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Bomber Drones/Turrets and Line of Sight


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Guessing you guys at Bioware didn't properly beta test this because in domination matches rail gun drones, missile sentries and my personal favorite, mines don't respect line of sight. If they're on one side of a satellite and you're on the other they can still hit you. Bravo. Posting it to the bug forums too, but yeah. Wanted to give you the props you deserve for this spectacular #$&%-up, Bioware. Well done.
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I've noted this. Once my railgun drone starts charging a shot because an enemy is in range and LOS, the shot will go off and hit the enemy even if they are out of LOS: through girders, asteroids, etc.


To be fair to fair, I also see this sort of thing in ground PvP, like my sniper's execute shot or a saber throw boomeranging around LOS after a bad guy. The difference is that usually this occurs after the shot goes off and a delay lets the player get out of LOS. In GSF, it APPEARS that the drone's shot hits even if it finishes the charge-up cast time after the enemy is out of LOS. Could be the same though.

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This isn't quite the same problem but related; I've been hit by railgun drones while executing an evasive engine maneuver.


While I realize that technically any railgun could hit you during a koiogran turn, it just shows what incredible (read: unfair) aim the things have. Free damage for a player who otherwise maybe can't shoot straight.


Also: I really wish the missile drones would have a lock-on beep that was distinguishable from other missile locks.

Edited by BobBudJones
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