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Active Ship List


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So up until the recent release of bombers there haven't really been enough ships to make selecting your "Active 5" much of a debate. With only 6 different ship variants (discounting cosmetic variants) and one of the gunships being a waste of space, I rarely saw anyone with five ships that didn't have two scouts, two strikes and a gunship.


Now, though, we have 8 distinctly different ship types, most with a cosmetic variant which could be used to allow multiple configurations. To add to that, we now have two distinctly different game modes which require a different approach.


This has me debating which five ships I want configured and available when queuing, and how I intend to use them. It also has me wondering what other players may do. So with that in mind, here's my five. Share yours! (Or make fun of mine if you want, it's all good.)




  1. Flashfire - Configured for pure dogfighting - It's still my favorite ship, and will be my primary in TDM and when I need a dogfighter or GS hunter in Domination.
  2. Nova Dive - Specifically geared for sat capture in domination.
  3. Pike - Heavy node clearer for those particularly well defended satellites.
  4. Warcarrier (or possibly the Rampart) - Node defender and (if I can get a partner) trap setter in TDM.
  5. Quarrel - Because I will eventually learn how to pilot a gunship effectively instead of simply being a large target for the enemy like I am every time I hop behind the seat now... (Really, I will.)


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1 Base Gunship as my fallback ship, great at clearing nodes, capping nodes, guarding nodes and excellent at TDM.

2 Daily Cannon Strike Fighter/Cartel Gunship (glass gun variant)/Mine Bomber

3 Daily Missile Strike Fighter/Glass Gun Gunship/Drone Bomber

4 Speed Scout/Daily Drone Bomber

5 Heavy Hitter Scout as a fallback to solo cap nodes quickly in a losing game.


So I change ships regularly between matches and try to keep a diverse selection available to counter enemy compositions.


As an aside...I generally suck at flying scouts, only manage around 30k damage in those in most games :(

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