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Rift launched in 1 day why cant you?


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Rift sucked more then contracting AID's so I don't see how you can make that comparison.


Listen, bioware fanboy, it doesn't matter if rift sucked asa game. They had half a million people on the first day and launched fine. Bioware spent hundreds of millions of dollars on swtor and most people can't even play.

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Burden of proof is on you, I proved my point. You have shown zero proof. You have been proved wrong, till you come up with proof.


Lol, you have no proof of what happens behind their doors, only official statements; and you'd be naive to wholly believe in just those... Regardless, I have no proof either, nor do I very much care about proving an off-the-cuff comment. My statement still stands. :cool:

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Okay...no more fighting


Rift had a huge launch for any MMO( a little under 1 mill if i recall right) ToR will have the biggest launch(most likely) of any mmo. There is a reason they are doing this. Does anyone even remember what happened on the first day of WoW, let alone the first month? You all can QQ as much as you want but once you are in just enjoy that the majority of problems might be ironed out :) THX

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Lol, you have no proof of what happens behind their doors, only official statements; and you'd be naive to wholly believe in just those... Regardless, I have no proof either, nor do I very much care about proving an off-the-cuff comment. My statement still stands. :cool:


One could probably be skeptical if it wasn't for the fact they stated those numbers even with the SEC, they would be committing a federal crime. The likelihood of them continuing the lying for so many years and not getting caught, not to mention the likelihood of them lying to the federal government is extremely small.


Plus they sold ~5 million Cataclysm expansions in the US/EU, that doesn't include the asian players which account for more then half of their player base since Cataclysm hasn't even been released there.


So no, your statement does not stand, it is completely empty, void of anything other then your own skepticism.

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Because I'm sure Rift had the same amount of users trying to get in the first day as a Star Wars MMO right?


Except Rift was free to play until recently, which means everyone and their brother logged in to at least try it out with only 14 bucks on the line. With BW they charge 60 bucks a pop and what, 14 a month? You'd expect a company with that revenue stream to know what the fudge they are doing at launch.

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One could probably be skeptical if it wasn't for the fact they stated those numbers even with the SEC, they would be committing a federal crime. The likelihood of them continuing the lying for so many years and not getting caught, not to mention the likelihood of them lying to the federal government is extremely small.


Plus they sold ~5 million Cataclysm expansions in the US/EU, that doesn't include the asian players which account for more then half of their player base since Cataclysm hasn't even been released there.


So no, your statement does not stand, it is completely empty, void of anything other then your own skepticism.


And... I'm perfectly fine with that, question is, why aren't you?

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The point of my OP is bieng missed here so let me take a different angle here.


Staggering the launch is making it so the people playing right now do not have any queues, lag ect right?


Ok so then on the 15th if they allow all the other pre-orders in or on the 20th when everyone else can join you dont think there will be queues or extremly heavy traffic?


Some early pre-order people get a free couple days to play and several days later the game is not gonna need a bunch of new servers.


It is impossible to start a new mmorpg and not have the problem of servers bieng over flooded and then eventually underpopulated...


Thats what server transfers are for. You let people do it once a week and for free. Im not talking about the greedy and maniuplative 25$ or whatever it costs now transfer model Blizzard uses.

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Just to correct people with some hard facts here.


Rift had a 5 day head start period and had over 1 million people bought the game direct from Trion and over half a million pre ordered through steam. It is estimated that close to 2 million people had the headstart.


Queues were initially 5 hours, then they dropped to 2 hours then by the afternoon were down to 8 minutes after Trion released a number of new servers.


Rift is possibly the best MMO launch to date. SWTOR is clearly tip toeing into the world of MMO's and staggering the head starts tells me they have very little confidence in their ability to cope with the same number of customers that trion did.

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Just to correct people with some hard facts here.


Rift had a 5 day head start period and had over 1 million people bought the game direct from Trion and over half a million pre ordered through steam. It is estimated that close to 2 million people had the headstart.


Queues were initially 5 hours, then they dropped to 2 hours then by the afternoon were down to 8 minutes after Trion released a number of new servers.


Rift is possibly the best MMO launch to date. SWTOR is clearly tip toeing into the world of MMO's and staggering the head starts tells me they have very little confidence in their ability to cope with the same number of customers that trion did.


And since you're caught up on facts, you forgot the fact that you have no idea how SWTORs numbers compare in relation to Rifts. None of us do. But my instinct tells me SWTOR's pre-orders at least doubles Rifts... probably even more than doubles. But that's just a guess... just like everyone one else is doing.

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And since you're caught up on facts, you forgot the fact that you have no idea how SWTORs numbers compare in relation to Rifts. None of us do. But my instinct tells me SWTOR's pre-orders at least doubles Rifts... probably even more than doubles. But that's just a guess... just like everyone one else is doing.


Bioware has also at least the double the budget and manpower.

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This is not a staggered launch.


This is a staggered opening of "Early Access".


The game launches on Dec 20th.


If you buy the game, you will be able to play on "day 1" just like you did Rift.


BRB, max leveled and game hasn't launched. Strong argument.

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And since you're caught up on facts, you forgot the fact that you have no idea how SWTORs numbers compare in relation to Rifts. None of us do. But my instinct tells me SWTOR's pre-orders at least doubles Rifts... probably even more than doubles. But that's just a guess... just like everyone one else is doing.


Ok so double the 5 hour queue and you get... 10 hours! :)


I would not mind waiting 10 hours to be honest. 4 days however...

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Rift has a max of 600k subs total, their admission during an earnings meeting. SWTOR had 2 million beta testers the last tester weekend.


You figure it out.


SR announced that 750,000 signed up for the mass beta weekend and 250,000 was the most logged in at one time.

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Cuz RIFT probably didn't draw like 2 million people with an open beta weekend event. They're doing their best to ensure a quality experience. Besides, launch is on the 20th. This early access is just bonus - and many MMO's have done it before.


2 million for open beta weekend ~250,000 for early access... spot anything wrong with this figure ?

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I played rift the first day. I had no lag and the game ran very smooth the entire time I played. They let the entire community enter at once and the game ran flawlessly all day. Sure there were queues, they got up to 5 hours+ .. thats unavoidable. People simply changed severs. They added new severs all day and playing the game was no problem. Later they opened free transfers so people could move as they pleased.


Letting only a small amount of people in at a time is not neccisary. Also they advartized 5 day early for pre-orders. This means everyone who pre-ordered should be allowed in on the 15th barring any unexpected problems.


The first 2 days will be for early pre-orders only. They didnt NEED to do it this way. They just CHOSE to do it this way. They need to accept the fact that a lot of people will be angy about it for now but will get over it as soon as they can play.


Edit* There seems to be a big contraversy over the numbers of Rift Orders VS. SWTOR... Remember a lot of people digitally purchaced Rift on the first day even. If someone has some real numbers please post them. I do believe Rift had a HUGE amount of players enter at once. Also people keep saying that SWTOR will have no queues. You do not know this for a fact. I don't see how staggaring will avoid the eventual queues on some servers. Again if im wrong provide facts, the trolling,bashing or blindly defending isnt accomplishing anything constructive.


Edit* Staggering a launch is the same exact thing as a queue.... think about it. If this game is so much more popular and has a bigger budget then RIft, well then they should be able to afford more servers correct? The thesis to my post is simple. It can be done different then they chose to do it.


Edit* It is impossible to start a new mmorpg and not have the problem of servers bieng over flooded and then eventually underpopulated...Thats what server transfers are for. You let people do it once a week and for free.


well, i agree almost with everything ...and adding quote: If the servers can't handle it now, what the hell are they going to do on the 20th? This is what I don't understand. Staggering is just delaying the inevitable.

Edited by Dogblaster
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Except Rift was free to play until recently, which means everyone and their brother logged in to at least try it out with only 14 bucks on the line. With BW they charge 60 bucks a pop and what, 14 a month? You'd expect a company with that revenue stream to know what the fudge they are doing at launch.


Rift was never free to play.

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