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I didn't thing GS could be MORE unbalanced.


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During Preferred Access... sure, gunships were overpowered... things were weirdly not focused on dogfighting and focused on ship building and turret making for fun point-and-click adventures (i.e. as a gunship, you point at something, then click until they die).


But man... now Starfighter matches are basically Deathmatch Gunship matches and Domination Bomber matches.


Who playtested this stuff?

Edited by SavingPrincess
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Prepare for the "It's you not the game/L2P" posts.


Oh I know, this ain't my first rodeo.


But when gunships have 47 out of the 50 kills in a pug'd deathmatch... you think that would mean something. I can rack 'em up too from my end with a gunship... but it's not dogfighting. It's not "Galactic Starfighter" it's "which gunship can pick off the most non-gunships first?"


Let me clarify. I can absolutely DOMINATE with a gunship... it's simple. So at that, people would be like "Well then just do that?" ... but that's under the assumption that the only reason to play is to get the higher number than the other team.


See, I have a lot more "fun" playing matches where most of the ships are scouts and fighters... because to me, that's the essence of what this part of the game is about... dogfighing; out maneuvering your opponent, getting that well timed shot... that gratifying missile lock. The ships that dogfight simply cannot contend anymore; not with the introduction of bombers into Domination matches and the dominance of gunships in Deathmatches. This renders these classes completely worthless and it becomes a question of which team has more bombers/gunships.


It's just not fun.

Edited by SavingPrincess
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i'm actually gonna have to agree for once... i played a match last night where 2 Gunships were Spawn Camping... literally, one to the east against some rocks facing the North Spawn Point and another between the North and South Spawn Points... my entire team did not get one single kill, why? we couldn't leave our Capital Ships for more than a few feet out, we couldn't get in range fast enough to do anything... the Gunships would Ion blast us and the Strikes would mop up... that's not a beating, that's a slaughter, complete with chute... they were literally shooting fish in a barrel... i had done several Deathmatches yesterday and had a blast with it, win or lose, but it ceased being fun when i couldn't even leave the Capitol Ship... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Now, with a bomber, you could go backwards a little from spawn ship, take long way around behind the campers, set new spawn point and come at them from behind.


But tbh, matches like that sometimes occur in any instanced pvp environment, no matter the game, no matter the balance nature of the system. Its not really feasible to cast judgement on the viablity of the current rule set based on these rare occurences.

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I really dont get why you all seem to not get it!


It really is you. I primarily play the gunship, fully loaded and believe me, I get my kill numbers a good amount of the time. But there are far more than enough scouts and fighters (who know what they are doing) that keep me running and kill me plenty!


You simply have to know how to play! Gunships are not overpowered for their role, period! They are actually very easy to kill.....IF you know what you are doing.


So, for the last time ppl....STOP WHINING about how much you get killed and simply learn how to fly/fight!!!

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yeah cause converging fire from mutiple directions is the fault of the lone pilot... i'm not complaining about gunships, they have their place, but to have multiples camping the spawn points seems a bit overkill... i will find a way to combat it, but i still don't have to like a tactic that literally shuts the game down for the other team... my big problem at the moment is i can't target one without having 3 more target me... it's like i have a big neon KOS target over my ship...
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and come hell or high water, imma figure out a way to get them... after the match it was easy to see which ones were working in unison as ones kill count was the same as the others assist and vise-versa, which indicates a focus-fire effort... imma keep note of these individuals and find a way to disrupt their camping scheme... i suggest others take note of individuals that work in tandem spawn camping and do the same, we have to discourage such a distasteful tactic... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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I really dont get why you all seem to not get it!


It really is you. I primarily play the gunship, fully loaded and believe me, I get my kill numbers a good amount of the time. But there are far more than enough scouts and fighters (who know what they are doing) that keep me running and kill me plenty!


You simply have to know how to play! Gunships are not overpowered for their role, period! They are actually very easy to kill.....IF you know what you are doing.


So, for the last time ppl....STOP WHINING about how much you get killed and simply learn how to fly/fight!!!


Okay, so tell me, are you NOT consistently at the top of the K/D ratio in every match you play? Have you ever seen a scout at the top? Just because a ship can occasionally "scare you" doesn't mean they are balanced. It means "aww crap... I have to hit barrel roll, fly behind this asteroid for a second and recharge, then get a good single rail shot and take out the scout that's chasing me.


I do both sides. I can camp and snipe people and climb the top of the K/D charts easy. Or I can hop in my Sting, and unload my entire payload on a geared gunship as they laugh at me and blast me out of the sky with one shot. It's not whining... some of us have been playing games long enough to instantly recognize when something is broken. I know it's broken because I can exploit it. Dominating a deathmatch with gunships is EASY. I am not complaining about losing...


Again... I am not complaining about losing, I am complaining about WINNING. It should not be this easy to dominate with a gunship and should not be so impossible to counter.

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Use a scout and make sharp turns while attacking them. Once your in range they are toast.

Also use a Strike Fighter and get behind the gunships.

It's not that hard to counter them.


yeeeah... i use a scout exclusively, i use that tactic often, it did not work against co-ordinated Gunships Spawn Camping... any other bright ideas?..

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gsf is the most balenced pvp ive seen in a LONG time.


I play all the ships and pritty damn good with all them and play some in more unique rolls that serious annoys the enemy when i have zero chance of winning.


On a gunship i too can rack out some serious good numbers but i play as part of a team normally in pug groups, ill back up the scouts, strikers etc so they can do their job while i get the attention. as a gunship i also have no problems taking other good gunships out.


As a scout i cap, detroy turrets, take gunships out all with ease.


i even have a unmodified gunship and a unmodified scout i use for pure fun when i blow experienced fully modified ships to pieces, but if its not balenced how is this possible? its because it is very balenced, not perfect but damn close and skill matters 1st and foremost.


And most times people cry one shotted normally is more than one person working together that hit at same time not actually that frequent people get one shotted unless we get a crit and they havnt invested mods yet and dont know what they doing.

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lol, i'll agree matty, as i don't cry one-shot ever... i'm fully aware that i'm being hit by multiple aggressors and how many and where from as i know how to read the screen, and usually backed up by my team mates with comments like "wow, they were all over you"... so yeah one-shots don't happen, focus-fire on the other hand...
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lol, i'll agree matty, as i don't cry one-shot ever... i'm fully aware that i'm being hit by multiple aggressors and how many and where from as i know how to read the screen, and usually backed up by my team mates with comments like "wow, they were all over you"... so yeah one-shots don't happen, focus-fire on the other hand...


lol yeah know what you mean, on red eclipse if i see any regulars i normally find im focused fire ALOT, i can have some games i spend whole match with same 1 or 2 guys killing me chasing me etc lol where i take plessure in this is inbetween being chased ill double back kill one of there team or take all 3 turrets out on a base driving them even more insane with fury for me lol


i love this gsf pvp can have some real fun even in aweful matches as apose to ground pvp those aweful games took it out of you, space pvp it can still be fun :)

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As someone who just started, have done 10 matches or so, I don't find it unbalanced at all really. Yeah, gunships are nasty but if they don't have any support they are pretty easy to take out.


My biggest grievance is the gap between newbies and veterans in pure stats of ships. I understand and like that it's there, but at the same time, when you're up against too many people with fully upped ships it becomes pointless because, while you can certainly put up a fight, I don't think many people understand how to actually fight in GSF at the moment.


I usually fly a striker as I've been a dogfighter since XvT and played all sorts of space sims, so it took me maybe 2 matches to figure what does what and how but I see people just... I don't know, aimlessly zooming about.

Edited by Jandi
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Or I can hop in my Sting, and unload my entire payload on a geared gunship as they laugh at me and blast me out of the sky with one shot.


Your doing ti wrong.


Nah but really though. My advice is dont go head to head come in from the side or behind. Hold fire to your within 2k meters then power to weapons and fire in tandem with rockets. This will melt them pretty quickly. If they barrel roll away... Well you have one too.


Overall gunships are in a decent spot.


That being said i have huge issues with ion-cannon, and i think it's overpowered. That is a topic for another thread.

Edited by Flearos
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If the gunships are dominating that's the fault of exactly _one_ thing.


The scout pilots in your game are dogfighting.


Oh, yeah, sure, the Gunship can 'barrel roll away' ... saaay, don't scouts get that too? And nifty engine cooldowns? Not having invested in the FOTM Sting/Flashfire yet, I don't know how things look at that end, but while a Blackbolt can't quite melt a non-fresh GS in one pass, it can certainly get it scrambling real fast. Damping sensors, the appropriate crewmember, and oh, _not flying into the pack of enemies who could spot you/comm your location like a moron_ are important. The little targeting window that -shows the direction the enemy is facing_ is important too.


It's kind of similar to how the situation was on Domination even before the current patch. Scouts would dogfight all over the place rather than booming and zooming and being objective fighters. It's an objective game again, only this time the objectives are gunships.

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yeeeah... i use a scout exclusively, i use that tactic often, it did not work against co-ordinated Gunships Spawn Camping... any other bright ideas?..


Any team with any ship set up that coordinates will stomp. Are you coordinating yourself? Why are you just using one specific ship? Have you tried using a Gunship yourself?

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Okay, so tell me, are you NOT consistently at the top of the K/D ratio in every match you play? Have you ever seen a scout at the top?


I regularly see scouts at the top of K/D ratio, no of kills and no of assists. I always fly a scout and I'm regularly in the top 3 pilots in a match. In Domination matches I often do not die at all. Last night I played my first two Deathmatches, in the first I came top and in the second I came second. In both matches I killed gunship after gunship. It was GLORIOUS!


I'm not normally the type of person to say l2p but from the start of GS I have seen threads that gunships are OP, threads that say scouts are OP and now threads that say bombers are OP. My conclusion is that scouts and gunships are balanced (probably bombers too) but perhaps strike fighters need a small boost. Groups of players working together stomp all over a team where everyone works solo - omg what a surprise! Work with your team mates, stop being lemmings and... l2p tbh.

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A lot of people aren't seeing the problem yet because there are so many new players in Scouts and Strikes that are easy fodder for other Scouts and Strikes.


But as the pilot population matures you're going to see a change. Without capture points that double as cover like in Domination, more and more you will see organized mass groups of Gunships that can completely dominate areas.

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I have a thread called "Awesome things that would make GSF great" that offers some ideas to fix certain problems and I would love the input of the people in this thread because one of the problems I address is GS's in death match and I think i have a solution to it.
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