lag that is widely used on my server, and generally less reliable than any other knockback in the game. It's so weak that it is seldom worth the GCD to use unless you have high ground and can knock enemies down to a level below you (especially if they just used their leap to reach you). In warzones/arenas that do not have split levels, it's rarely worth the GCD to use. Certainly not on its 20s cooldown.


Granted Lightning already does get an improved knockback in the form of a root. That is talented. But corruption healers (which do need the help) have no way of improving the defensive viability of the knockback whatsoever. So it heals you for 1000--big deal, not even worth spending the talent point unless you're PVE. And that's a major issue with corruption in PVP--only around 30 or so talent points that are actually useful for PVP, yet we must spend 36 to unlock our multi-target heal. (And Bioware wonders why bubblestun hybrid is still tempting even after they nerfed it, lol.) Allowing corruption a talent to "fix" its overload would help with the "too much useless crap in our tree" issue as well.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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As a healer who has had Egress/Fadeout, I beg to differ. Our knockback is weak not only in terms of distance created, but it's also not omnidirectional like every other multi-target KB, which in turn makes it susceptible to lag, a certain exploit to create lag that is widely used on my server, and generally less reliable than any other knockback in the game. It's so weak that it is seldom worth the GCD to use unless you have high ground and can knock enemies down to a level below you (especially if they just used their leap to reach you). In warzones/arenas that do not have split levels, it's rarely worth the GCD to use. Certainly not on its 20s cooldown.


Granted Lightning already does get an improved knockback in the form of a root. That is talented. But corruption healers (which do need the help) have no way of improving the defensive viability of the knockback whatsoever. So it heals you for 1000--big deal, not even worth spending the talent point unless you're PVE. And that's a major issue with corruption in PVP--only around 30 or so talent points that are actually useful for PVP, yet we must spend 36 to unlock our multi-target heal. (And Bioware wonders why bubblestun hybrid is still tempting even after they nerfed it, lol.) Allowing corruption a talent to "fix" its overload would help with the "too much useless crap in our tree" issue as well.


I see you whining about healing constantly and rightfully so. However regarding the knockback you are wrong.


- We have the furthest range on our knockback in game

- We have it in a cone which means we can knockback individual players and not break CC


A sage healer does not need more help to kite (other than bugfix rubberbanding). Im sorry. Thats not going to happen, if you find yourself in need of more tools to stay at range thats simply a matter of poor teammates, not poor gameplay on your part. What you DO NEED is a way to get your heals off without having to channel 2.4 sec and being interruptable with everything. A sage needs more potential to stand steadfast than to kite.


The knockback is not the answer.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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What I would say however, is to not ask things about anything that's changed, Namely Egress. They won't move it further, they've acted on the issue to what they see as Balanced.



In effect, that was my thoughts too. But I want folks to be heard. I'm fine with what they did with Egress.


As for the defensive cooldown though, so many people feel that is their top issue that I would be remiss not to mention it even if it is a lost cause. I like KBN's thoughts on that and will try to incorporate that into the question.

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Please note, that the laundry list of issues was literally everything I saw posted. I am trying to create three questions from that by seeing what the community feels is MOST pressing. Because of that, I would be a crappy rep if one question wasn't about survivability. I personally don't think Sages are that bad off in that regard, but it is the #1 issue that everyone mentions.


After that though, I'm pretty open. Most of the big issues are already being looked into and/or they have opined about.

Edited by Master-Nala
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Please note, that the laundry list of issues was literally everything I saw posted. I am trying to create three questions from that by seeing what the community feels is MOST pressing. Because of that, I would be a crappy rep if one question wasn't about survivability. I personally don't think Sages are that bad off in that regard, but it is the #1 issue that everyone mentions.


After that though, I'm pretty open. Most of the big issues are already being looked into and/or they have opined about.


Come 2.7 I agree survivability fix is not needed but to each their own...


You do need an entire question dedicated to healing:



  • The tree was nerfed with the removal and the change of the conveyance buff that made sure that we had a 1.4-1.2 s cast on delivarance. Removing said buff broke the healing and the fun of the spec.




Resplendance/Force Surge should make a deliverance 33% faster cast and free instead of the AoE.



  • The AoE is a 90% PvE spell that since launch has had limited to no use in PvP. It only promotes turtling and it does it poorly. Buffing/changing resplendance/force surge to instead give us cast alternatives other than the AoE would go a long way towards fixing this class for PvP healing.



-Make the 2P PvE set bonus (Mystic) either 1) Baseline 2) Available on the PvP gear as well.



  • Its horribly to, as a PvPer, feel forced to abuse bolster and grind PvE just to be closer to viable (not nearly there though) as a healer. Not to mention "open world"...



Make Resplendance/Force Surge charges not consume health or decrease force regeneration.



  • This "fix" to make it work like it does now was introduced when they overnerfed this class into oblivion, when we could "doubble dip" conveyance procs and cast deliverance x2 @ 1.4 s channel. They overdid it and we have been paying the price ever since. There is no way that the noble sacrifice/consumption mechanic belongs in this game as it stands anymore, it simply should not be allowed to persists. Its anti-fun and its an artificial barrier that ANY PvE healer can overcome with ease while it is a fatal punch in the groin for any PvP healer.

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Slight point on the bubble mez. If DoTs are breaking the effect, then the skill is bugged. The bubble mez is not actually a mez in the strictest sense, as it is only supposed to break on direct damage. Thus, if you DoT someone and then they break your bubble, as long as you don't touch them with anything else, you should be fine (this also allows you to reapply Affliction/Weaken Mind during the mez).


If it isn't working like that (and I haven't paid close enough attention to know for sure), then it's a bug and should be reported as such. Normally, I don't leave the mez up for very long anyway, since it's basically just a tool for me to dampen the pressure put on me by over-aggressive melee. It's basically equivalent to one free cast.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Resplendance/Force Surge should make a deliverance 33% faster cast and free instead of the AoE.



  • The AoE is a 90% PvE spell that since launch has had limited to no use in PvP. It only promotes turtling and it does it poorly. Buffing/changing resplendance/force surge to instead give us cast alternatives other than the AoE would go a long way towards fixing this class for PvP healing.




This, although I don't disagree, you should ask House. His aoe placement in PVP is impeccable. I've seen no other sorcs do it the way he does it. Like he predicts future movements of the group, and people always stand in them

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This, although I don't disagree, you should ask House. His aoe placement in PVP is impeccable. I've seen no other sorcs do it the way he does it. Like he predicts future movements of the group, and people always stand in them


House is good at healing on his sorcerer, sure, and while the AoE heal has its uses I havent seen him perform in a ranked group enviroment (healing)....


Thats because he cant. No one can (without grossly outpowering the other team) - which is why I advocate this change

Edited by AdamLKvist
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