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Money making idea to fix GF


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I got an idea that is a win-win for Swtor.


Sell fleet requisition for cartel coins. The money will come pouring in and the imps that are sick of losing but would like to play if only they had a chance to win buy there ships better balancing GSF!


I'm not sure you're aware, but you can effectively already do this. It's hidden behind a few hurdles, and it actually requires you to at least fly 1/10th of the amount it would take without cartel coins.


Step 1. Buy all the cartel ships. 18$ each or some of them for as cheap as 90k credits on the GTN.

Step 2. If you have fleet req, buy more ships. If not, do the below:

Step 2. Turn in the "introduction to Starfighter" quest for 2k or weekly 2.5k for EACH SHIP.

Step 3. Click "Pay-to-win" button in top right of Hanger window next to battle-stats button.

Step 4. Click "convert all"

Step 5. Repeat Step 2 through 4 for a few dailys and a weekly.

Step 6. Use your many thousands of fleet req in place of ship-req on the ship you actually want max'd.

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I'm not sure you're aware, but you can effectively already do this. It's hidden behind a few hurdles, and it actually requires you to at least fly 1/10th of the amount it would take without cartel coins.


Step 1. Buy all the cartel ships. 18$ each or some of them for as cheap as 90k credits on the GTN.

Step 2. If you have fleet req, buy more ships. If not, do the below:

Step 2. Turn in the "introduction to Starfighter" quest for 2k or weekly 2.5k for EACH SHIP.

Step 3. Click "Pay-to-win" button in top right of Hanger window next to battle-stats button.

Step 4. Click "convert all"

Step 5. Repeat Step 2 through 4 for a few dailys and a weekly.

Step 6. Use your many thousands of fleet req in place of ship-req on the ship you actually want max'd.


I was talking about something more direct like...


Step 1) Punch in your credit card information and select cartel coin amount.


Step 2) Spend cartel coins on fleet requisition amount of your choosing.


Step 3) Upgrade your ship and if you still can't win it's all a matter of skill and team work now so put together a team and keep trying.

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So let me get this straight... GSF is right now a "Pay 2 Upgrade Faster" (With the cartel ships getting 10% req + you can convert req from other ships by only doing few matches and getting the daily/weekly done). And now you want to turn it into "Pay 2 Get everything with no effort".


Sorry but no.


Edit: Some typo mistakes

Edited by AAntan
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So let me get this straight... GSF is right now a "Pay 2 Upgrade Faster" (With the cartel ships getting 10% req + you can convert req from other ships by only doing few matches and getting the daily/weekly done). And now you want to turn it into "Pay 2 Get everything with no effort".


Sorry but no.


Edit: Some typo mistakes


The people who make the decisions also make the profits from the game... This idea is pure profit for them and they are in business to make profit. Truth be told anything that balances the factions and evens the odds is good in my book even this.

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i have 10 ships on each of two characters bought with a combination of CC, Fleet Req and credits on the GTN. I daresay my fleet will increase a further three ships on each faction in due course, but I'm not in any hurry. Bombers don't sound too attractive to me.


It really doesn't take very long to master a ship. given than many of the really useful upgrades come in the first few tiers, upgrading a ship to a point where anyone with any skill will blast fully mastered ships out of the sky is a matter of, maybe, 20k'ish requisition. after that, it's all just so much expensive gravy.

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As fun as it would be to max a ship out very quickly, I don't like the idea. It is the same as power leveling or just buying a max level toon. You max a ship without learning how to play it first. It won't help your piloting skills at all. Have patience and play the game. It doesn't take long to get components you need to help you compete more evenly against the mastered ships.
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Having a mastered ship won't make you a better pilot OP. Yea, I know who you are in game....


Who am I in game? Come on answer that or for ever be known as a liar on the boards.


Who I am in game is not a secret and I happen to do OK against the premades most of the time. I am not new to it and I am working on mastering my 3rd ship. I only seek to make things a little less brutal and a lot more fair for newer players for a very simple reason. They are quitting GSF in droves and I want them to enjoy it and play so that I can queue. I want them to like it so that they get better and help me beat the republic once in a while.

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Who am I in game? Come on answer that or for ever be known as a liar on the boards.


Internet tough guy alert.


As much as I dislike the amount of gating there is for new players and the huge gap in ship power (I have a mastered bomber, three mastered scouts, a mastered gunship, a mastered strike fighter, and an additional gunship and two scouts near mastery, whereas most players have two ships), I don't think encouraging them to pay large amounts of money is the solution. For a lot of players, this simply isn't an option at all because they can't afford to spend that money on the game. Good food, good drink, and good company are all more important, after all.

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Internet tough guy alert.


As much as I dislike the amount of gating there is for new players and the huge gap in ship power (I have a mastered bomber, three mastered scouts, a mastered gunship, a mastered strike fighter, and an additional gunship and two scouts near mastery, whereas most players have two ships), I don't think encouraging them to pay large amounts of money is the solution. For a lot of players, this simply isn't an option at all because they can't afford to spend that money on the game. Good food, good drink, and good company are all more important, after all.


I'm not an internet tough guy by any means cupcake, I was just catching your Girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever in a lie. Or maybe I just wanted to hear her say my name. Either way so satisfying.


And why not encourage them to pay extra money the dev's may be able to afford programmers that can put match making in the game or install voip or nerf your new shiny mastered bomber for you.

Edited by HoloGrinder
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I'm not an internet tough guy by any means cupcake, I was just catching your Girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever in a lie. Or maybe I just wanted to hear her say my name. Either way so satisfying.


You're sure acting like one.


And why not encourage them to pay extra money the dev's may be able to afford programmers that can put match making in the game or install voip or nerf your new shiny mastered bomber for you.


I'm pretty sure I addressed that. Do you want to have an actual discussion or are you just using this thread as a front to spout propaganda?

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You're sure acting like one.




I'm pretty sure I addressed that. Do you want to have an actual discussion or are you just using this thread as a front to spout propaganda?


My apologies if i come off as a tough guy. I have been fighting off bashers that don't want me speaking out against there good farming practices. Also as a construction worker (Union Boilermaker) I have been told that I come across as a bit rough in person.


I am trying to have a discussion because I am disheartened by the droves of people that refuse to play GSF and I want that to be fixed. My ideas are not always the best and I have a tendency to beat a dead hoarse so lets start fresh. I just posted a new thread "Awesome changes that would make GSF great" and i made a strong effort to eliminate any propaganda. I would like your input in it as I realize that I may be hurting my cause by being to argumentative.

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I got an idea that is a win-win for Swtor.


Sell fleet requisition for cartel coins. The money will come pouring in and the imps that are sick of losing but would like to play if only they had a chance to win buy there ships better balancing GSF!

As others have said, you can already basically do this. It would also not accomplish anything but proving that it's experience rather than gear that matters in GSF. The good players are just as good in stock ships as they are in mastered ones.

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I got an idea that is a win-win for Swtor.


Sell fleet requisition for cartel coins. The money will come pouring in and the imps that are sick of losing but would like to play if only they had a chance to win buy there ships better balancing GSF!


They already do. You can convert ship req into fleet req. and this is just pay to win. Have money? get kills. Dont have money? enjoy dying. this isn't a fix. its an exacerbation.

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As fun as it would be to max a ship out very quickly, I don't like the idea. It is the same as power leveling or just buying a max level toon. You max a ship without learning how to play it first. It won't help your piloting skills at all. Have patience and play the game. It doesn't take long to get components you need to help you compete more evenly against the mastered ships.


It was just an idea. I am looking for better ones but mainly I am trying to convey the problems that are breaking GSF to the devs in hope that something will be done to fix it and save GSF.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree that there is a serious match-making problem with GFS, I have played both pub and Imp side, (so i could confirm this) as well has have a char that I upgraded my ships (all minor components and some major) and one that i played just basic ships, and these are my findings


35% of the time is Satellite Objective play

65% of the time is Death match.


85% of the time you are at a HUGE disadvantage against the other team

10% of the time you have the advantage

5% of the time the teams are matched


** For the above percentile , we were talking about teams of 10 normally where one side would have 4-5 with 4-5 ships while the other would have 1 maybe 2 with 4, and the rest were the two basic ships.


90% if the time there is little to NO teamwork among the people (save those qued together)

10% of the time you great a great team (sadly this % normally falls into the 85% where your outmatched)


Now before you start ranting, Yes, i know you would love to believe that 10 level 1s with skill can take down a 2 lvl 10s without. . fact is your wrong. because them lvl 10s , they are both running the 5k bombers, both with 2 rail gun drones and missile drones, and your scout/strikes are screwed, :)


I would love to say its ability, skill, and teamwork that wins GFS, but its folly, its really your % chance to get on the team that has the people with 5-6 ships, and upgraded to Thor's Hammer Status.


And the funniest (and proly most INSANE) thing i have discovered, is that I keep going back , thinking that maybe this time, myself and my few guildies wont be put up against Death Star's , and 95% of the time im wrong, but the 5% of games where the teams are matched, they are EPIC, they are fun, and you come out win or loss going , damn .. that was a blast.. reque!


My hope is that GFS is still newer, and they are working out the bugs and the like, its still great fun to play , even when over matched , but ive seen death matches go 1 - 50 , (which is just a horrible time) and Sat teams that even though the win is assured, go for the 3 cap just to be douche bags and not allow the basic people hardly any req, (which shouldnt be the case)

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