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Why are people such jerks on the internet?


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Because people are conditioned to react a certain way in social situations. You don't, at work or in class, act the same as you do around your close friends for example.


Because jerks and bullies are often cowardly. If you saw someone in real life, many would not shout out names (even if they were thinking them) because they'd face consequences (which could include a punch in the face).


Because people think the internet is anonymous. So their social conditioning goes out the window and the real colours come out.


And as a devils advocate point, I think a lot of people avoid criticism in their real life and are overly sensitive to what is said of them online. If I blew a PVP match, for example, I'm not going cry if someone tells me so. Just MVP me when I save the match ;).


- Arcada


Spot on.

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I think the author of the yahoo article nailed it. It's a lack of feedback - in my mind, it's mainly non-verbal communication feedback. Typing stuff online, we don't get the non-verbal feedback from the person that we are talking to. So, in many ways, this kind of a discussion doesn't feel as real as an in-person conversation. When it doesn't feel real, inhibitions and civility go out the window and people go a bit nuts. Over the course of history, people are not used to communicating this way.
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Anonymity + no consequences = me turning off general and ops chat :D


There's a huge issue with acceptance, or at least with apathy. Even basic social patterns like not just throwing your garbage on the street,dressing well, or even just showing basic politeness (wishing a good morning, opening doors for others, asking people how they are and meaning it--ever seen the eyes when answering "not so well"?--, that kind of thing) are in rapid decline; chances are most of us would have felt like the most despicable hobos on earth if we had to go out looking and acting as we do today maybe 40 years ago. Heck, in many places where you can today show up to work in shorts and a t-shirt, that would've been a fireable offense just a decade ago. For some reason though, nobody really speaks out unless you stink like you slept in a landfill.


And don't get me started about the feelings I get when there's a warning on the radio that people should not throw burning items out of their cars because the shrubbery on the roadside might catch fire during a dry spell. TL;DR: IMO, the addressees of those messages don't deserve the basic human rights wasted on them.


So no, it's not just the internet! Everyone needs to try to get their act together and push the jerks back down the social dustbin they crawled out of.

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I think the author of the yahoo article nailed it. It's a lack of feedback - in my mind, it's mainly non-verbal communication feedback. Typing stuff online, we don't get the non-verbal feedback from the person that we are talking to.


Worse, in many places doing the right thing and saying "you, sir, are behaving like an ******e" (case in point) is actively suppressed ;)

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It is because they never, ever, ever have to see that person in real life. They can be anonymous. They can think, feel and act they way they want without consequences. They don't think of it as a way where there is another person on the end of the thing that's typing. Some people are just plain mean. I won't go too much into it but it's just because they can remain anonymous for the most part.
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A severe lack of tasty burgers from Big Kahuna Burgers, and pork products, the internet does not provide me with enough bacon. It puts people on edge.


I have to agree with this, mostly. If big kahuna burgers, or royales with cheese, were internet-accessible, the web would be a much friendlier place.


But I can't agree re: the pork products. I don't dig on swine. Filthy animals.

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That article is SPOT ON!!!


I am utterly DISGUSTED by the stuff I see in Gen chat and comments on websites or youtube. Frankly, I think Bioware needs Gen Chat monitors full time, because Ive been flat our harassed and attacked by multiple people at one time in Gen Chat more than once, for really nothing. I said nothing wrong or bad. If that had happened to me "in the real world" they would have been in jail. No joke. The bullying going on in our society is WAY out of hand. There needs to be some serious consequences for this stuff.


There is one flaw in the article. It mentioned that it is mainly youth acting this way, and that is very wrong. Ive seen people in gen chat berate and act like 2 yr olds, then say they have to go put their kid to bed or pick their wife up from work, etc. Grown adults are doing just as much as the "kids" are, and that is even more disturbing. People acting like "trolls" online and then thinking they can somehow raise a child right? Seriously? :eek:


All people want to do is come up with stupid witty comments and say essentially nothing but nonsense. Intelligent conversation seems to be dead. It really makes me NOT want to socialize, EVER. If this is how people are and want to be, I want nothing to do with it. I honestly see nothing funny or joke worthy about it. Even this thread has some of it.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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So, with all of this being said, what can we do, using our combined intelligence, to solve the global issue of world-hate?


It's self-correcting.


Two words ----> Soylent Green.


Once a species begins to devour itself, it follows a natural downfall to an ebb point and begins the long return upward again.

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There is one flaw in the article. It mentioned that it is mainly youth acting this way, and that is very wrong. Ive seen people in gen chat berate and act like 2 yr olds, then say they have to go put their kid to bed or pick their wife up from work, etc.


Maturity is not measured by biological age by any means.


Then again.. it could have been a 15 year old putting his kid to bed and hopping on his bicycle to go get his 14 year old wife who is working as an illegal maid for some affluent family. :p Only in certain states though. :rolleyes:


But yeah, it was probably some grumpy middle aged couch potato. :D

Edited by Andryah
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I have to agree with this, mostly. If big kahuna burgers, or royales with cheese, were internet-accessible, the web would be a much friendlier place.


But I can't agree re: the pork products. I don't dig on swine. Filthy animals.


Don't forget the five dollar shakes!


And I agree with everyone else. People are rude on the internet due to complete lack of consequences. No risk at all of getting punched in the face or smacked with a purse.

Edited by kimdante
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Too much focus on jerks and not enough focus on the nice people. There are way more people that I have been in game and on different forums that are nice, some I have actually became friends with in RL. Problem is the other than those you really make friends with, the jerks are more memorable.


In a fp, you can be doing it with 2 really nice people, but one jerk will ruin the entire experience. After the fact you will not be spouting stories about the really nice people, but you will be telling them about the jerk. :p


Also had a intresting experince last night, was doing the new fp. Someone DC or quit at the start so we were 3 manning it. The other two had never been there. I was on my sawbones, so I just told them to follow me. 4th toon I had done it on that day and I am maxed out on rep for the week, so since it was their first time, we killed the champs and I passed on the Rep. We had already agreed to need. Neither said anything, but after the second time of the same guy winning, he said he would pass next time. Not sure there was another, but thought it was really nice of the guy to at least offer.

Edited by mikebevo
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The solution is to focus all the hatred online. Leave it all here and we have nothing left to put out in the real world.


The problem is that you are what you practice. Mentally or even physically we do not have the capacity to be haters online and yet be totally fine away. Eventually that hate will gobble you up.

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And your comment is exactly what the article is talking about. Time to grow up man. Seriously. If you have nothing constructive to add, then dont comment and act like a 2 yr old.


I completely agree with this. If you are not directly contributing to a solution then chances are you are most likely part of the problem. Looking at ANYTHING from a negative point of view will never lead to a positive outcome.

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I suggest to assemble a guild that completely puts away the hatred entirely. Their primary function and the only rule of the guild should be that you either show kindness to everyone unless you are being attacked or that you simply ignore those who are in fact "haters" with no further response. A solution is going to come from identifying that there is a problem, identifying what the problem is, and facing it head on: leading by example to show how to be able to have perfect self control. This game is about jedis and one of the biggest and most outstanding characteristics of a jedi to me is thier self control. Jedi never have any emotion that they are not in contr0ol of and they keep their cool in every situation. If you feel that you have the ability to truly display self control for the good of humanity then perhaps we can stand together to make the world a better place. It is not going to come from nothing, but from the actions we do rather than the words we say.
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The problem is that you are what you practice. Mentally or even physically we do not have the capacity to be haters online and yet be totally fine away. Eventually that hate will gobble you up.


Agreed. I know this from experience. Projecting your hate outward just comes back and bites you in the behind, badly.


I have also had my life pretty much RUINED due to these online "keyboard warriors". I wont go into the entire story, but suffice to say I lost pretty much everything I had in my life because of them. My job, privacy invaded, etc. These people destroy lives from behind keyboards not having to take responsibility for anything they do. There is nothing funny in any of it.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Agreed. I know this from experience. Projecting your hate outward just comes back and bites you in the behind, badly.


I have also had my life pretty much RUINED due to these online "keyboard warriors". I wont go into the entire story, but suffice to say I lost pretty much everything I had in my life because of them. My job, privacy invaded, etc. These people destroy lives from behind keyboards not having to take responsibility for anything they do. There is nothing funny in any of it.


You will be welcome in this nameless guild if you want to stand with the true keyboard warriors. It is easy to show hate, but a true warrior will show, a strong warrior isn't going to be reckless. He will have mastery of self control.

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Now you see, I didn't know that you can do that. If you do that, will gen chat still show up if you are on a planet or the fleet?


Right click on the chat window. Create a new tab. Then right click on that tab, edit chat, and select what you want to be displayed. You can make them display whatever you want, and have multiple ones for whatever purpose you want.

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