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Rift launched in 1 day why cant you?


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One thing Rift did that Bioware can take some lessons from is that they stayed in constant contact with the community. They were always posting updates and how long servers were down through their Facebook, answered questions and concerns quickly. Say what you will about the game but their customer service outshines all the others.


so does bioware, you should sign up for twitter we were being kept up to date non stop on when waves were sent, when the bonus wave was added, etc

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No one is thinking about this logically, regardless of what you think about Rift a small company did what BW and it's massive resources can't do.


First impressions matter, and BW is basically giving the finger to all the people who are buying their game.


If a free to play MMO can launch to everyone, BW could have.

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My problem with the way they are doing the early access is if you didnt order the game the hour it was available for purchase you didnt get in the first wave (which i didnt) and the name (Dravin) which i used for over a year in beta and on these forums was gone the first hour servers came up (i asked a friend in the first wave to reserve the name).


This to me is more annoying then waiting an extra day or two to get in-game. They could have atleast allowed pre-order/beta tester name reservations.


As far as Rift goes, they had over a million hits on the first day, im sure sw:tor will be more, I just wish they have have taken into consideration name reservations as some sort of gift for beta testing.


Aion had name reservations for instance ... you were allowed to make character before you could play

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well, i agree almost with everything ...and adding quote: If the servers can't handle it now, what the hell are they going to do on the 20th? This is what I don't understand. Staggering is just delaying the inevitable.




There is no reason for staggering the early access, other than pissing customers off. On launch there will be a stress test (on the 20th) according to their own definition of what a stress test is (read: letting everyone in at once).


How in the hell is staggering early access going to do a damned thing for them that they haven't already seen with the ~1mil people for the last few beta test weekends?

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There is no reason for staggering the early access, other than pissing customers off. On launch there will be a stress test (on the 20th) according to their own definition of what a stress test is (read: letting everyone in at once).


How in the hell is staggering early access going to do a damned thing for them that they haven't already seen with the ~1mil people for the last few beta test weekends?


Staggered start isn't supposed to be a stress test, read the stickies or any of the thousand threads explaining this.

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I get when you stagger access to some amusement park or something, because people leave in few hours and never come back :)




Stagger launch of the game because of queue and server stability, what **** idea is this? No matter what, sooner or later EVERYONE will be IN and there will be QUEUES and LAGS


IF Servers cant handle now, how the hell they can handle in few days????

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Staggered start isn't supposed to be a stress test, read the stickies or any of the thousand threads explaining this.


That is my point, and you have a severe case of reading comprehension failure.




HOW IN THE HELL does the staggering of early access do ANYTHING to stop the "STRESS TEST" that is launch on the 20th?

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Rift had 2million accounts by the end of the first month. I'm not positive how many were there for the release, but it was far larger then who are playing SWTOR right now.


The people saying that it had 9 hour queues are cherry-picking that number. The vast majority of the servers had little to no queues. The problem was everyone picked the very first servers to roll on. And refused to reroll, even if they could regain the levels they already had in the time they would have saved from not waiting in a queue. People want to be on the most populated server though.


I'll look for some hard numbers, but I'm fairly certain i remember reading them say something in the range of 750,000 users when they opened up their last bunch of servers on release night.


Also, the website might say the release is the 20th, but anyone who has ever played a MMO before knows that the release starts the day the first character that isn't getting wiped is created. That was this morning.


Say what you will about Rift, but it is currently the most steady MMO out there. WoW is shedding Accounts in the millions right now. They officially said they lost 2 million in the last 2 years. I can only imagine what their real day to day numbers are doing.

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Just saying, you everybody can join the first day... it starts on the 20th... last i checked THIS IS EARLY ACCESS NOT RELEASE.




Just saying, early access being provided to a select few (5-10%) of the paying pre-order customers is a first for any mmo - every mmo that has had early access (read: EVERY ONE SINCE WOW) has allowed all pre-order customers to access the servers from day 1 of early access.


Just saying, I paid a $5 premium on Origin for a pre-order.... *** was that $5 premium for, the 'right' to use Origin?

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Rift never passed 1 mil subscribers at its peak, let alone at launch.


Just saying:









http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-1.png (1mil +)

http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-2.png (150k-1mil)


Notice that Rift at launch was 600k subs.


600k is triple the number of players that were allowed early access today.

Edited by Catreina
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Rift was not flawless on its launch day, and that was not even all of the population. A good many of us had early access which was not perfect either.


But the whole point to this is that Rift had 50k pre-order in early access. SW:TOR has 900k pre-orders not counting the roughly 2 million digital.


There is no comparison to be made.


Stagger the player logins, measure the load, then add servers if needed.

Edited by Jurav
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Rift was not flawless on its launch day, and that was not even all of the population. A good many of us had early access which was not perfect either.


But the whole point to this is that Rift had 50k pre-order in early access. SW:TOR has 900k pre-orders not counting the roughly 2 million digital.


There is no comparison to be made.


Stagger the player logins, measure the load, then add servers if needed.



I agree, except for one thing


Do not stagger player logins while at the same time stopping the addition of new players for 19 hours after the first day and roughly 150k players. Add players consistently and constantly, not for 4 hours one day, and then stop. That is just absurd, no matter how you look at it or try to justify it.

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Just saying, early access being provided to a select few (5-10%) of the paying pre-order customers is a first for any mmo - every mmo that has had early access (read: EVERY ONE SINCE WOW) has allowed all pre-order customers to access the servers from day 1 of early access.


Just saying, I paid a $5 premium on Origin for a pre-order.... *** was that $5 premium for, the 'right' to use Origin?


you didnt pay an EXTRA $5, that $5 comes off the final total


this is the same way it works in every retail store you can pre order from:


walk into a best buy or game stop in the real world and pre order, you put $5 down. if you cancel you get it back, if you complete the order, the $5 comes off the total final price, and thats for ALL game pre orders, not just star wars, including single player ones where you arent even always getting anything at all for pre ordering (though sometimes you get bonuses)


its not an additional $5 premium as you claim

Edited by Kunovega
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I played rift the first day. I had no lag and the game ran very smooth the entire time I played. They let the entire community enter at once and the game ran flawlessly all day. Sure there were queues, they got up to 5 hours+ .. thats unavoidable. People simply changed severs. They added new severs all day and playing the game was no problem. Later they opened free transfers so people could move as they pleased.


Because of all the empty servers, yay!

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I agree, except for one thing


Do not stagger player logins while at the same time stopping the addition of new players for 19 hours after the first day and roughly 150k players. Add players consistently and constantly, not for 4 hours one day, and then stop. That is just absurd, no matter how you look at it or try to justify it.


Yeah, I am not sure why they stopped the waves. I am sure there is a reason for it though.


I trust Bioware. they have not failed me on any game yet. From Baldur's Gate to Mass Effect 2.


I have faith they will not fail us here either.

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You cant hold Bioware to Trion's standard. They are happy they got out 5 whole waves out in one day. Bioware has set the bar low so that ya'll will be happy. What the customers of SWTOR got was subpar to what MMO communites normally expect. Comparing the SWTOR launch to RIFT's launch is like trying to compare the special olympics to the real olympics.


A bunch of running around, not much done, with a bunch of hype that amounts to nothing. But, all the fanbois will line up to poke their eyes out while telling you how much they love it.



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Rift had huge probelms the first day, EVERY MMO has had problems the first day. Even World of Warcraft has realm problems the 1st day. BioWare is doing a very smart thing and pple just gotta suck it up and wait like i am, I never expected to get into today anyway. I accomplished many things to while pple were hitting the F5 button all day.
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Rift had a quite substantial amount of pre-orders despite what you assume


not compaired to this game .. I remember when trion announced just over 1 million accounts created ( not preorders or games sold) these were the accounts created to attempt to get acccess to beta ( 3 of those accounts were mine and I never pre ordered or purchased the game muah hahah .. in ya FACE!!!!)


SWTOR has nearly 1 million pre orders through US retailers only ( does not include Amazon.com or Origins.com).. worldwide probably puts them close to 4 million or more

these are jsut preorders .. does not include those who will purchase the dy of or after official launch .. sorry, but Rift aint got nothin on this game

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