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HK-51 started gear


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Never used to scale with you but when HK was first announced the level cap was 50 so the gear was more useful. 66-level stuff is reasonably cheap to buy to outfit him with, but the Droid parts make armoring past that really expensive since you can't just rip armorings out of comm gear. Mods and enhancements still slot in normally, just the armorings don't.
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Had the same problem when I decided to buy him on a new toon I rolled. Good thing I have some credits on my alts, because I then had to replace every single piece of his gear to be at-level with me and new mods for his main and offhand.


Good times. :p

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They should remove the level restriction on HK's gear, and instead only restrict the mods. Then I could at least, on my low level toons, just swap out the mods, rather than scouring the GTN for droid armor and a sniper rifle.
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