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Whatever happened to the top republic pvp guilds on Ebon Hawk?


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Slightly OT: The biggest problem with Rep PvP are the whiny ******* who blame everything but themselves for their own losses.


Wah, I die in 3 hits? Stop wearing PvE gear!

Wah, they capped on me? Stop playing in 1st person and standing right on top of the node/pylon!

Wah, I die when I run into 5 enemies at a node? Don't run into a group at a node solo!

Wah, I couldn't kill that guy 1v1 so he must be hacking? Stop thinking objective warzones are all 1v1s in the first place!


As for the OP specs, every class in the game has a viable PvP spec. Some multiple. If you're playing a spec that's poor in PvP, I have to wonder if you're into PvP or not.


SO this never happens on Imp side then?


Btw, this thread has gone way off topic and is most likely only going to drive a wedge even deeper between the two factions on this server.

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It's like trying to argue with a rock...


I'm really interested to know who your main is... because I want to put the bad to the face.


I went back and looked at your whiny post history on the forums and it's an embarrassment of QQ and admissions to just not being a very good player. Apparently you main a gunslinger and get destroyed by every other class because you've cried for nerfs to everyone else... Including Snipers... because we all know, they are "the farthest thing from actual mirror class" I believe those were your exact words...

Edited by BigDumbViking
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I'm really interested to know who your main is... because I want to put the bad to the face.


I went back and looked at your whiny post history on the forums and it's an embarrassment of QQ and admissions to just not being a very good player. Apparently you main a gunslinger and get destroyed by every other class because you've cried for nerfs to everyone else... Including Snipers... because we all know, they are "the farthest thing from actual mirror class" I believe those were your exact words...


Yup that post was from pre 1.1. Sounds like you weren't around back then I guess. New players to the game will have a totally different view to old players in the game, it's too much to even describe since your most likely a 2.0 + player, so I wont drag up the past.

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Yup that post was from pre 1.1. Sounds like you weren't around back then I guess. New players to the game will have a totally different view to old players in the game, it's too much to even describe since your most likely a 2.0 + player, so I wont drag up the past.




Yeah, You're special... You played since 1.1, Kudo's... I actually play the game to get better and don't whine to the Devs to get everyone nerfed...

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Yeah, You're special... You played since 1.1, Kudo's... I actually play the game to get better and don't whine to the Devs to get everyone nerfed...


You really are making yourself sound like a fool now. Go back and read over the forums and understand the history of the game and the evolution of classes.

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And to put some perspective out there... I got my Merc to full Partisan as Bodyguard spec, so when I hear people QQ'ing about nerfing other classes, I have no sympathy. I got it done in arguably the worst PVP AC and never had an issue, so shut up and stop your crying.


I'm glad you had lots of friends to carry you. :cool:

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You really are making yourself sound like a fool now. Go back and read over the forums and understand the history of the game and the evolution of classes.


I'm the fool? You're the one QQ'ing about Faction Imbalance and OP classes. You're the problem. No one wants to play Pub side because of people like you. I'll bet huge creds that you've quit >5 WZ's this week, that is if you even pvp bro...


It isn't about Faction imbalance or OP-ness... It's about really BAD players who think they are really good... ie you.

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I'm the fool? You're the one QQ'ing about Faction Imbalance and OP classes. You're the problem. No one wants to play Pub side because of people like you. I'll bet huge creds that you've quit >5 WZ's this week, that is if you even pvp bro...


It isn't about Faction imbalance or OP-ness... It's about really BAD players who think they are really good... ie you.


No it's about people like yourself, read your post, you sound like a child. Which is odd because obviously children don't have beards.

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Well said.


Imp players on this server have flocked to the FOTM classes to epic proportions.


And if it isn't the above its Empire guilds using Pub side alts to report via Vent on republic numbers in zones, player locations in arenas and throwing matches on Pub side alts on purpose. That's not a sign of players who want a strong pvp community.


Let's just refresh why we are on this rant shall we?



It's stupidity like this. You have 0 proof of any of this... it is an excuse so you can feel better about sucking.


Just like all the posts you have ever made on the forums... it's a QQ about how everyone else must be hacking or cheating to beat you. YOU'RE the problem.

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Let's just refresh why we are on this rant shall we?



It's stupidity like this. You have 0 proof of any of this... it is an excuse so you can feel better about sucking.


Just like all the posts you have ever made on the forums... it's a QQ about how everyone else must be hacking or cheating to beat you. YOU'RE the problem.


You sure are worked up over this.

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You sure are worked up over this.


Nope... Just enjoy seeing you hide behind your little troll. Unlike you, I troll people with my main toons names proudly displayed. I pvp every night, solo queue a lot... and if people hate me and want to tunnel me (like your frand Ralen) then so be it.. I think you'll find that the majority of the community here appreciates me because at the end of the day, I respect the people that earn it.


I've just been trying to figure out your troll and I have... You think by being smug you are making me mad.. .it's not the case, I assure you. You lost your QQ argument long ago so you've abandoned it for this little pseudo troll and you think your winning...

Edited by BigDumbViking
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Nope... Just enjoy seeing you hide behind your little troll. Unlike you, I troll people with my main toons names proudly displayed. I pvp every night, solo queue a lot... and if people hate me and want to tunnel me (like your frand Ralen) then so be it.. I think you'll find that the majority of the community here appreciates me because at the end of the day, I respect the people that earn it.


I've just been trying to figure out your troll and I have... You think by being smug you are making me mad.. .it's not the case, I assure you. You lost your QQ argument long ago so you've abandoned it for this little pseudo troll and you think your winning...


Yes its obvious that your not worked up :rolleyes:

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