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Ashara ZAvros, Dark Side conversations


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I'm curious if there is anyone here who is playing a Dark Side Inquisitor and stays true to that even in companion conversations, Ashara Zavros ones specifically. What if you tell her evil stuff and shock her all the time? Will she still believe that both of you are working on changing the Empire from within?

I've tried to find the "evil" version of Ashara dialogues on youtube, but it seems everyone is playing good with her no matter how dark their character is to others.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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I'd like to know this as well, if she does think so, it will be even more evidence on top of the pile that she was supposed to have a light and a dark personality like with Jaesa but they made some last minute changes that removed the dark side version.
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My Sith Assassin was Dark all the way with no intention of ever getting "married"...


Then I started levelling Ashara's affection and talking with her... before I knew it my Assissin's whole outlook had changed and I was "married" to her... I even turned off showing corruption and have slowly started to move to the Light... :eek:


I don't what it is about Ashara, but she just... gets to you... ;)

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My Sith Assassin was Dark all the way with no intention of ever getting "married"...


Then I started levelling Ashara's affection and talking with her... before I knew it my Assissin's whole outlook had changed and I was "married" to her... I even turned off showing corruption and have slowly started to move to the Light... :eek:


I don't what it is about Ashara, but she just... gets to you... ;)


I do agree to this. ;)


My original Sith Assassin is still DS for the most part but his outlook, or rather his approach, has changed substantially ever since he hooked up with Ashara really.


It's a shame people overlook her character and actually favor Jaesa, which is one of the most boring female companions in the whole game by far. If DS-aligned, she's such a play on evil Sith stereotypes and all, that I just wanna throw her out the airlock.


I find her more annoying that Broonmark quite honestly; Him I can understand. Jaesa? Not so much.

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she just... gets to you... ;)


Happened to my first inquisitor too :D I now have a female inquisitor that is on Alderaan, I'd like to try to do the whole full DS thing to see what happens... It's gonna take a lot of credits though :D

Edited by iglumajor
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It honestly makes very little sense. You'll endorse Sith killing Corellian Smugglers for not giving them free transportation one conversation, and, two conversations latter, she'll be asking how you plan to change the Empire for her definition of the better.

That's because of the broken affection system, where people will think you agree with them solely because of giftspamming.

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That's because of the broken affection system, where people will think you agree with them solely because of giftspamming.


I actually didn't gift spam her, I play an Imperial Loyalist, so getting affection with her is hit or miss. I gotta say, she has some questionable morals, like supporting retrieving the results of Republic eugenics programs for Imperial use on Belsavis.

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I'm curious if there is anyone here who is playing a Dark Side Inquisitor and stays true to that even in companion conversations, Ashara Zavros ones specifically. What if you tell her evil stuff and shock her all the time? Will she still believe that both of you are working on changing the Empire from within?

I've tried to find the "evil" version of Ashara dialogues on youtube, but it seems everyone is playing good with her no matter how dark their character is to others.


Their are no evil dialogues for Ashara. it seems the inquisitor treats heir like a morality pet.

Edited by Jaigen
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Indeed, it clearly seems like something is off about the conversations with her, the game just assumes you are LS if you get her affection. Even though she sometimes approves if you do some DS stuff.


Yup. I remember one conversation about the Sith Code where the game forces you to reject it.

Edited by LordGarmaZabi
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Indeed, it clearly seems like something is off about the conversations with her, the game just assumes you are LS if you get her affection. Even though she sometimes approves if you do some DS stuff.


So do other companions last I checked, even if their general attitude or persona leans towards the LS. Most companions actually respond to rationale accordingly, not LS or DS alignment points.

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So do other companions last I checked, even if their general attitude or persona leans towards the LS. Most companions actually respond to rationale accordingly, not LS or DS alignment points.


I think his problem is that, you can get affection with her by doing Dark Side options, but when the Companion Conversations come around, some of them essentially force you into being an LS Sith.

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Well it's bit of an odd subject, after all you are against Thanathon who is an "arch traditionalist" and also if you kill Harkun your character says something about changing the empire, so it's as if the story wants you to be LS and make new rules and stuff.


On the subject of Ashara, her personality is not really established clearly, first she is a whiny Jedi and immediately she suddenly hates the republic for no reason, agreeing on almost every DS decision on Belsavis (even keeping the Esh-Ka and unleashing them on the empire's enemies) and that "the galaxy needs an powerful empire to maintain peace" (in one conversation), so... okay? When did she come to this conclusion? The game has a bad time explaining. :D

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I think his problem is that, you can get affection with her by doing Dark Side options, but when the Companion Conversations come around, some of them essentially force you into being an LS Sith.


The LS/DS isn't a good/evil meter. When will people realize this?


She is about the greater good regardless of how you achieve it. Kind of like Revan willing to commit genocide to stop the Sith.


On a related note, you originally could just let her die on Taris and she would be like... actually dead, so if you did save her you wouldn't be completely dark.


Or maybe it's different as a male Inq due to the whole romance thing. I couldn't stand the male Inq voice so I've only had 2 females.

Edited by Jandi
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The LS/DS isn't a good/evil meter. When will people realize this?


She is about the greater good regardless of how you achieve it. Kind of like Revan willing to commit genocide to stop the Sith.


On a related note, you originally could just let her die on Taris and she would be like... actually dead, so if you did save her you wouldn't be completely dark.


Or maybe it's different as a male Inq due to the whole romance thing. I couldn't stand the male Inq voice so I've only had 2 females.


I don't know about him, but in my case, it wasn't a matter of good or evil. Reusing my above example, in one conversation, Ashara asks about the Sith Code, more specifically, the peace is a lie bit, and how as a reformer, you couldn't possibly agree with it. Every single option is to reject the Sith Code, none of them give you the option to say she's wrong, and you do follow the code. Then, latter, you get the option to teach Xalek the Sith Code, so you can't go with the SI doesn't follow the Code.

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I don't know about him, but in my case, it wasn't a matter of good or evil. Reusing my above example, in one conversation, Ashara asks about the Sith Code, more specifically, the peace is a lie bit, and how as a reformer, you couldn't possibly agree with it. Every single option is to reject the Sith Code, none of them give you the option to say she's wrong, and you do follow the code. Then, latter, you get the option to teach Xalek the Sith Code, so you can't go with the SI doesn't follow the Code.


And uhh... where does it state you aren't lying to her? :D To me it seemed like the Inq is just telling her what she wants to hear to lure her into the dark side.


Or maybe I'm just creepy flike that. :p

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Because they didn't put [LIE] next to any of them ;)


Pffft, minor details. Besides, you can do the same with Jaessa as well if you keep her light. Be all "yes yes we need to help good Sith" and then do the opposite without any (lie) indicators.

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Pffft, minor details. Besides, you can do the same with Jaessa as well if you keep her light. Be all "yes yes we need to help good Sith" and then do the opposite without any (lie) indicators.


What opposite? I don't recall there ever being any quest where you "help good sith" :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright. So I got a bunch of affection with her and in the conversation where she want's to "make a pilgrimage" to one of the Jedi masters, there is no way to be DS about things. She thinks you want peace between the Jedi and the Sith no matter what you have said or done, you have to agree with her there is no "No" *shocks her* option :D


In the previous conversations she ends with "this task we have taken is getting more difficult by the day" What task? I never told her I want to chance the Empire.

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  • 6 months later...
Alright. So I got a bunch of affection with her and in the conversation where she want's to "make a pilgrimage" to one of the Jedi masters, there is no way to be DS about things. She thinks you want peace between the Jedi and the Sith no matter what you have said or done, you have to agree with her there is no "No" *shocks her* option :D


In the previous conversations she ends with "this task we have taken is getting more difficult by the day" What task? I never told her I want to chance the Empire.


I've been having this same problem with her. I'm just finishing leveling up a SI, and all of the companion convo's have been great EXCEPT Ashara. She literally comes off as a Schizophrenic, with detatched delusions in contrast to reality. Here i am, a true believer in the Sith Code and the Dark Side of the Force, and she thinks and acts like i am a lightsider. That would be fine, except that in conversations with her, i am *forced* to agree with her, one way or the other.


I think people would tolerate her more if we could spend all the convo's disagreeing or shocking her. With every other companion in the game, even if they are the complete opposite of you, you can max their affection and *disagree* with them. You can maintain your own persona when talking with them. True, LS Jaesa makes assumptions, but if you're a DS SW then you can turn her to the DS where what she says is consistent.


Everything taken into account, it becomes obvious that Ashara was intended to have a DS version of her. She's the only companion where you can't be consistent with yourself during her conversations - Similar to LS Jaesa, which was done because they assume if you are DS, you will have DS Jaesa. The problem? No DS Ashara, so she should've had her convo's rewritten so that you could make it very clear to her you Embrace the Dark Side, don't believe in peace, and plan to wipe out the Jedi Order given the chance. With Neutral options being subtle disagreement's or lying to her.


I think from now on i'll just ignore Ashara unless playing LS.

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My Sith Inquisitor / Sorcerer "Krushya" was my 1st toon. I am dedicated to the Dark Side in all things concerning him. I also found Ashara Zavros annoying. I wish you could either corrupt her completely like Jaesa Wilsaam and have a loyal companion, or kill Ashara outright. If she serves on my star ship and is supposed to be my apprentice, she has to conform to my ways and teachings or die. That's the way it has to be.


Turning Jaesa Wilsaam to the Dark Side for my Sith Warrior / Marauder was refreshing and exciting to me compared to the grueling task of trying to convert Ashara. I bought affection gifts for Ashara with the express intention in seeing where the dialogue went. She fought me through the whole process and now with her affection maxed out to 10,000 she straddles the fence between light and dark thinking she can choose the middle ground.


So finally after reading so many threads and posts on this subject I have to speak my mind:


BioWare employees, if you are reading these posts, pretty please inform those with the means to make changes, to allow Ashara Zavros to

1) be turned to the Dark Side,


2) to make her accept her Master's Dark Sided philosophies, and


3) to behave like a true servant of a Dark Master.


4) unless we choose to have otherwise.


Thank you.

Edited by Darth_Krushya
spelling, grammar, more info
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