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GSF + CM Bomber = Pay to Win


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One of my 2 pubs... so when did this happen? When we were tooling around vs the noobies and I challenged some fellow pilots to try only "dogfighting with bombers" in a DM? Hehe


This was pre-patch. I blew you up (once) in my imp's noob ship and then noticed that was your only death in an otherwise very good game. I was pretty happy about that.


I have been reading The Chronicles of Narnia since before you were born. So please don't lecture me on the propriety of using C.S. Lewis quotes. Thanks.


You think you're cute, acting like you know anything about me or my age.


Bottom line: I scored more (kills/achievements/assists/healing/fun) IN ONE MATCH with 20 bucks spent in the CM on the OP bomber than 2 months of frustrating GSF play. You tell me how to define that.


By your own logic, this in no way negates the fact that you could have done literally the exact same thing by spending 5k fleet req or 2-3 million credits to unlock literally the exact same ship.

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Bottom line: I scored more (kills/achievements/assists/healing/fun) IN ONE MATCH with 20 bucks spent in the CM on the OP bomber than 2 months of frustrating GSF play. You tell me how to define that.


I define that as a lack of foresight on your part.


I had fleet req saved up on my Rep and Emp such that I could buy the bombers immediately. You could have done that and saved yourself the cash (which is not twenty bucks, but less than that). You could also have spent 200 cartel coins to transfer the needed ship req to fleet req, if you weren't longsighted enough to think you might want to try bombers. And you should have pooled your daily and weekly tokens such that you could crack them the moment you unlocked your bombers- mine were born with around 40k requisition on each and every one of them.




That you ignored all of this and instead chose to pay twenty bucks doesn't make it "pay to win". It makes it "pay to still have fun with the game despite having no foresight, no planning, and not all that much play time".


My your non-logic, the game is only fair if the crappiest variants hit the cartel market. So, you can have the Enforcer/Gladiator, but not the Redeemer/Mailoc, right?




It's fine that there's good ships on the cartel market. If it's truly so burdensome to play enough to have the fleet req to get the ship you wanted, it's GREAT for you, in fact. That's the target market for it- the guy who wants to play and support his team but doesn't want to pool resources and play on a schedule.

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"Why don't they teach logic at these schools?"

Just because one can NOT pay CM to get a bomber, does not make what I said untrue.


That fact that it isn't true is what makes it untrue.


Bombers are nifty, and are great for making it a hostile environment for scouts, but gunships ruin their day.


Lemme give you two pieces of advice. Stop crying and keep trying.


I got my beaten like a baby seal when I first started playing, but as you work your way through and get some critical upgrades on your favored ships, it turns around. My gunship rapes bombers like nothing else and I am starting to get solid kills/damage on both of my strikes now, when before I was nothing but a flying victim in them.


Man up and deal.

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"Why don't they teach logic at these schools?"

―Digory Kirke, in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.


Just because one can NOT pay CM to get a bomber, does not make what I said untrue.


Rather than doing the work of obtaining 5000 fleet req, I used a credit card to gain a massive advantage in game play, thus PAYING to WIN.


Yes actually it does, because what youre describing is not pay 2 win.


Charging subs to convert useless ship req off a mastered ship pisses me off a lot more than being able to buy a ship off the CM exactly like one everyone else can get without money.

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Rather than doing the work of obtaining 5000 fleet req, I used a credit card to gain a massive advantage in game play, thus PAYING to WIN.




No it's not pay to win, it's pay to SKIP. Pay to win is paying for a clear advantage you can't get ANY. OTHER. WAY!

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I said this once b4, The things in the CM is overly priced 10 bucks here 20 there, you realize that is the cost for most expansion packs for other big time games and u get a crap load of content with that price. Here u r getting 1 item for that money, plus subscription price too, dont for get that on top of it all. I say for 20 bucks, we should be able to pick at least 6 things, for a decent price, a Live Mount of some kind or major vehicle, A cool looking as well beneficial outfit/s, and 2 to 3 weapons of OUR CHOICE, for that kind of money. And the whole CM Packs its a gamble i haven't bought a pack in months, plus its ok to gamble real money on that crap but they wont implement gambling on NARSHDAA for regular in game credits. Yes i am done buying anything like that stuff with real money from CM. I only got a couple of minor things i wanted out of ALL THOSE PACKS and never have i received anything major that i wanted. Everything i have that was a Major item i saw and wanted, i grinded 6 lvl 55 toons out of 10 all together, still have 4 to reach lvl 55. Any how i grind them to death on dailies to get the major items from GTN and stopped wasting real Money on CM.


So for those prices that i use to pay for and what a LOT of People are paying for, is another games, WHOLE EXPANSION PACK full of content. Remember that, and the only way the prices will drop for the Cartel Market is to stop paying those prices for that stuff, they will eventually lower the price to a reasonable amount for the one item we buy and perhaps start selling Everything as an individual item and we can buy just what we want instead of Gambling real money on packs that is nothing but, a crap shoot.

Edited by Sith-Viscera
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When u loaded in ya 1st game on that ship, please tell me what massive advantage you had over another that no one else can get without spending real money? the answer is nothing.


When people throw the Pay2win around is normally based where with real money you gain things with superior stats, bonuses etc over someone else that spends no money and cant reach the same item as you.


the CM ships are just skins of existing ships ANYONE can obtain. there is no advantage and no pay to win.


and having that ship wont make the damn bit of difference if you got no or little skill since there are people with zero modified ships that could blast u time after time becuase in GSF skill is the most important thing u need and no amount of money will make you perform any better over those type of players if u have little to no skill.


i have spent zero money on GSF, but have lots of ships fully mastered, even have a couple of the CM ships, using my montly allowance i get for being a sub so technically i have more than you, and u spent money, that really sound like pay to win? lol

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Who cares?

The QQ on Bombers is crazy. They aren't THAT OP.


That's complete and utter bull^(%$$ on the Bastion I've encountered SEVERAL fully upgraded bombers already who can drop 2-3 mines/turrets/sentries and have 3 Satellite Defense turrets and NEVER die. They hold one sat. with little to NO effort and it can't be taken. I've watched 3-4 good players, with mastered ships go in and be 2 shot by mines and turrets. They ARE extremely OP.

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I play on Bastion, and the only fully upgraded bombers that farm up were more than capable of doing so (and have) on stings and manglers prepatch. I can't think of any players who suddenly Got Skill when bombers came out- players who were not threats before, but are now. Bad players on bombers are blimps with a drone girlfriend rolling their eyes and trying to pull them out of the mess they got themselves into. Good players with bombers are pimps with their little retinue of firecrackers, always a step ahead- but the good players were winning regardless of their ships.


I seriously- and I play both factions on Bastion- cannot name a single player who is now a threat who was not before, or who was greatly improved by bomber launch.

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Bad players on bombers are blimps with a drone girlfriend rolling their eyes and trying to pull them out of the mess they got themselves into.


Lol :p Analogy win!


+100 Internet bacon points to you :cool:


Also, to be honest with you OP you kinda wasted your $$....You could have continued to suck for a few games, compiled your ship req from your dailies into fleet req with cartel coins (maybe like 200CC?) and bought the exact same Bomber with the faction skin for fleet req.


Ouch. :rolleyes:

Edited by MystbladeWA
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That's complete and utter bull^(%$$ on the Bastion I've encountered SEVERAL fully upgraded bombers already who can drop 2-3 mines/turrets/sentries and have 3 Satellite Defense turrets and NEVER die. They hold one sat. with little to NO effort and it can't be taken. I've watched 3-4 good players, with mastered ships go in and be 2 shot by mines and turrets. They ARE extremely OP.


i have a mastered bomber,


i cant seem to see where i can drop 3 drones, 3 mines, etc. and never die. good players will always find a way to counter anything. and those 3-4 guys were they really that good? ive gone in on a scout on my own taken two bombers out and 3 turrets and started to cap b4 they reacted with reinforcements. and even easier on a gunship.


it also takes aprox 40 seconds for 1 bomber to deploy two mines of the same type, really cant understand how those really good players (3-4 players) couldnt counter that. trust me one person can do it. and remember EMP is your friend wink wink.


most set ups normally have 1 drone / 2 mines or 4 mines depending what they go for not everything. best way to kill bombers is master one 1st like i have, now i go back to my scouts and gunships and send them all to hell.

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It sounds from your original post that you still needed to fly a few matches and press buttons before you could actually "win". So, since spending 5000 fleet req or 1800 cartel coins grants you functionally identical bombers, I'm not sure what you're getting at. None of those achievements you mentioned end up counting towards achievements that give you fleet requisition. So ...


EDIT: all that being said, people who have cartel coins can purchase ship skins and thereby earn ship requisition from the daily and weekly on more vessels, which can then (with more cartel coins) be converted into fleet requisition. All that fleet req just lets you unlock crew members and upgrades a little sooner than someone who was purely doing it without the cartel coins. Yes the purchased ships also earn a bonus to ship requisition, but again its just a slightly faster upgrade path, with the end result being the same. Its, maybe, Pay to reach BiS faster? Anyway, that is hardly unique to the bomber since its been present since early access.

Edited by phalczen
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it also takes aprox 40 seconds for 1 bomber to deploy two mines of the same type...

It takes 15 second if you have tier 1 upgrade, 20 if you do not. The CD is for after a mine deployment not before one.


But for a slow garbage hauler like a bomber, it is an eternity!

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It takes 15 second if you have tier 1 upgrade, 20 if you do not. The CD is for after a mine deployment not before one.


But for a slow garbage hauler like a bomber, it is an eternity!


yeah thats my bad point taken, but none the less bombers are easy countered.

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While it isn't pay to win, there is a nasty combo you can do with CM Bomber + Warcarrier. The same system applied when they added Gunships. If anything GS were worse given there are 2 models through CM. The 2500 FR bomber doesn't have turrets only mines. So if you get both the 5k and the CM you have the ability to do a rail loadout and a missile loadout. Which given the behavior of some matches lately becomes an amazing boon.
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yeah thats my bad point taken, but none the less bombers are easy countered.


I agree that they can be countered, but I think that the more skilled/experienced pilots will still give you real fits. I think that they call that balance?


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I agree that they can be countered, but I think that the more skilled/experienced pilots will still give you real fits. I think that they call that balance?



i too one game in a bomber held a base against 5 attacking noobs, but that means my team just took the other two bases by time i eventually was killed, which was actually by my own mistake lol


skilled scout or gunship against skilled bomber it comes to skill, timings, piloting skill, hit to misses but that bomber is not guarenteed to win same as the gun ship / scout isnt. from that i would say there is balence to a extent where skill with a little luck of crits is the cruicial deciding factors no ship type, not upgrades.


most problems of people crying out ship A is over powered is lack of knowledge, skill, understanding pro's and cons of each ship. i remember when i started i hated gunships couldnt kill them, so started one mastered it and now im a good support gunship or im good at killing gunships on a scout.


only balence issue i actually feel is a issue is the strike fighter still needs a bit of a buff but thats just my opinion.


and for love of god this game is VERY FAR away from pay to win and most people have no idea what pay to win is. worse case is its pay to speed up a bit thats it.

Edited by mattycutts
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