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Can Rail Guns actually kill mines/drones?


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I've played a couple of matches trying to shoot them down with my rail guns and no matter how zoomed in and how dead on it looks to me, I can never hit them.


Can you actully hit them with rail guns or not?


Yes, but you have to be DEAD CENTER on their icon. i mean like between the >< on the icon that looks something like


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The drones are so tiny that at 15k range it is almost impossible to hit without a super high resolution screen and a good mouse. (ive got a 1080p 26" monitor and a SWTOR razer mouse and have problems...)

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The drones are so tiny that at 15k range it is almost impossible to hit without a super high resolution screen and a good mouse. (ive got a 1080p 26" monitor and a SWTOR razer mouse and have problems...)


Mousewheel in (zoom) while scoping. You're welcome.

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The Ion AOE does in-fact POP mines and drones quite well. A full-charge will take care of most things, a 2nd full charge on any target nearby will take care of the rest. While counter-intuitive Ion guns are absolutely the way to take out mines. Rarely is there only a single target in range of the AOE. And if it IS just one target? it isn't worth shooting.
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Best counter I've found for bombers and their toys are heavy lasers. I cleared a bomber all turtled up on a sat yesterday while flying solo with my starguard. Took me a while but I got it done. You really have to manage your range well but I find it easy to target drones and mines with heavy lasers.


EDIT: I rarely fly a GS.

Edited by -Streven-
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Or you could fly in with your NovaDive (which every single player has access to) straight into the middle of the mine field, pop your EMP Field, then melt the bomber with your choice of blasters. It requires just the requisition to purchase the system ability EMP Field, which I got after my first match yesterday (so combined with the intro to GSF quest, should be available to everyone). Very little investment for a great reward!
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