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ANNI Actions Rotation


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Only 35 atm so I don't have Annihilate, but here's my rotation (assuming no Rage or Fury built up)



Charge > Deadly Sabers > Battering Assault > Rupture > Ravage


Then my priority is:


Deadly Sabers

Battering Assault


Vicious Slash






Obviously on longer fights I'm using Berserk. Smash for group fights. Cloak of Pain if I'm taking damage.



Charge > Rupture > Battering Assault > Deadly Sabers > Vicious Slash


That's sort of my opener. I rarely get to use Ravage, and I'll use Smash only if there's 3+ guys around me. Once again, Cloak of Pain if they are targeting me... etc.

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lvl 45 marauder leveling:


So after a couple of days of leveling I must say I do quite like the class. Annihilation is a nice tree, although I have to accept that a perfect rotation is impossible to achieve. An awkward situation occurs where you have to wait 2 globals in order to prevent deadly saber from dropping off. However, by not using those globals you are losing damage anyway, so it's just not worth it. Instead we end up with a pretty simple priority list:


Ravage when ready ofcourse. But other than that.


1. Deadly Saber

2. Rupture if not clipping

3. Annihilation

4. Vicious Slash


5. appropriate rage builder. Ideally you want to be floating around 8-10 rage as sometimes you need to chain the top 3 spells with no builder in between.

Use berserk for the self heal and use cloak whenever it's ready to reduce downtime.

The rotation will be awkward until you get the talent that gives bleeds a chance to give rage, but after that point you'll never be rage starved.


Important note: USE QUINN! He's the best companion by far for leveling.

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2. Rupture if not clipping


Okay, I'm going to say it like I know for sure... because I'm pretty sure, but feel free to tell me I'm being an idiot. :D


But rupture doesn't clip. That's the point of Annihilate and VS... if you get really lucky and do Anni/VS right after a rupture, and it triggers a reset of the CD on Rupture, you can do it again and how that mob has 2 rupture ticking.


Assuming you somehow had an amazing amount of Rage it should look like this:


0 - Rupture

1.5 - VS (Rupture #1 bleed up for 4.5 secs left)

3 - Rupture #2 (Rupture #1 bleed up for 3 secs left)

4.5 - VS (Rupture #1 - 1.5 secs, Rupture #2 - 4.5 secs)

6 - Rupture #3 (Rupture #1 finishes it's last tick, #2 - 3 secs left)


So, if all the stars aligned and somehow had infinite rage you would always have 2 Rupture's ticking, not including your Deadly Saber dot.


Of course... that almost never happens as you have to use other abilities.

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lvl 45 marauder leveling:


So after a couple of days of leveling I must say I do quite like the class. Annihilation is a nice tree, although I have to accept that a perfect rotation is impossible to achieve. An awkward situation occurs where you have to wait 2 globals in order to prevent deadly saber from dropping off. However, by not using those globals you are losing damage anyway, so it's just not worth it. Instead we end up with a pretty simple priority list:


Ravage when ready ofcourse. But other than that.


1. Deadly Saber

2. Rupture if not clipping

3. Annihilation

4. Vicious Slash


5. appropriate rage builder. Ideally you want to be floating around 8-10 rage as sometimes you need to chain the top 3 spells with no builder in between.

Use berserk for the self heal and use cloak whenever it's ready to reduce downtime.

The rotation will be awkward until you get the talent that gives bleeds a chance to give rage, but after that point you'll never be rage starved.


Important note: USE QUINN! He's the best companion by far for leveling.


Based on what another forum poster said (earlier thread on the matter), using Deadly Saber again while the original is still active will actually apply a second debuff stack, not refresh and keep the original at 3. As a result, it's probably not worth trying to maximize the length of your Deadly Saber debuffs, since the rotation needed to do so may hurt your DPS more than the damage you gain from drawing out the first two stacks as long as possible.


Once I heard that, I stopped worrying about it and started focusing more on a simple priority of abilities, similar to what the 2nd poster listed. It's a lot less of a headache for me, and I'm still destroying things (actually probably better now than before) :p

Edited by Chrystolis
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Please test before posting.


1. Rupture DOES clip. Confirmed ingame by myself multiple times.


2. Deadly Saber DOES refresh if used again before it runs out. I was able to keep the same stack on my targer for 3 cycles by simply using deadly saber and assault.



EDIT: The Pulverize talent runs on a 6s cd. So you're even more wrong

Edited by fawxz
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Only 35 atm so I don't have Annihilate, but here's my rotation (assuming no Rage or Fury built up)



Charge > Deadly Sabers > Battering Assault > Rupture > Ravage


Then my priority is:


Deadly Sabers

Battering Assault


Vicious Slash






Obviously on longer fights I'm using Berserk. Smash for group fights. Cloak of Pain if I'm taking damage.



Charge > Rupture > Battering Assault > Deadly Sabers > Vicious Slash


That's sort of my opener. I rarely get to use Ravage, and I'll use Smash only if there's 3+ guys around me. Once again, Cloak of Pain if they are targeting me... etc.




i do this in pve

Charge > Deadly Sabers > Battering Assault > Rupture > Ravage > Vicious slash/ Foucescteam



i tryed this in pvp Charge > Rupture > Battering Assault > Deadly Sabers > Vicious Slash

works nice .. for useing Ravage in pvp... only works when fighting other meleee.. that don't run to much


and ofc i use my Chocker in pvp .. its so cool



and i am 32

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Please test before posting.


1. Rupture DOES clip. Confirmed ingame by myself multiple times.


2. Deadly Saber DOES refresh if used again before it runs out. I was able to keep the same stack on my targer for 3 cycles by simply using deadly saber and assault.



EDIT: The Pulverize talent runs on a 6s cd. So you're even more wrong


This is all correct, I'm currently level 43 with an enormous background as a melee dps and I can confirm this for truth. No dot has ever been able to be applied twice as separate dots by the same person in any game save the recent legendary staff proc on wow.

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So no one works in Scream or Smash into their rotation?


Thanks in advance!


Once I hit 40 and got annihilate force scream got unhotkeyed up until then I used it the odd time but rarely. It shouldn't be in your rotation as annihilation at best it wil be a 10m range pvp finisher IMO.


Smash is still hotkeyed but it is only there for its aoe stun to weak mobs. Again I wouldnt be looking at this is a rotational skill.


As others have said annihilation should look like this at 50:








If you put points into force leap giving 4 rage then you can do the above to open. If you don't you will be one gcd behind building rage unless you rng and get a bleed rage tick.


Once combat is going it's not as much rotational as reactive. Keep rage high enough to saber, rupture, interrupt and annihilate in a short time. I find annihilation gets a tun of rage if you relax and let it flow you can keep on top of everything. If you burn rage randomly dps can go down hard.

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Thanks for all the feedback. So Cloak of Pain should always be used as well, correct? All the while in Juyo stance?


You should always be using Juyo stance with this spec.


Cloak of Pain ... shrug. Don't be stingy with it, but don't waste it. It should theoretically be your most common defensive cooldown in general.

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