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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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I can't begin to mention how many times I've held mid against numerous zergs with just two or three allies as a healer. Learn to stand at the back, use your rest ability when not in combat, and, oh ya, l2p.


I'm enjoying thoroughly the fact that I'm not a god that can put my back to a wall and outheal three dps beating on me from the top pvp guild on the server for five minutes before they give up and run away- having to actually be good to be a good pvp healer is going to make the game so much more enjoyable.


The only thing I can agree on is the frames needing some work- but, I imagine the UI is going to be high priority for the next big patch, since it's a fairly constant point of concern. Dual targetting would be nice too, but I have managed without it.

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Not right? Being able to outheal a lot of damage is not right. If you do not protect your healers -> you're down, right after the healer died. Fact since PVP was introduced properly. Don't know where you PVP'd all the time, but spamming heal and hoping to survive is not gonna work.


What's the point of a healer if he cannot negate he damage of at least one dps class? Ill answer. There is none. Just get another DPS and you are better off. That's fundamentally flawed. Look at the score boards at the end of warzones, top healers have half the healing the top DPSers have in damage.


To that, add the fact that everyone has interrupts and cc and the fact that just about every heal has a very long cast time.


Healing aint that fun eh atm.

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This is the trend in pvp for healers.


1) You are ecpected to follow everyone else and be there healbot

2) You are expected to heal everyone else and tank the other team

3) You are suppose to defend yourself while tanking 3+ players and healing your team

4) You are not expected to survive one vs one when all healers are focussed fired all the time.


Best advice I can give is do not go healing and go dps with enough heals for yourself.


Healing is neither appreciated or wanted. Frag fests is what pvp has become in every game.


yes. this.

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I am max lvl and I've seen healers hold their own against one, sometimes two, dps players. It is not undertuned at all. Don't make any assumptions until you have all your skills and talents. If you are losing out to a higher lvl person in pvp it is either because you don't know what you are doing or you don't have as many skills and talents as them.


Be patient and wait for when everyone is 50 and has all their crap figured out.

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The system is based on group PvP, as most games now days are. If you had a healer who could easily stand there and heal, then when they are guarded and properly defended, they would be on a whole new unfair level. Tanks are your friends and make it damn hard to kill anyone they are guarding.


Hell, even a good dps specd class with a taunt who actually played properly could change your entire experience. You say you played at 2700, how would those matches go if nobody on your team peeled and you got trained the entire game? Same thing here.

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i started playing as a healer since lvl 10, im now lvl 50 and still play as a healer, and i really enjoy it. Made a new personal record doing 443k healing in a WZ the other day, i rarely see anyone doing 443k dmg however i rarely look at the dmg.


Anyway im a healing commando, and i got no trouble with healing in WZ.

Edited by Screek
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Here's my thoughts.


Healing in general is very low, which I prefer. What I cannot stand is overhealing, which many many games possess.


The self healing is actually fine, the real issue here is some specs having insane burst dps from ranged. That's where the issues lie.


The insane burst some ranged classes posses should be given to the melee's, and the range class (at least the 2 non force classes) should be cut considerably.


1 healer by themselves, without being cc'd or interupted, should be able to at least draw even with a ranged dpser. at present it's easily 70/30 in a bounty/troopers favor. There is very little hope of outhealing 1 dpser, your only hope is having los/a tank to shield you.


Unless your team is utterly dominating the other team, half the heals end up as self healing.


So, my solution.


1. reduce range burst dps of some classes. (obvious which).


2. give pure healers more self protection. a 10s reduce dmg cast on 1min cd would suffice, like the one tanks get. i see no reason why a healer cannot have it, but also have it castable on others.


Either way, playing a healer is quite painful at present and very frustrating unless your team is dominating, in which case you'd enjoy any class or spec anyway.

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Wow, there are a bunch of snotty replies in this thread. The problem I have with healing is:


1. The ui sucks. Half the time it doesn't accurately show people's hp and it is unusually hard to actually target people.


2. It is too easy to interrupt a healer. There are just too many stuns, knock downs, knock backs, pulls, and interrupts. By itself, this wouldn't be all that bad, except that most classes are extremely mobile and (more importantly) most classes have hard hitting instant attacks that ALSO do some form of cc. Realistically, you could run up to a healer and just smash your head on the keyboard and have a good chance of interrupting them. My cc immunity never kicks in before I'm dead. The only time I've seen it do anything is when a tank is being healed while using a cool down.


3. AE damage is insane! AE attacks hit as hard, or almost as hard, as the single target. It's nuts.


A final word: alot of you guys are being *****. Just based on what I've observed in bgs, there aren't many healers. I think some of you folks have zero idea what you're talking about when your first response to op is that he need to l2p. You want to distance yourself from wow? Than divorce yourselves from the elitist ******** attitude that was so common there and exhibit a modicum of maturity and respect.

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I've started outhealing the DPS but still getting no MVP votes even though my strategy in Warzones is to pick a person, stick with them and heal them to buggery.... so I should at least get ONE MVP vote, those dying around my person will also get assistance and the rule goes out the window in hutt ball if my Republic team actually get the ball :)


I do find though that once you've been marked by the other team as a healer, you can be healing a person and they'll just ignore you when you're getting pummeled and stunned by the other team. At which point, it's time to move on to a new healing friend.


It's fun when you get one person having a go at you while the team around you are fighting off the others... you can heal yourself and wait for your team members to finish up before they start on the guy that just doesn't get that you ain't dying anytime soon :)

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I think it really comes down to not trying to do too much.


At least in wow, if you wanted to help capture a flag, or objective, you could do it as a healer (or at least help close by). In this game, 90% of the time you can absolutely not do this. It's better to find a spot flanked off to the side, in a route generally not traveled (Hutt Ball sides where the heal boosts are) and you can chain from there.


The problem is this is not engaging gameplay. You feel helpless and a lot of times just watch your team lose without being able to accomplish anything. It kind of sucks. Then, when you do need to get into position because you're losing range or getting LoS'd, you get trained pretty badly unless you have defensive CC ready (offensive CC is a waste as a healer in this game as it will screw you later on).


That brings me to my other point, the ranges desparately need to be adjusted. If you're going to give practically every class a sprint or gap closer, and a major knockback or aoe CC on a low CD, the ranges for those AoE CCs need to be decreased and healing ranges need to be increased. Bottom line. When I see 2 DPS attacking my teammate (who I'm healing), and one sees me and swtiches to me, before another cast can be completed he's within CC range. This is bad. At least in WoW, and other games, you can sit back at max range (40 yards) and outside of a gap closer. This can't happen in this game if you want to be in range of someone to heal.

Edited by Adornus
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Healing is still strong. Teams with healers do better than teams without.


Quite frankly healing has been insanely overpowered in mmo's for a long time. Look at wow for example. That game is a giant healfest and quite frankly its not fun.


If I had it my way healing would be even weaker.

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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


Wait so if I'm getting this right, you are saying healing sucks in TOR because it is not like WoWs healing?


What unresponsive targeting system? yeah no wonder you won't get into that, because you pulled that statement out of your schving schving.


Raid frames aren't perfect and the UI could use some restructuring as a whole, but it doesn't break the game for healers.


You are QQing that your healer can not take damage like a tank can. Sit down think about that, and let it sink in. Next time you PvP stay like 10-20 meters away from all the main action.



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Raid frames aren't perfect and the UI could use some restructuring as a whole, but it doesn't break the game for healers.

Are you stupid? Raid frames are the most important thing for a healers. Being able to triage correctly and know where to focus is our number one priority. With ****** targeting (which fails a lot) and raid frames that don't update (or don't even display all of the players - my favorite), how are you supposed to do your job properly?

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This is not wow. This is, thank god, not Rift. PVP healing always, ALWAYS ruins the experience when you have some body just standing there healing through damage. Please go back to WOW if this is your biggest concern.


That doesn't happen to good players in any game and never has

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My favorite.


Slow to respond and unresponsive are two separate things. I still don't understand why people get so butt hurt over a quarter second of a delay... that's 1/4 of one second. Is ADHD really starting to become that prevalent that most people can't wait a quarter second to see an animation occur?


And if the delay is happening for everybody then it IS balanced. *sigh*


Also for those who don't know how coding or IT integration work, there will always be a delay that has nothing to do w/ FPS or latency. Mostly because of the time it takes for a signal to travel from your hardrive to one of EA's servers. This usually independent from latency and has more to do with bus speed. Maybe EA bought some crappy servers? It wouldn't surprise me.


Anyway sorry for the thread Hijack :D

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Slow to respond and unresponsive are two separate things. I still don't understand why people get so butt hurt over a quarter second of a delay... that's 1/4 of one second. Is ADHD really starting to become that prevalent that most people can't wait a quarter second to see an animation occur?


And if the delay is happening for everybody then it IS balanced. *sigh*


Also for those who don't know how coding or IT integration work, there will always be a delay that has nothing to do w/ FPS or latency. Mostly because of the time it takes for a signal to travel from your hardrive to one of EA's servers. This usually independent from latency and has more to do with bus speed. Maybe EA bought some crappy servers? It wouldn't surprise me.


Anyway sorry for the thread Hijack :D


None of this happens in World of Warcraft, the end.

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Are you stupid? Raid frames are the most important thing for a healers. Being able to triage correctly and know where to focus is our number one priority. With ****** targeting (which fails a lot) and raid frames that don't update (or don't even display all of the players - my favorite), how are you supposed to do your job properly?


No, but you look like you are a few IQ points short of double digits. Raid frames display all the players, I've never had an instance otherwise. Your focus should be on the tank and doing OH on DPS when needed. The raid frames do update, albeit a little slow, but not slow enough where all the players are dead before you realize; ZOMG who were Iz healingz?!1


Also as far as targeting goes, you have a tab button, its on the left hand side of your keyboard, use it. You may actually find it easier than having to use your brain, since that is really what you are complaining about.

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No, but you look like you are a few IQ points short of double digits. Raid frames display all the players, I've never had an instance otherwise. .


It's even funnier when he pretends that multiple known bugs don't exist.


Rabid, hungry fanboy out hunting.

Edited by CHRISGG
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Everyones health stays at 100 percent and doesn't show the damage they are taking. If they get that fixed i'll probably try again. Right now I can't tell who needs heals unless I manually target their toon. Edited by -Ransome-
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