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And now the rest of the story...


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There was a man once who had played all different types of flying games. Over the years and years of his life. LOL. One day he started playing Galactic Star Fighter. Not beta mind you but the early access game. Having a great deal of flying experience in atmosphere and space combat he knew that playing this new game was going to be easy.


But he discovered that unlike every other flight gaming experience he had this game did not use a flight stick style controls to fly or even a game pad of some sort? Oh well he thought I'll just have to learn how to fly all over again with a mouse and a keyboard. He did and found it was not as hard as he thought it might have been.


In the beginning all the players were even and good.


One day after some time playing a little here and a little there he noticed something had happened to the game he enjoyed playing.


The first thing that he noticed was the enemy team seemed to be moving as a group. When he attacked any one of the opposing team he got targeted by many ships at once! Wow he thought they seem to be talking to each other, what a great idea he thought. This he thought was an incredible advantage for them! So as anyone would do he found a group he could talk and fight with.


Then he noticed even after playing with coordination, teammates, and his own substantial skill playing other premade groups there was a substantial disadvantage while fighting in GSF. After playing many matches he discovered that there was no substitution for max upgrades in the enemies ships. Sure he could hold his own for awhile. But when the enemy could shoot him down fairly quickly and he had to use his weapons to the end of their power pools to put his enemies down there seemed a discrepancy there.


The point of the game is to win.


When he won he got the opportunity to earn reqs to upgrade his ship like his enemies had obviously already done. If he lost he still got some reqs but not as much as was possible to earn. He discovered a catch 22 while playing that to upgrade he needed to win more often than he lost. The imbalance he perceived widened everyday. The haves and the have not.


He also noticed that when he played matches with fairly equal ships both sides got a great match. And all was happy. Maybe he thought some sort of level system might make this game fair for all. Or someday when things become even again like in the beginning, and all the ships will be maxed, then he thought Skill would now be the deciding factor once more. Someday, someday...

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Very eloquent. Pretty much that was my experience. (I was hoping they would use the Tie Fighter engine, still the best combat engine ever).

Even though I have a full set of upgraded ships, getting there was hard, trying to do it now on an alt with no ship gear, will take 4 x as long. I know this is still being tuned, but there are a couple of things that annoy me.

Being able to hide in the capital ship turret shadow then sniping from there. Disable the capital ship turrets or cause damage to any fighter retuning.

1 shotting my fully upgraded strike fighter, if there is a good gunship in play then unless you have barrel roll forget it.

And finally, I know PvP is supposed to be a team game but it is 95% individual players, as I have said so many times before, how hard can it be to balance the teams on valour or requisition?

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