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Why play a sorcerer/sage healer anymore?


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This is my experience lately:


I am almost always the first person focused on in warzones and ALWAYS the first one in arenas.


Can't run because you are either knocked down by the stealths or stunned and or immobilized by the jumpers.


I can put up my 10 second immunity bubble, but that just stalls the inevitable. They just sit there waiting for it to end and stun you all over again and now are dead.


Resolve don't mean crap when almost all abilities need to be channeled and are easily interrupted.


When I am somewhat able to survive and get some heals off, usually by this point I have to burst heal, it burns through the force very quickly. To recharge I have to injure myself? and for very little recovery? Really?!? I swear it seems that a lot of my healing is done to recover from the damn consumption. Can't heal others if I have to heal myself also.


I am in full augmented Obroan and even with the stupid bubble up, I am getting critted for ridiculous amounts. Highest I have seen(there probably was higher) was 10.5k. So does this mean that they are really hitting me for around 16k to 17k? Isn't there a PvP damage reduction with full expertise? What the hell is the bubble absorbing?


What the hell is wrong with the knockback? Half the time it doesn't go off for 2 to 3 seconds after I hit the button. By then the person is outside the knockback zone and doesn't knock them back at all or along the path I intended to knock them back.


The only way I can barely survive is if I am guarded. This generally doesn't happen because either there are no guards or most would rather guard the operative healer(I don't blame them).


It really sucks that this spec really has no usefulness compared to other classes. At this point, I feel sorry for the teams I am on. Can I respec into a dps class? Sure but I don't want to or should have to. I do have some decent rounds and are usually near the top of the medal chart, heck, I think I am on the winning team about 40% of the time. Basically, it is not fun playing the kid that gets picked on all the time.


So why is the sorcerer/sage light armor? To be able to move around easier? Run from the fight to survive? Neither of those can we do very well. We have to stand still to cast our heals. When we use our force run, it is usually interrupted but only lasts 3 seconds anyway which is no where near long enough to get out of range for most abilities and even then the jumpers are right back on top of you and the snipers/operatives roll past you!!! Only if there were some cover for the sorcerer so they were able to lose line of sight. Not much of that in any of the warzones.


I will take this time to officially apologize to my future teammates in warzones. I will continue to play my healer because that is what I like to do and what I have invested my time into.


Come on Bioware. Scale back on the crowd control crap and let us play the game.

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and thats why i stopped playing my Sorc about 2 months into Live, as people are far too interested in "ooh look at my dps numbers and K/D" and not bothered about team play.

i play my Jugg almost exclusively and people always compliment me on my Guard-ing.. well duh, ive played healer mains for over 10 years i know how this one ends


but yea, get a pet tank, or 2, and burn some faces off.. solo healers = free kill sadly

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Trying to play casually but yeah you REALLY REALLY need to have that pocket protector. Like you said, who wants to play that? Most just want to kill stuff. It is a pain in the *** with some guilds too. Either you have to be hardcore or the casual ones only seem to last a few months. Been in 6 different ones since launch. Bioware hates the solo casual player!!!
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no point. Even if you were as survivable as a op healer you still wouldn't have the CC and utility of the other healing options.


Now if they only let us use some of the PVE abilities like Revive in a warzone. Kinda wish our pull worked on the enemy also. It is useless except for Huttball and maybe Ancient Hypergate.

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Well, I have played a lot of Arenas and WZ and I must say Sorc healer isn't that bad :D Yeah, it harder to heal but when you learn certain things you can do reasonable heals in both WZ and Arena, though in Arena it too hard to do that. Now everyone says that Sorc healer has no usefull things for team - that not true. You have bubbles very nice AOE heal and pull. The last one is very usefull in right hand of good Sorc. So stop crying and learn how to play :) I agree that you can't be as good as top Operatives but you can do as much heals as average Oper for sure.
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Thats the problem. At the moment if you are anything but an operative/scoundrel healer all you are doing gimping your team.


Quite literally it is just stupid to heal in PVP if you aren't an operative or scoundrel, you will just be a free kill and make no difference to the outcome of the WZ.


Hell I know from experience, when I DPS on my sage and see a sorc healing I kill it instantly simply because it's just a free kill, every heal we have is so easily interruptible a monkey could do it.


And please don't even tell me about the bubble when people are hitting 8-10k while I have max pvp gear then that bubble isn't worth a damn.

Edited by RTCBrad
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That's not true :\ in WZ I made more heals than Operatives on my Sorc, but again it's because I've played a lot of Arena and have more expierence when I'm been focused. And definitely good Sorc isn't free kill for anyone ^_^ I don't know how you can be killed fast with 10k instant heal + medpack + barrier + escape run 0_o
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Thats the problem. At the moment if you are anything but an operative/scoundrel healer all you are doing gimping your team.


Quite literally it is just stupid to heal in PVP if you aren't an operative or scoundrel, you will just be a free kill and make no difference to the outcome of the WZ.


Hell I know from experience, when I DPS on my sage and see a sorc healing I kill it instantly simply because it's just a free kill, every heal we have is so easily interruptible a monkey could do it.


And please don't even tell me about the bubble when people are hitting 8-10k while I have max pvp gear then that bubble isn't worth a damn.


Your argument would be valid if you said arenas, however generalizing it to apply to 8v8 as well is obviously false. Under direct heavy focus fire they're so much easier to shut down, sure - but you would never be able to kill me in a 8v8 setting a la 1v1 if I was healing. Simply too much LoS and teammates to hide behind.


But again, doesnt matter, we're not best at anything, a mediocre class, unforunately... Being the easiest class in the game to kill doesnt make it better

Edited by AdamLKvist
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Your argument would be valid if you said arenas, however generalizing it to apply to 8v8 as well is obviously false. Under direct heavy focus fire they're so much easier to shut down, sure - but you would never be able to kill me in a 8v8 setting a la 1v1 if I was healing. Simply too much LoS and teammates to hide behind.


But again, doesnt matter, we're not best at anything, a mediocre class, unforunately... Being the easiest class in the game to kill doesnt make it better


True if a sorc is smart enough to use los and etc then yes I couldn't solo dps it down, but I could definitely make him put a fair chunk of his healing attention on himself. Sadly a lot of sorc healers don't do that, the average pug sorc healer is just canon fodder.


I very rarely heal warzones now unless we get a few matches in a row with no healer. 8 times out of 10 you get focussed by 3 smashers, then its game over. The herpaderp republic players of TOFN don't quite understand if you leave the healer to tank an army of dps without them being peeled that healer will die. That's especially the case with sage healers more than 2 people on you and you'll be lucky to cast anything if they know what they are doing.

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Under direct heavy focus fire they're so much easier to shut down, sure - but you would never be able to kill me in a 8v8 setting a la 1v1 if I was healing. Simply too much LoS and teammates to hide behind.


And in an non-team zergfest environment ?


And in OPVP, too ?


An Healer Sage without a Team protecting him is an easy kill. Partly because of that light armor. And people know that.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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And in an non-team zergfest environment ?


And in OPVP, too ?


An Healer Sage without a Team protecting him is an easy kill. Partly because of that light armor. And people know that.


Stop making my answer into something its not and back down. A sage is not an easy kill in a 1o1, the problem with sage in arena is not primarily that its squishy its that its way too cast dependant - there's simply no reason to bring one over an op. Surely defenses count as well, but no...


You just took a reply that mentioned 1o1 and made it into zergfest... opvp??? Please read before replying! ;)

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Sage/sorc healing i really enjoy in 8v8. Energy management is a challenge compared to scoundrel/operative but they can put out the numbers tbh.. and the survivability in 8v8 i think is fine. In arenas they fail because everyone can target you from the get go and under focus we arent as good as a scoundrel/operative since most of our abilitys are channels, we dont have cds (except bubble) plus scoundrel/ops also have stealth so people can't target you right off the bat..


In 8v8 with the right positioning its a lot easier to go unnoticed as a sage/sorc healer than in an arena and our kiting tools against 1 or 2 dps are IMO still very good. The root break on force speed is amazing.. the insta self heal in current gear crits for 10-12k.. i've had a 13k with bloodthirst..

Edited by AngusFTW
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leap is the problem as it negates any possible range advantage (wich they are build around) completly.


30m range - same as leap

started a spell at 30m to have a dmg advantage - negated by the rupt component of leap you actually end in a dmg disadvantage as your dmg is supressed (aka rupted) while he is doing up to 5k...

see your enemy coming and try to kite to keep distance - negated by the root and snare component (spec dependant)


and so on...

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Now if they only let us use some of the PVE abilities like Revive in a warzone. Kinda wish our pull worked on the enemy also. It is useless except for Huttball and maybe Ancient Hypergate.


Reviving / Resurrection are both usable in PvP warzones. Me and my guild used it all the time on the harbinger, it's really good for voidstar when they've come through the first door(also extricating people back over the gap is good too). If you're going to complain at least know what the hell you're talking about.

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Well, I have played a lot of Arenas and WZ and I must say Sorc healer isn't that bad :D Yeah, it harder to heal but when you learn certain things you can do reasonable heals in both WZ and Arena, though in Arena it too hard to do that. Now everyone says that Sorc healer has no usefull things for team - that not true. You have bubbles very nice AOE heal and pull. The last one is very usefull in right hand of good Sorc. So stop crying and learn how to play :) I agree that you can't be as good as top Operatives but you can do as much heals as average Oper for sure.


It clearly pays off to play like a pro just to be able to get the same results of a mediocre <enter other class name here>. Isn't it?

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leap is the problem as it negates any possible range advantage (wich they are build around) completly.


30m range - same as leap

started a spell at 30m to have a dmg advantage - negated by the rupt component of leap you actually end in a dmg disadvantage as your dmg is supressed (aka rupted) while he is doing up to 5k...

see your enemy coming and try to kite to keep distance - negated by the root and snare component (spec dependant)


and so on...


Agreed, their gap closer is supposed to be only that, the ability to close a gap. The auto interrupt and root is too much.

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Sage/sorc healers are not worth playing in pvp, neither are sniper/gunslingers. (See if you can find one on the leaderboards).

What some people are doing though, is taking advantage of the lame arena system with hybrid sage/sorcs that can dps and heal. Bioware was so concerned about PT hybrids they totally forgot about them, along with of course scon/ops hybrids and jugg/gaurd hybrids.

The name of the game is to get with a few other players to be able to premade and sync queue and take advantage of the loopholes in the system. This is called pvp.

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What some people are doing though, is taking advantage of the lame arena system with hybrid sage/sorcs that can dps and heal. Bioware was so concerned about PT hybrids they totally forgot about them, along with of course scon/ops hybrids and jugg/gaurd hybrids.


The only viable spec for sorcs is madness. I don't know of any decent hybrids that work for sorcs. But if there is one, please post it and I will definitely try it out.

Edited by sithBracer
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The only viable spec for sorcs is madness. I don't know of any decent hybrids that work for sorcs. But if there is one, please post it and I will definitely try it out.


the defensive hybrid with kb-root and stunbubble and all worthwhile gimmicks of the balance tree but the 36 talent.

great for surviving, and everything but t tkt procced to be instand.


Edited by Tankqull
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the defensive hybrid with kb-root and stunbubble and all worthwhile gimmicks of the balance tree but the 36 talent.

great for surviving, and everything but t tkt procced to be instand.



I will try it out, but it seems to lack the burst of the lightning tree and the extra damage caused by dots in the madness tree. It kind of renders the force in balance/death field useless since you don't get the extra burst nor the extra DoT damage from it.


But either way, this has nothing to do with healing. He was talking about a healing hybrid which counts as a dps in solo ranked.

Edited by sithBracer
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